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556ab7c You can ruin anything if you focus at it. Aimee Bender
7eafc9d It was ridiculous, at times, how many tears one body could produce. tears Aimee Bender
2756bfe This woman he met was the woman he met and however you try, you cannot unmeet. Aimee Bender
9cd48bf Twice I'd come home as they were finishing, and, honestly, I cannot think of a lonelier sound on a Saturday night than one's roommate having a giant orgasm and then making an embarrassed sssh sound, realizing that maybe through her pleasure she'd heard the front door open and close. loneliness roommates sex Aimee Bender
be412d6 My soup arrived. Crusted with cheese, golden at the edges. The waiter placed it carefully in front of me, and I broke through the top layer with my spoon and filled it with warm oniony broth, catching bits of soaking bread. The smell took over the table, a warmingness. And because circumstances rarely match, and one afternoon can be a patchwork of both joy and horror, the taste of the soup washed through me. Warm, kind, focused, whole. It w.. rose-edelstein warmth Aimee Bender
f21087b At lunch you order steamed vegetables because you're remembering that you have a heart too. You feel humbled by your heart, it works so hard. You want to thank it. You give your heart a little pat heart vegetables Aimee Bender
94f4a14 I wanted to marry wood. I wanted to chew down some two-by-fours, crawl inside a tree, slide elm into my aorta so that every beat of every second was a grand waltz with luck. Aimee Bender
27f0592 I am going to host Thanksgiving myself and instead of a turkey I'm serving a big human butt. Aimee Bender
f49df7a I bit into the chocolate chip. Slowed myself down. By then, almost a week in, I could sort through the assault of layers a little more quickly. The chocolate chips were from a factory, so they had that same slight metallic, absent taste to them, and the butter had been pulled from cows in pens, so the richness was not as full. The eggs were tinged with a hint of far away and plastic. All of those parts hummed in the distance, and then the b.. chocolate-chip-cookie factory-farming food-sensor ingredients layers Aimee Bender
0174673 On the drive home, she sat in the backseat, as she did on occasion. He said it was to protect her from more dangerous car accidents; she liked thinking for a moment that he was her chauffeur, that she had reached a state of adult richness where you did nothing for yourself anymore and returned to infancy. Aimee Bender
c17d2ab The phone is about the same size as a cigarette pack. It's no surprise to me that the traditional cigarette lighter in many cars has turned into the space we use to recharge our phones. They are kin. The phone, like the cigarette, lets the texter/ former smoker drop out of any social interaction for a second to get a break and make a little love to the beautiful object. We need something, people. We can't live propless. Aimee Bender
08a5ef7 She bops around really energetically but she's also still. Like she's moving her torso but her feet don't move, and then sometimes she'll take one step, and it feels like a thesis statement. Like it is a topic sentence about her butt. Aimee Bender
bcaa650 When she came back inside, she was gripping a yogurt cup someone had thrown near our side strip of garden. "Plastic doesn't cycle." She shrugged off her coat. "Right? We recycle it, but it can't do anything on its own, and all it can ever do is be itself again. It is the worst kind of reincarnation. Lame! That is so lame! And it's everywhere!" she cried, going to the bathroom to splash water on her face." Aimee Bender
bc06363 He had a good face to him, something chunky in his nose that I could get behind. Aimee Bender
b784a88 Your eyes shine," he said. "How do they do that?" "Blood," she said." -- humor Aimee Bender
2ae5885 When she left the store, emboldened, receipt tucked into her purse, folded twice, Janet thought of all the chicken dishes she had not sent back even though they were either half-raw or not what she had ordered. Chicken Kiev instead of chicken Marsala, chicken with mushrooms instead of chicken a la king: her body was made up of the wrong chickens. eating wrong-order Aimee Bender
5857e01 That," she said, "is a little closer to how I imagine it works. Whether or not you pray has absolutely nothing to do with the person to your left. It's like saying you shouldn't get the moon in your window, or else the other cars wouldn't get the moon in their windows. But everyone gets the moon. It's not an option, to not have the moon in your window. You just see it. It's there." She bit her lip. The window in the office grew golden with .. praying Aimee Bender
