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eb5e606 "I love acronyms, don't you? They are quick and easy tools for remembering important lessons that are too good to forget. The PEACE acronym goes straight to the heart of the matter for delivering "Service Beyond Self." When you do this one thing, you will increase your opportunities, earn loyalty and respect, and rock your first and last impressions. Persistently Exceed All Customer Expectations" -- positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
883d080 "13 Simple Ways to Deliver Service Beyond Self 1. Make it Easy for People to Do Business with You. 2. Be an Awesome, Sincere Listener. 3. Listen to Customers' Words and tone of voice, body language, and how they feel. Ask questions, listen, and meet them on their level. Explain, guide, educate, assist and do what is necessary to help them get the information they need to fully understand regarding their question or issue. 4. Show Enthusiasm. Greet customers with genuine interest. Give them your best. Think, act, and talk with positive enthusiasm and you will attract positive results. Your attitude is contagious! 5. Identify and Anticipate Needs. Most customer needs are more emotional rather than logical. 6. Under Promise & Over Deliver. Apply the principle of "Service Beyond Self" . . . give more than expected. Meet and exceed their expectations. If you can't serve their needs, connect them with whoever can. 7. Make them Feel Important. Our deepest desire is to feel important. People rarely care how much you know until they know how much you care. Use their names, find ways to compliment them--and be sincere. 8. Take Responsibility for their Satisfaction. Do whatever is necessary to help them solve their problems. Let them know that if they can't find answers to their questions to come back to you for help. 9. Treat your TEAM well. Fellow colleagues are your internal customers and need a regular dose of appreciation. Thank them and find ways to let them know how important they are. Treat your colleagues with respect; chances are they will have a higher regard for customers. 10. Choose an Attitude of Gratitude. Gratitude changes your perspective and helps you appreciate the good rather than simply taking it for granted. 11. Perform, Provide and Follow-Up. Always perform or provide your service in a spirit of excellence and integrity. If you say you're going to do something--DO IT! There is tremendous value in being a resource for your customer. If you can help them to succeed, they are more likely to help you succeed. 12. Use Gracious Words. "Thank you, thank you very much." -- positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
207e071 Initiative is The Start of All Good Things. Your ship will never come in if you don't send any out. Have you ever found yourself dreaming, hoping, and waiting passively for things to change or for your life to get better? selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
a44ef3d Do you ever sit back and wonder how and why other people are so successful, productive, or accomplished? What is the driver that inspires them to go for the gold, seize opportunities, and make things happen? selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
5a0d597 "Be the Inviter "When I began my speaking career, I designed and delivered motivational programs for children teaching them success skills for life. Before going into a middle school one year, I interviewed the principal, Alexis Tibbetts, to ask what words of wisdom her students desperately needed to hear from me. She shared, "Kids can be so cruel. Some of the children never feel included or a part of something special. Please tell them that rather than being lonely and getting their feelings hurt, they can start doing the inviting." Her words were spot-on. Alexis went on to become a well-loved superintendent of schools in Okaloosa County, Florida. Her words of wisdom were game-changing for her students. They can be game-changing for you as well." selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
b3d61b1 "Rather than being green with envy, realize that a dramatic difference between the "haves" and "have-nots" is the "do" and "do-nots." If you are seeking positive change and transformation, what can you begin to do?" -- selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
424a23a Introduce Yourself. Being confident and outgoing will empower you to approach new people who might be reluctant to take the first step. It is amazing how many people we come in contact with yet pass like ships in the night without any engagement or connection. selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
521ff1e Why Do Some People NOT Take Initiative? * They have a FEAR of . . . rejection, looking stupid, failing, criticism, getting out of their comfort zone, or imposing on other people. * They are unmotivated or uninspired. * They get stuck in negativity, confusion, stress, or doubt. * They don't want to upset the apple cart or the status quo. * They are lazy, disengaged, or indifferent. * They have LACK of . . . energy, desire, confidence, self-esteem, skills, creativity, imagination, connections, resources, education. selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
f3fd8f6 The first step in getting unstuck and moving forward is to examine what is holding you back from taking action. The power is yours to set your intention and take the action needed to create the life you desire. You are in control of your initiative--be proactive. selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
be9a0e7 "Mingle * Be the connector--introduce people to each other who may not otherwise connect. * Be a conversation fire starter; point out what people have in common as you are introducing them. * Seek out the folks who may appear to be shy, or awkward, or wallflowers. Find ways to build trust and comfort. Engage them with a kind word to pull them out of their shell. * Arrive early and stay late; connect with people before and after your event. * Stretch beyond your comfort zone to speak with, sit with, and start conversations with people whom you do not know. * Offer to refill someone's drink or clear their plate. * Encourage introductions: "There is someone whom I would love for you to meet . . ." selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
