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62bb360 "Ignoring all the whispering couples around him, Vaughn taught me to bowl while I faked like I cared. We were both on the outs and I suspected he wanted to find a new buddy now that Judd was attached to his angel. Every time Tawny laughed, Vaughn's frown darkened. "You should be happy for them," I said as he guided me towards the alley. "I am. Fucking overwhelmed with happiness. Now, pay attention." When I flinched at his tone, Vaughn sighed. "It gets boring when your best friend is busy mating like a rabbit." "My best friend ditched me too, so I found new friends. Maybe you should too." "Crap no. Sounds like too much effort." I grinned. "You could play with Bailey. Here, she comes." Vaughn didn't even glance at the arriving blonde who threw her hands in the air. "I got dumped again! Men suck! I hate them all!" she cried, enjoying a hug from Tawny. "Who wants to set me up now?" "I thought you hated men," Tucker mumbled with his mouth full of a hot dog. "I do, but one of them has got to work, right? Everyone in the world gets someone good, but I get shit. It's not fair. I'm nicer than anyone ever." This comment elicited laughter from the crew including Vaughn who took my bowling ball and rolled it for me. "Look," he said," you got a strike. I'm an excellent teacher." "Best ever." nicest-ever tucker vaughn bowling teacher men-suck lark Bijou Hunter
03c3615 "Laughing, Bailey still put on a little frown. "I want a man to cuddle." Tucker stopped kissing Maddy long enough to look at Bailey. "Everyone needs love. Even the dipshit. I'll find someone for you." Tucker looked around. "How high are your standards?" Bailey opened her mouth and I knew a tirade of profanity was coming. Before she got started, I hugged her to me. "Tuck wants to help you. It's his asshole way of showing his love. Tell him thank you and we'll train him to be less of a jerk." Bailey took a deep breath and nodded. "Thank you, Tucker." A sober Tucker might have teased his sister, but the drunken version hugged her and told her that he would find someone great. Hot, big dick, money, good hair, the whole package. Cooper frowned at both me and Farah. "You two are having an adverse influence on the family. Fucking Sawyer said thank you earlier today. What's next? Will she say please?" Grinning, Farah cuddled up to Cooper." tawny tucker cooper-and-farah Bijou Hunter
ec84cd9 "Tucker entered the room and sighed. "Maddy's a hormonal mess. Can't wait until she pops the kid out and we're done with that moody shit." "I think chicks are still moody after they pop them out," Cooper said, studying me. "Judd thinks Tawny can figure out our mole." "Is she psychic?" Glancing at Tucker, I smiled. "You haven't gotten laid in days. You know you did something wrong, but you don't know what and Maddy won't tell you. Instead of just asking, you decided she's hormonal. Maybe you oughta ask and end the suspense, Tuck?" Tucker grinned. "Bring her so we can kill the mole and clean this shit up before Pop decides our balls ain't big enough to take over." Cooper sighed. "What about Farah?" Judd chewed on a piece of bacon and glanced at me. "Tell her Tawny is your assistant. Farah knows her sister can read people. If you don't find the mole soon, it's going to affect her too." Leaning back against a desk, Cooper crossed his muscular arms and stared at me. "What did you tell her?" he asked Judd, even though his eyes remained on me. "Nothing." "Fuck," Cooper muttered. "Fine, but if there's trouble, we get her out of the way." Judd rolled his eyes. "I wasn't planning on using my woman as a shield, boss. I'd let them shoot you before I let anything happen to her." Cooper smirked. "I'm glad I never got all stupid and whipped like you are now." Laughing so hard at his brother's bullshit, Tucker both farted and burped. Soon, everyone was laughing." tucker judd-and-tawny Bijou Hunter
b23e7fc "Hey, Dylan," I said, holding my orange ball. "You got rid of the Mohawk." Lark and Raven's stepbrother ran his hand over his bald head and sighed. "Yeah, I'd been thinking about going the business man route for a while. Kept going back and forth about cutting it. A few weeks ago, I got drunk at Lark's place. The sisters were nice enough to shave my head while I was passed out." Nearby, Raven laughed so hard she had trouble distracting Vaughn who was still trying to win the game. Dylan glared at her then shrugged. "Gonna let it grow out and play the average Joe shit." "Good luck with that," I said, glancing at the bathroom and hoping Bailey would appear. When she didn't, I walked to an open lane and rolled the ball. It took out a single pin which was one more than I expected. A lane away Raven struggled to win against Vaughn. She bent over one direction. When her ass didn't do it, she bent forward and adjusted her tits. A distracted Vaughn missed his strike with a single pin remaining. Before I could hear him complain and her celebrate, Cooper and Tucker appeared next to me. "I liked the way you handled that fucker," Tucker said, arms