450637a With hand gestures, you can fill in a lot of gaps, and the words thing and stuff and -ness also help: patientness instead of patience, fastness instead of speed, honestness instead of honesty. With these choices, many words can be indicated, and pointing or gesticulating usually works. humor words Aimee Bender
1d5c046 It is difficult to want to tell a grave that it is not immortal. It's so obvious at that point. immortality mortality Aimee Bender
3c2a28d Don't smile," he said." Aimee Bender
0ce9884 I think it's good to smile at everybody so that everyone knows you love everyone. It's good for human pacifism. humor pacifism smiling Aimee Bender
a3214d0 It can feel so lonely, to see strangers out in the day, shopping, on a day that is not a good one. On this one: the day I returned from the emergency room after having a fit about wanting to remove my mouth. Not an easy day to look at people in their vivid clothes, in their shining hair, pointing and smiling at colorful woven sweaters. I wanted to erase them all. But I also wanted to be them all, and I could not erase them and want to be th.. Aimee Bender
c8400af After the incident in the ER, Ino longer wanted to advertise my experience to anyone. You try, you seem totally nuts, you go underground. There's a kind of show a kid can do, for a parent - a show of pain, to try to announce something, and in my crying, in the desperate, blabbering, awful mouth-clawing, I had hoped to get something across. Had it come across, any of it? Nope. Aimee Bender
929dfe7 YOU'RE IN MY MOUTH, I said. GET OUT OF MY MOUTH. change parents relationships Aimee Bender
fc37f45 The afternoons were getting longer again, stretching. I stayed too long at a stoplight because the sunlight was so pretty, sifting through all the leaves on the sycamore trees lining Sierra Bonita, turning each a pale jade green. The jacaranda trees preparing for their burst of true lavender blue come May. Go, said Dad. Sorry, I said. Aimee Bender
3d3041f Sono innamorata dello smettere. A suo modo e un'arte, se ci pensate. Smettere bene richiede un innato senso della bellezza; bisogna saper sentire il momento della svolta, proprio quando il desiderio fa la sua comparsa, quello e il momento di darci un taglio, giu deciso, l'istante in cui lo smettere e maturo come una pesca che si fa dolce sull'albero: crack, si spacca il picciolo, la pesca cade per terra, nera e argento di mosche. Aimee Bender
5f2aa4a Un tempo pensavo che la morte potesse essere nascosta da qualche parte sul nostro corpo. Acquattata dietro la pupilla come una moneta, infilata sotto un'unghia, allacciata attorno a un polso. Una scheggia scura, affilata; una pallottola pallida, libera. Una cosa diversa per ogni persona. La durata di ogni vita predefinita. Il giorno della morte, ti si scioglie dentro a tutto il corpo, calda pallina rotta di sali da bagno. Fino a quel moment.. Aimee Bender
6d39dde Il mondo puo anche chiederti di partecipare, ma la decisione di accettare la proposta viene presa di giorno in giorno. Aimee Bender
53d2281 She was tired these days because she was having job trouble too; her trouble meant she did not know how she could be useful in her life. Dad's job trouble was he had too much to do with his life. Sometimes I just wanted them to even it out but I couldn't think of how. job-trouble Aimee Bender
69520e6 Nothing...They're from nothing,' he said. 'They came in the book...I found the book and inside were these flowers...They were in the book when I bought it... I bought it used...Because they meant something." 'To someone else.' 'To someone." books flowers Aimee Bender
ff84650 The best way I can think to describe it, she said, ' is the way, when you're driving on the freeway at night how everyone can see the moon in their window. Every car on the road. Every car feels the moon is following that car, even in the other direction, right? Everyone in that entire hemisphere can see the moon and think it is there for them, is following where they go. faith god moon religion the-doctor-and-the-rabbi Aimee Bender
99a4720 You can't predict the outcome. You can't raise a child and then tell them what to think. parenting raising-children Aimee Bender
52c16f1 Last day I saw him human, he was sad about the world. life sadness Aimee Bender
4ce43ed She could feel it brimming on her lips, that superstar smile, the bow shape, the teeth long and solid tombstones. fake smile Aimee Bender