913edf4 "You're Not Alone When I was speaking to thousands of teenagers a year, I interviewed my niece Sarah Jane, who was a high school student at the time. I asked, "What do you think would be helpful for kids to know that would make a difference in their lives." She said, "I was terrified, but I put on a happy face so that no one else would know. What I didn't realize is that everyone else was as scared as I was." Knowing others may feel the same way as you can make social situations feel less awkward. When approaching new people, find ways to put those at ease who might be reluctant to approach us otherwise. Where Can You Begin to Mix, Mingle & Glow?" selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
e238235 Glow What can you do and how can you be in order to bring out the best in others and truly help them shine? * Be complimentary; say something nice. * Be a great listener and make them feel like you are hanging on every word. * Create enthusiasm and anticipation for the person they are getting ready to meet. * Act as you have personally invited them to the party and help ensure they have a wonderful time. * Give people an experience, not just a conversation selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
a4f43c8 "Be the "Liker" "If you want to be liked, BE THE LIKER!" This was some of the best advice my enlightened mother ever gave me. Throughout my childhood, teen years, and adulthood, this golden nugget of simple wisdom empowered me to take personal responsibility for developing friendships. When you want to reach out, make new friends, and increase your likeability factor, step up and "like" others first. They will usually mirror your initiative and like you back." selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
b4c22a9 Take the initiative to introduce yourself. One morning I was sitting on a bike in a spinning class at my gym. There was a lady whom I did not know sitting on the bike next to me. As we waited for the instructor, I decided to break the silence and start a conversation. I took the initiative to introduce myself and within a few short minutes, I knew her children's names, how long she had lived in Madison, which exercise classes she preferred, and where they went for Christmas. When the class was over, I confirmed that I remembered her name correctly, reminded her of mine and shared that it was a true pleasure meeting her. A simple introduction turned a stranger into a fresh and delightful new acquaintance. selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
2667476 "Extend Invitations "How many times have you sat at home alone feeling jealous or sad that you were not invited to a party or out to dinner? You may have seen people having fun on Facebook and wondered what it would take to be included next time. And when you don't feel included, it can leave you feeling rejected, dismissed, lonely and excluded. It does not have to be this way. Why do we wait for others to do the inviting? You can change your social life instantly by taking the initiative to reach out and connect with someone." selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
2f0e0c0 "The road to hell" (in the metaphorical sense, of course), occurs when the people who have good intentions fail to act, follow-through, or live up to their promises, all of which creates stress, frustration, and disappointment. People can be earnest and well-meaning, but their words become hollow when actions do not follow their words. By setting good intentions and taking deliberate action to back intentions up, you can transform your results." selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
74da28e First, take complete responsibility for your life and current outcomes. Then take proactive steps for the necessary action to move forward in your desired direction. This personal choice is at the heart of your achieving impressive results. Taking initiative is the start of all good things born from action . . . * Growth * Creativity * Enterprise * Invention * Success * Solutions * Accomplishment * Development * Positive Change * Transformation selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
2a997f1 "Just Show Up. Guess what? Being in the right place at the right time can't happen without your first showing up. Companies have been started, marriages made, friendships found, careers created, and opportunities seized by those people who just showed up. Whether through coincidence, serendipity, strategy, or fate, taking the initiative to show up will reward you in ways which never would have occurred if you hadn't. Just by showing up, you have taken a proactive step to impress people by being there" in person" and demonstrating your willingness to be involved." selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
d8b2e2e Have you ever had a friend in need whose only request was the gift of your presence? When major life changes happen or tragedies hit, you can find out very quickly who your real friends are because they are the ones who SHOW UP. selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
232d2e2 Imagine how many new friends you would make, how much new business you could create, and how much fun you could have by simply taking the initiative to be the inviter. selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
fec600d Imagine how many new friends you would make, how much new business you could create, and how much fun you could have by simply taking the initiative to be the inviter. Try it today. Welcome new relationships into your life that would never have occurred otherwise. selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
288753b "I disagree with the adage, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Good intentions are powerful mindsets which will drive your actions to accomplish the results you want. Setting good intentions sets you up for success by providing you with a vision and a plan to "get 'er done" and make it happen!" selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