crossed tightly. "You always know how to deal with these losers while looking like a Boy Scout. A good skill to have." Ignoring them, I rolled the second ball and managed to take out three pins. A new record for me. "What's with the silent shit?" Tucker asked. Sighing, I looked at them and frowned. "I want to be with Bailey. We just started dating, but here I am jumping through hoops for you two. You do this shit with every guy?" "Most are losers," Cooper said. "Most never do the second date thing. They bang then hang. If they're lucky, she never mentions it to us and we don't kick anyone's ass. You're the first boyfriend type she's had." "Our family needs good people," added Tucker. Cooper shifted his stance and shook his head at his brother. "He doesn't want that life. Nick wants to be a teacher." "Why?" "Who cares?" Cooper said. "It's what he wants. Sounds like a nice safe life for our little sister, don't you think?" Tucker's expression froze and his dopey brain took awhile to put things together. By the time he figured it out, I'd rolled a gutter ball, Bailey returned, and Vaughn declared his wife a cheater. "It's only fair!" Raven cried as Vaughn threw her over his shoulder and spun her around. "You're a better bowler and I want to win. Cheating was the only card I could play." "Making me think some fucker was looking at your ass was low, Raven." "So is naming our first born son Maverick. You're just looking for trouble with a name like that." Vaughn lowered her to her feet then grinned. "My boys will be nothing but trouble. They'll own this town and chase pretty girls like Scarlet and Lily." "Hey, keep your pervy kid away from my daughter!" Tucker hollered, looking pissed. Cooper grabbed his brother and they wrestled onto the ground. By the end of pounding each other, they were both laughing." tucker vaughn-and-raven nick Bijou Hunter
38d7c56 "The next two days, Nick and I played house in my apartment. For lunch and dinner, we joined the family. On Sunday, Nick came along for the club's weekly family dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. I knew he felt like an outsider, but Vaughn and Judd entertained him with their bromance. "Hard to believe they like the ladies," I said to Nick who just grinned as the enforcers argued about who was a shittier friend. "Tawny never lets you play videogames." This comment from Vaughn caused Tawny to roll her eyes. She looked at Raven who shrugged. "Raven insists on playing with us. That's weird, man," Judd said. When his wife opened her mouth in her defense, Vaughn raised his hand. "I got this," he said, giving her a wink. "Judd is just jealous that you beat his ass in every game." "Not every game," Judd growled. Leaning against Nick, I whispered loudly. "They're idiots." Vaughn and Judd turned in unison and glared at me. "Do you play videogames?" Vaughn asked Nick. "Not really." "Do you play pool?" Judd asked. "No." Vaughn smirked. "I've seen you bowl, so we know you can't do that either. What can you do?" "Tolerate Bailey!" Tucker hollered from farther down the table. "That makes him a fucking superhero." tawny-and-raven vaughn-and-judd nick-and-bailey tucker superhero Bijou Hunter
cf862e8 "Cooper nodded. "I'd so do this shit, if Farah let me." Vaughn made the sound of a snapping whip and the whipped guys frowned at him. He just smiled. "Ah, having control over my balls is so wonderful. You boys should beg your women to let you have them back for the night. Maybe if you promise to do the dishes or wash the floor or some other shit job, they'll agree." "Vaughn," Cooper said, giving his enforcer a dark glare, "when you meet a girl and lose your mind over her, we're going to enjoy mocking you. I mean, it'll be a fucking sport and we'll trip over each other to be the next one to screw with you." "Hell, if I ever lose my mind over a girl, I'll be too fucking stupid to care what you assholes say. Likely, I'll have suffered a brain injury or some shit. In that case, you'll be mocking a disabled man and that's not cool." "He has a point," Tucker said like he was sensitive now. "You're all idiots," I muttered. "It's rather frightening how any of you will carry on your defective genetic material into the future generation." "Said the guy who got his girlfriend pregnant on accident," Vaughn said and high fived Tucker." the-boys-being-boys tucker vaughn cooper judd Bijou Hunter
f4221e4 "Tucker finally parked next to me. We joined Cooper who stared at a hawk flying over the woods. "I've had my eye on you since the Devils came to town," Cooper said, glancing at me. "Ignore the romantic vibe to that statement." Tucker snorted in amusement, but Cooper ignored him and continued, "The rest of the guys at the worksite hid when the Devils showed up. You decided to take on armed bikers with a fucking hammer. How you didn't end up in the ground I'll never know, but it made me think you have the kind of balls a man needs to run with guys like these two." Cooper opened the door where Vaughn and Judd stood in a one room cabin." judd-and-vaughn tucker dylan Bijou Hunter