It's an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco. It must be a delightful city and possess all the attractions of the next world.
It was the kind of town that made you feel like Humphrey Bogart: you came in on a bumpy little plane, and, for some mysterious reason, got a private room with balcony overlooking the town and the harbor; then you sat there and drank until something happened.
I liked the idea of living in a city -- any city, especially a strange one -- liked the thought of traffic and crowds, of working in a bookstore, waiting tables in a coffee shop, who knew what kind of solitary life I might slip into? Meals alone, walking the dogs in the evenings; and nobody knowing who I was.
There were many words that you could not stand to hear and finally only the names of places had dignity. Certain numbers were the same way and certain dates and these with the names of the places were all you could say and have them mean anything. Abstract words such as glory, honor, courage, or hallow were obscene beside the concrete names of villages, the numbers of roads, the names of rivers, the numbers of regiments and the dates.
Like so many named places in California it was less an identifiable city than a grouping of concepts--census tracts, special purpose bond-issue districts, shopping nuclei, all overlaid with access roads to its own freeway.
I talked about places, about the ways that we often talk about love of place, by which we mean our love for places, but seldom of how the places love us back, of what they give us. They give us continuity, something to return to, and offer a familiarity that allows some portion of our lives to remain connected and coherent... And distant places give us refuge in territories where our own histories aren't so deeply entrenched and we can imagine other stories, other selves, or just drink up quiet and respite.
Around 2 a.m. the snow started to fall. It was quite a lovely view and I breathed it in like I only do when I truly love something, and there was a small sadness creeping in through my chest because I knew I would have to leave it, go back to my basement with no stars in sight. But I pushed it aside because those moments are rare and I'm happy because now I know this place exists and that's all you need sometimes. You need to know that lovely places exist and you can go there, when things go wrong, and it's a place of solace.
Guaravacan del Guaicui: vossignoria prenda nota di questo nome. Ma, non esiste piu, non si trova - ultimamente, quel posto si chiama Caixeiropoli; e dicono che la adesso ci vengono le febbri. In quel tempo, no. No che io mi ricordi. Ma fu in quel luogo, in quel tempo, che il mio destino fu suggellato. E possibile che ci sia un punto definito, da cui uno non puo piu tornare indietro? Traversia della mia vita. Guaravacan - vossignoria veda, vossignoria scriva. Le grandi cose, prima che accadano. Adesso, il mondo vuol restare senza sertao. [...] Quel luogo, l'aria. [...] Il vento e verde. Li, nell'intervallo, uno prende il silenzio e se lo mette sulle ginocchia. Io sono di dove nacqui. Sono di altri luoghi. Ma, la, a Guaravacan, io stavo bene.