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5ef67af Kaysen elaborates through parts of the book on her thoughts about how mental illness is treated. She explains that families who are willing to pay the rather high costs of hospitalization do so to prove their own sanity. Once one member of the family is hospitalized, it becomes easier for the rest of the family to distance themselves from the problem and to create a clear boundary between the sane and the insane. Recognizing a family member.. family financial hospitalization hospitalization-as-treatment mental-illness sanity wikipedia Susanna Kaysen
6d780d3 That's because the analysts are writing about a country they call Mind and the neuroscientists are reporting from a country they call Brain. Susanna Kaysen
7d6c470 I wasn't convinced I was crazy, though I feared I was. Some people say that having any conscious opinion on the matter is a mark of sanity, but I'm not sure that's true. I still think about it. I'll always have to think about it. psychology sanity Susanna Kaysen
0e485b0 If I who was previously revolting am now this far from my crazy self, how much further are you who were never revolting, and how much deeper your revulsion? Susanna Kaysen
c2c234f The shimmering, ever-shifting borderline, like all boundaries beckons and asks to be crossed. Susanna Kaysen
68ffd27 a tidal wave of blackness broke over her head. The entire world was obliterated-for a few minutes. She knew she had gone crazy. She looked around the theater to see if it had happened to everyone, but all the other people were engrossed in the movie. She rushed out, because the darkness in the theater was too much combined with the darkness in her head. Susanna Kaysen
a93d41b Twenty-five chocolate chip cookies would be the perfect dinner. Susanna Kaysen
1aec531 Just to get through life was no ambition. It was the opposite of ambition. Susanna Kaysen
8ab91e5 The question was, What could we do? Could we get up every morning and take showers and put on clothes and go to work? Could we think straight? Could we not say crazy things when they occurred to us? Some of us could; some of us couldn't. In the world's terms, though, all of us were tainted. Susanna Kaysen
5c5cc9b They didn't have time to wonder why I was a little more miserable than most. Susanna Kaysen
5858aa9 Once you've posed that question, it won't go away. I think many people kill themselves simply to stop the debate about whether they will or they won't. Anything I thought or did was immediately drawn into the debate. Made a stupid remark -- why not kill myself? Missed the bus -- better put an end to it all. Even the good got in there. I liked that movie -- maybe I shouldn't kill myself. Susanna Kaysen
df785b9 Interrupted at her music: as my life had been, interrupted in the music of being seventeen, as her life had been, snatched and fixed on canvas: one moment made to stand still and to stand for all the other moments, whatever they would be or might have been. What life can recover from that? I Susanna Kaysen
f48e489 It never stopped, even at night, it was our lullaby. It was our metronome, our pulse. It was our lives measured out in doses slightly larger than those famous coffee spoons. Soup spoons, maybe? Dented tin spoons brimming with what should have been sweet but was sour, gone off, gone by without our savouring it: our lives hospitalization Susanna Kaysen
4f62262 The group had an atomic structure: a nucleus of nuts surrounded by darting, nervous nurse-electrons charged with our protection. Susanna Kaysen
4e78ea8 Insanity comes in two basic varieties: slow and fast. Susanna Kaysen
54d8b09 Era um dia de primavera desses que trazem esperanca: cheio de brisas suaves e delicados aromas de terra aquecida. Susanna Kaysen
9704249 But you put it there, you taste it, it's cold and greasy, your finger is on the trigger, and you find that a whole world lies between this moment and the moment you've been planning, when you'll pull the trigger. That world defeats you. You put the gun back in the drawer. You'll have to find another way. Susanna Kaysen
f728b3c On top of the bookcase were several Mexican papier-mache figures of people with knives stuck through their heads and blood running down their faces...I found these comforting...They looked happy enough that way, and they were a nice metaphor for mental disturbance. Susanna Kaysen
83b824b I always got irritated when he told me he wasn't a doctor. Technically, he was a doctor. Being a doctor is like being a Jew; you can't get away from it. Susanna Kaysen
26049e7 My friends have hated Asa, first for monopolizing my mind, then for the endless discussions of him they were subjected to, finally, for making me unhappy. Susanna Kaysen
955ee7c Asa's smell (the fragrance of a beautiful man) is what I miss the most. [...] Like a virus his smell entered me and changed my cells, slowly, over years, until they craved only that smell, which was their oxygen. Susanna Kaysen
35a5645 Then he heard the hum. Vibrating in consonance with one of the tones of the ocean's churning, it slid in and out of perceptibility in the way that the landscape disappeared in the mist. But by stilling his breath and, to some degree, his jumping pulse, Jonathan was able to pick it out, the low continuo in the cantata of sea and wind. Susanna Kaysen
02ef442 Quando sei triste hai bisogno di sentire il tuo dolore fatto musica música triste Susanna Kaysen
05c0584 Crazy isn't being broken or swallowing a dark secret. It's you or me amplified. If you ever told a lie and enjoyed it. If you ever wished you could be a child forever Susanna Kaysen
35473a2 Il suicidio e una forma di omicidio. Omicidio premeditato. Non lo fai la prima volta che ti passa per la testa. Ti ci devi abituare. E ti servono mezzo, occasione e movente. Un suicidio riuscito esige buona organizzazione e sangue freddo, cose solitamente incompatibili con lo stato d'animo suicida. L'importante e coltivare il distacco. Un modo per farlo e esercitarsi a immaginarsi morta, o in punto di morte. Quando vedi una finestra, devi i.. Susanna Kaysen
1641129 Girl, interrupted. ‎Susanna Kaysen
1da25bb Particular patterns of thought get attached to particular movements or activities, and before you know it, it's impossible to approach that movement or activity without dislodging an avalanche of prethought thoughts. Susanna Kaysen
f4c98ad Can I try the dryler?" "No. No." Eyvinder grabbed it and held it to his breast. "Jonathan, I must make a confession." He grinned. "This is really a stone I painted to resemble a dryler. It's very good, no? I have done a beautiful job making it into a dryler. I wanted to give you a full Faroese meal in all its typicality, Anna and I both wanted this. But Anna cannot make dryler. Nobody can make them anymore. We've forgotten how, because they.. Susanna Kaysen
91ffbff Assim nuas, precisavamos de protecao, e o hospital nos protegia. E claro que primeiro o hospital nos desnudava - mas isso apenas reforcava sua obrigacao de nos dar abrigo. Susanna Kaysen
77ba241 Il tessuto della cicatrice non ha carattere. Non e come la pelle. Non rivela eta, malattia, pallore, o colorito. Non ha pori, ne peli, ne rughe. E come una fodera. Protegge e maschera quello che c'e sotto. Per questo ce lo facciamo crescere; abbiamo qualcosa da nascondere. Susanna Kaysen
b6f1b79 Stavolta lessi il titolo del quadro: Ragazza interrotta mentre suona. Interrotta mentre suona: com'era stata la mia vita, interrotta nella musica dei miei diciassette anni, com'era stata la sua vita, strappata e fissata su tela: un momento reso immobile, per tutti gli altri momenti, qualsiasi cosa fossero o avrebbero potuto essere. Quale vita puo guarirne? Susanna Kaysen
722fc25 Gli altri due quadri sono autosufficienti. I personaggi si guardano l'un l'altro: la signora e la domestica, il soldato e la sua innamorata. Vederli e come sbirciare attraverso un buco in una parete. E la parete e fatta di luce: quella luce di Vermeer del tutto credibile eppure irreale. Una luce cosi non esiste, ma vorremmo che ci fosse. Vorremmo un sole che ci rendesse giovani e belli, vorremmo vestiti che scintillano e s'increspano sulla .. Susanna Kaysen
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