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bd34d59 That monstrosity you honour with your name - which is also mine, thank you! name no-more-parades parade-s-end Ford Madox Ford
aad6dfb She warned him that, if he got killed, she should cut down the great cedar at the south-west corner of Groby. It kept all the light out of the principal drawing-room and the bedrooms above it.... He winced: he certainly winced at that. She regretted that she had said it. It was along other lines that she desired to make him wince. cutting no-more-parades parade-s-end sylvia-tietjens tree warning wince Ford Madox Ford
2f172a4 It was probably indecent to think of a corpse as impotent. But he was, very likely. That would be why his wife had taken up with the prize-fighter Red Evans Williams of Castell Goch. dead-man indecent no-more-parades parade-s-end Ford Madox Ford
cddafae being a miner he sat on his heels more comfortably than on a chair no-more-parades parade-s-end Ford Madox Ford
3d9de0b But always, at moments when his mind was like a blind octopus, squirming in an agony of knife-cuts, she would drop in that accusation. mind no-more-parades octopus parade-s-end Ford Madox Ford
b029f05 But to betray her with battalion... That is against decency, against Nature...And for him, Christopher tietjens, to come down to the level of the men you met here! betrayal indecency loyalty no-more-parades parade-s-end sylvia-tietjens Ford Madox Ford
dc86bb4 I Tietjens, ktory nie nienawidzil nikogo, majac przed soba prostolinijnego czlowieka typu szkolnego kolegi, zaczal rozmyslac nad tym, jak to ludzkosc traktowana jednostkowo byla niemal zawsze sympatyczna, w swej masie zas stawala sie zjawiskiem ohydnym. mankind parade-s-end some-do-not Ford Madox Ford
68e184c Przepraszam, ze bylam dla pana nieuprzejma. Ale to naprawde irytujace, ze stoi sie jak wypchany krolik, podczas gdy mezczyzna odgrywa Prawdziwego Dzentelmena, chlodnego i zorganizowanego, z cala poza ziemianina i wszystkim. parade-s-end some-do-not stuffed-rabbit valentine-wannop Ford Madox Ford
993a65a Dziwna to byla przyjazn, ale dziwnosc przyjazni czesto gwarantuje jej trwalosc. in-polish parade-s-end some-do-not Ford Madox Ford
e7aaa15 Chodz, napijemy sie ginu. Oto prawdziwa odpowiedz na wszystkie parszywe problemy. answer general-campion gin parade-s-end problems some-do-not Ford Madox Ford
92eb28d - A! Te wojne bedzie warto zobaczyc... Zadnego pijanego rzucania sie do gardel bandytow-imbecyli... - Moja matka by zwariowala! - powiedziala Sylwia. - Bynajmniej - odparl. - To ja podnieci, o ile dozyje. excite parade-s-end some-do-not sylvia-tietjens war Ford Madox Ford