"Because," he said in an even voice, "you're used to winning, so you don't even think about how, every time there's a game, both sides get that 'rah, rah, team' speech from their coaches both sides hear 'you're the best!' 'You've got to win!' 'You're the greatest!' But half of the people playing that game are going to walk away losers. Half!"
(...)entre todas las razas del mundo, nuestra sed, o mejor dicho, nuestra avidez, de tesoros, de oro, de especias y de dominio, !oh, si!, sobre todo del dulce dominio, !es la mas aguda, la mas insaciable, la mas carente de todo escrupulo! Es esta avidez la que alimenta nuestro progreso, no se si con fines diabolicos o divinos. Ni usted tampoco lo sabe, senor. Ni yo tengo el menor interes en saberlo. Simplemente, me alegro de que el Creador me arrojase del lado de los vencedores.
If they saw men swarming up the wall, if they saw the axes chopping at our shields on the wall's top, then they would join the battle. Men want to be on the winning side.