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876d868 Swish and flick. sorcer stone J.K. Rowling
fbe7af0 "Oh, these people's minds work in strange ways, Petunia, they're not like you and me," said Uncle Vernon, trying to knock in a nail with the piece of fruitcake Aunt Petunia had just brought him." harry-potter j-k rowling sorcerer-s stone J.K. Rowling
0a64081 I wanted to feel the blood running back into my veins, even at the cost of annihilation. I wanted to shake the stone and light out of my system. I wanted the dark fecundity of nature, the deep well of the womb, silence, or else the lapping of the black waters of death. I wanted to be that night which the remorseless eye illuminated, a night diapered with stars and trailing comets. To be of night so frighteningly silent, so utterly incomprehensible and eloquent at the same time. Never more to speak or to listen or to think. blood eloquent fecundity incomprehensible light nature silence stars stone veins womb Henry Miller
b68acc0 "Lark: "You shouldn't yell at her." Frostpine: "Of course I should. Gods bless us all, Lark, but our Water dedicates would try the patience of a ." -- Dedicates Lark and Frostpine when the latter found out that the Water Temple had run out of warded boxes" lark patience stone Tamora Pierce
64b5cf1 They must take me for a fool, or even worse, a lunatic. And no wonder ,for I am so intensely conscious of my misfortune and my misery is so overwhelming that I am powerless to resist it and am being turned into stone, devoid of all knowledge or feeling. insane lunatic misery misfortune quixote stone windmills Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
961d9e8 When a stone is dropped into a pond, the water continues quivering even after the stone has sunk to the bottom. stone water Arthur Golden
b3d410d The man I am writing about is not famous. It may be that he never will be. It may be that when his life at last comes to an end he will leave no more trace of his sojourn on earth than a stone thrown into a river leaves on the surface of the water. lake life meaning razor-s-edge ripple river stone surface water W. Somerset Maugham
e7cedac Obedience is a foundational stepping-stone on the path of God's will. god obedience path stone will Elizabeth George
6cf372a a stone / which in its own archaic, simpleminded way / sees life as a chain of failed attempts. stone Wisława Szymborska
9171e34 STONE Let my heart turn to stone. Maybe then I can sleep without nightmares. May be then I can eat without a stomachache. Maybe then I can read without fear of an unhappy ending. Take the knife out of my heart and,please, let it turn to stone. heart life nightmares poetry stone unhappy-endings Lisa Schroeder
af26811 "Then this God does exist according to you?" "He does not exist, but He is. In the stone there is no pain, but in the fear of the stone is the pain. God is the pain of the fear of death. He who will conquer pain and terror will become himself a god." fear god pain stone terror Fyodor Dostoyevsky
4d2eaf5 Even the Doughskins had to admit it: in this world, only stone could claim to last. fantasy-world fantasy-young-adult portal-fantasy stone young-adult Cornelia Funke
bf54118 "Word has it . . . the stone is from Japan, it's very ancient, it belonged to a shogun in the eleventh century." - a taxidermist" ancient ancient-stone anthony-doerr eleventh-century japan shogun stone taxidermist Anthony Doerr