0e5bdb0 I wanted to bathe in plum juice, rediscover my body and adorn it in kiwi circles. fruit Aimee Bender
634e150 The room filled with the smell of warming butter and sugar and lemon and eggs, and at five, the timer buzzed and I pulled out the cake and placed it on the stovetop. The house was quiet. The bowl of icing was right there on the counter, ready to go, and cakes are best when just out of the oven, and I really couldn't possibly wait, so I reached out to the side of the cake pan, to the least obvious part, and pulled off a warm spongy chunk of .. ingredients lemon-cake rose-edelstein smell Aimee Bender
420ce13 My mother had been baking more often in general, but she took plates of desserts to the carpentry studio, where her boss, thank God, had a sweet tooth. He just loved the cheesecake, she'd tell me, shining. He ate all of my oatmeal cookies. Some charmed combination of the woodwork, and the studio people, and the splinter excising time with her son kept her going back to Silver Lake even when she hit her usual limits, and every night, tucked .. baking lane-edelstein scents Aimee Bender
0907924 In the evenings, my father and I ate dinner quietly in front of the TV together. Wednesday night, Thursday. Frozen dinners I'd picked out at the grocery store, greatest hits by my favorite factories. One of the best ones, in Indiana, prided itself on a no touch food assembly, which meant every step was monitored by robotic arms, ones that placed the tortillas into the dish, layered them with cheese, dropped dollops of tomato sauce on top, a.. food-factories greatest-hits grocery-shopping indiana ingredients rose-edelstein Aimee Bender
8cb8f2f In those days, she let her hair loose, down to her waist, and whenever I met old friends of hers, they would describe my mother as having resembled a mermaid with legs. With a sheerness to her skin that people wanted to shield. Aimee Bender
afb78e0 I started in our neighborhood, buying a pastrami burrito at Oki Dog and a deluxe gardenburger at Astro Burger and matzoh-ball soup at Greenblatt's and some greasy egg rolls at the Formosa. In part funny, and rigid, and sleepy, and angry. People. Then I made concentric circles outward, reaching first to Canter's and Pink's, then rippling farther, tofu at Yabu and mole at Alegria and sugok at Marouch; the sweet-corn salad at Casbah in Silver .. emotions food moods restaurants rose-edelstein walks-of-life Aimee Bender
e7e9cc3 My mouth- always so active, alert- could now generally identify forty of fifty states in the produce or meat I ate. I had taken to tracking those more distant elements on my plate, and each night, at dinner, a U.S. map would float up in my mind as I chewed and I'd use it to follow the nuances in the parsley sprig, the orange wedge, and the baked potato to Florida, California, and Kansas, respectively. I could sometimes trace eggs to the cou.. food-sensor oranges rose-edelstein Aimee Bender
84d9b9c What I taste, I said, reading from my page, is what I remember from my last Dorito, plus the chemicals that are kind of like that taste, and then my zoned-out mind that doesn't really care what it actually tastes like. Remembering, chemicals, zoning. It is a magical combo. All these parts form together to make a flavor sensation trick that makes me want to eat the whole bag and then maybe another bag. Do you have another bag? asked a skateb.. doritos rose-edelstein taste Aimee Bender
7c421a9 George Malcolm: half white, half black, with messy tousled hair, rumpled and tugged between kind of curly and extremely curly. Once, a year or so before, he'd been at our house and he'd pulled out a lock of his hair and used it to teach me about eddies and helixes. It's a circular current into a central station, he'd explained, giving me one to hold. I pulled on the spring. Nature is full of the same shapes, he said, taking me to the bathro.. george-malcolm helixes physics shapes spirals Aimee Bender
9f1804c The sensor did not seem to be restricted to my mother's food, and there was so much to sort through, a torrent of information, but with George there, sitting in the fading warmth of the filtered afternoon springtime sun spilling through the kitchen windows, making me buttered toast which I ate happily, light and good with his concentration and gentle focus, I could begin to think about the layers. The bread distributor, the bread factory, t.. buttered-toast food-sensor layers wisconsin Aimee Bender
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