"Tohru: "Call a doctor, or a vet, or something! Mr. Postman! It's terrible! You see?! They're animals!" Mailman: "Well, uh, yes, they certainly are. Here's your mail." Tohru: "No, no, we've got to do something!" (Shigure in dog form grabs the letter.) Mailman: "I wish my dog was as smart. Good day!"
Tohru(thinking): There is an umeboshi-- on your back. Tohru (outloud): Maybe the reason people get jealous of eachother is because they can clearly see the umeboshi on other people's backs. I can see them too. I can see them perfectly. There is an amazing umeboshi on your back, Kyo-kun.
I know that happy things and fun things eventually come to an end. But things that are scary and sad come to an end, too. They always do. Even if you can't always believe that...please don't give up. Live. I want you to live. Even if you make a mistake. Even if you take the long way. It's still okay. Just please...please, live. Don't give up on pushing forward. Please. At least don't give up on that. Even if I'm not by your side, it's still okay. It's okay.