17249cd ASK YOURSELF: Do you remember a gracious hostess, an engaging guest, or someone who worked the room like a honey bee in a flower garden? They would glide from one person to the next, spreading good will and cheer, being the glue that brought everyone together with ease. selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
e47e416 "Mix * Be situationally aware and pay attention to the people in the room. * Introduce guests or help strike up a conversation. * Be the one who takes the initiative and makes and effort to "work the room." * Make eye contact and acknowledge others with a smile and friendly gestures. * Greet people as they arrive, even if it is not your expected role. * Spot the people who may be first timers or guests and help them feel more welcomed and embraced." selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
46a4b8b To Move from Woe to Wow with an Unhappy Customer. . . Thank the Customer! * Thank them for bringing his or her concerns to your attention. * Treat them with respect and empathy. * Avoid further inconvenience to them. positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
40bc664 "12 Simple Ways to Deliver Service Beyond Self 1. Make it Easy for People to Do Business with You. 2. Be an Awesome, Sincere Listener. 3. Listen to Customers' Words and tone of voice, body language, and how they feel. Ask questions, listen, and meet them on their level. Explain, guide, educate, assist and do what is necessary to help them get the information they need to fully understand regarding their question or issue. 4. Show Enthusiasm. Greet customers with genuine interest. Give them your best. Think, act, and talk with positive enthusiasm and you will attract positive results. Your attitude is contagious! 5. Identify and Anticipate Needs. Most customer needs are more emotional rather than logical. 6. Under Promise & Over Deliver. Apply the principle of "Service Beyond Self" . . . give more than expected. Meet and exceed their expectations. If you can't serve their needs, connect them with whoever can. 7. Make them Feel Important. Our deepest desire is to feel important. People rarely care how much you know until they know how much you care. Use their names, find ways to compliment them--and be sincere. 8. Take Responsibility for their Satisfaction. Do whatever is necessary to help them solve their problems. Let them know that if they can't find answers to their questions to come back to you for help. 9. Treat your TEAM well. Fellow colleagues are your internal customers and need a regular dose of appreciation. Thank them and find ways to let them know how important they are. Treat your colleagues with respect; chances are they will have a higher regard for customers. 10. Choose an Attitude of Gratitude. Gratitude changes your perspective and helps you appreciate the good rather than simply taking it for granted. 11. Perform, Provide and Follow-Up. Always perform or provide your service in a spirit of excellence and integrity. If you say you're going to do something--DO IT! There is tremendous value in being a resource for your customer. If you can help them to succeed, they are more likely to help you succeed. Use Gracious Words. "Thank you, thank you very much." positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
d261002 Decide today to take a stand, make a plan, and get. No one ever said it was going to be easy and wouldn't require effort. It will sometimes require that you go against the grain, face great challenge, conquer fear, overcome obstacles, and bounce back when knocked down. Choose to keep moving and don't give up. And if your ship still doesn't come in--swim out to it! selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
b05c383 What is the motive behind your services? If it is self-centered, self-serving, and lacking consideration for others, then earning people's trust, rapport, and business will inevitably be more of a struggle. A self-serving agenda throws up red flags which stop relationships dead in their tracks. It can destroy trust, make people wary of your intentions, and push customers to your competition. positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
82172ee "Years ago, my childhood friend Steve lost his father. Since Steve had left Tallahassee shortly after high school graduation, we had not seen each other for over a decade. Upon learning of his father's funeral, I made plans to attend to "be there." After the service, I approached the family's receiving line. When Steve saw me, he was stunned that I had made the effort to be there for him. We both cried as we hugged and he said, "I can't tell you what it means to me that you showed up." Showing up sends a message that you are a devoted friend, a team player, a dedicated parent, an inspiring leader, a loyal mate, and more." -- selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
b231516 "Ignoring his advice, I got up, walked over, gently rested my hands on two of their shoulders and said, "Ladies, I have to tell you how much you have impressed me. I just moved to Madison from Florida and left behind all my girlfriends. I have been sitting over there admiring your friendships. You remind me so much of my girlfriends back home and I had to come over and speak with you." And without missing a beat, I next asked, "Can I be your friend?" They were so impressed by my sincere request, they kindly opened their circle and invited me in." selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
5b27755 Begin to take the initiative when you want to meet someone new. Be the one who steps forward first. Simply say hello and begin a conversation. selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
9adb3da I spend a great deal of time on airplanes traveling from one speaking engagement to the next. There have been times when I have sat for hours next to strangers with whom I never made eye contact or uttered a word. But then I have also met people with whom I engaged in such delightful conversation that it resulted in new business and referrals. The main difference was whether or not I took initiative to begin a conversation. selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
bda264f "Hostess with the Mostest "Think of a time when you have had a party in your home or had friends over for dinner. Didn't you want to make sure they were nurtured, cared for, and well-taken care of? Didn't you want your guests to interact with each other and enjoy the experience so they would remember it fondly?" selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
4df5281 "Get in the Game "As soon as you say something can't be done, you will be passed by a person who is already doing it." - Unknown "Do you typically observe the game of life from the sidelines, sit in the penalty box, play your heart out on the field, or show up when the opportunity has already passed by and ask, "What happened?" Your answer to this question will reveal a lot about your initiative. Granted, various situations call for diverse levels of interest and engagement. However, if you want to rock your relationship results, it is going to require action, effort, initiative, and choosing to get in the game." selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes initiative Susan C. Young
29747cf "Presenting "Mix, Mingle & Glow" in a social context is a lovely way to describe how you can make a great first impression by taking the initiative to help other people shine. Think of the times when you have attended an event where there were a lot of people." selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
bc8102b In his book, Networking is a Contact Sport, Joe Sweeney advises that when you attend networking events, act as if it is your party and you are the host or hostess. By doing this, you will help others be at ease and demonstrate a heart of service and generosity. selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
fce0eca Inversely, when you are in a small group of people or friends and you don't make the effort to speak to everyone, it may be considered as rude. Rather than run the risk of people feeling neglected or dismissed, make the effort to Mix, Mingle, and Glow . . . selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
63c4b8f The Service Mindset. When I began my real estate career at the age of twenty-two, I had a fresh Bachelor's Degree in Marketing in one hand and 'a tiger by the tail' in the other. I was on a mission to be successful in life and in business and make a lot of money in the process. Every goal I set was about Me. Me. Me! I was driven by: How much money could I make? Which property listings paid the biggest commissions? How many calls did I need to make to schedule new appointments? How many listings did I need to have to hit my target? You can see where I am going with this! Working full-time, nights and weekends, seven days a week, I only made eleven thousand dollars in the first year! I was tired, disillusioned, and knew that I had to either change careers or massively shift my mindset. I chose the latter. I took ALL focus off me and re-directed my time, energy, and resources to serving my clients. Their hopes, needs, and desires became my primary focus. How could I help solve their problems? positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
0ac98b5 The Service Mindset. When I began my real estate career at the age of twenty-two, I had a fresh Bachelor's Degree in Marketing in one hand and 'a tiger by the tail' in the other. I was on a mission to be successful in life and in business and make a lot of money in the process. Every goal I set was about Me. Me. Me! I was driven by: How much money could I make? Which property listings paid the biggest commissions? How many calls did I need to make to schedule new appointments? How many listings did I need to have to hit my target? You can see where I am going with this! Working full-time, nights and weekends, seven days a week, I only made eleven thousand dollars in the first year! I was tired, disillusioned, and knew that I had to either change careers or massively shift my mindset. I chose the latter. I took ALL focus off me and re-directed my time, energy, and resources to serving my clients. Their hopes, needs, and desires became my primary focus. How could I help solve their problems? And then EVERYTHING began to turn around . . . positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
f763e57 Service Beyond Self is Essential for Success Because It . . . * Builds credibility, trust, and customer satisfaction. * Strengthens your personal reputation and public image. * Fosters goodwill and makes people feel appreciated. * Helps you build healthy relationships with others. * Nurtures collaboration, participation, and cooperation. * Reaffirms a continuity of service for quality assurance, integrity, and reliability. * Saves money--it costs less to keep existing customers than it does to create new ones. When you do it right the first time, you don't have to fix it the next time. * Improves communication and builds rapport. * Fosters mutual respect and understanding * By providing other people with what they want, you will get more of what you want! positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
1c99620 To Move from Woe to Wow . . . Listen Attentively * Be fully present and give your customer your full attention. * Stay calm and remain patient. * Do not interrupt or become defensive. * Let the customer express his or her concerns. * Nod your head and use affirming words to show that you are listening. * Repeat back and empathize, when necessary. This confirms your understanding of the problem or question. positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
829f600 Where my previous motivation had been a self-serving ambition, my new service mindset was dedicated to serving a vision greater than myself. Within a year, I quadrupled my income, and then I doubled it every year thereafter. This service mindset quickly taught me that by helping others achieve their goals, I could more easily achieve my own. positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young