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4559afc This is the paradox presented by every general library: that if, to a lesser or greater extent, it intends to accumulate and preserve as comprehensive as possible a record of the world, then ultimately its task must be redundant, since it can only be satisfied when the library's borders coincide with those of the world itself. Alberto Manguel
c1dffd7 dh kn lktb mst`mlan 'd` kl lshrt lty dwnt `l~ Hlh... lshr@ lwHyd@ lty 'nDl lzlth mn ktby (wGlb dwn njH ydhkr) hy lSq@ ls`r lty yD`h by'`w lktb lHqwdyn `l~ Zhr lktb, hdhh ldml@ lshyTny@ l tzwl bshwl@, fhy tkhlf ndwb mjdhwm@ wathr mn md@ lzj@ yltS bh lGbr wlzGb b`d ftr@ mn lzmn, tj`lny 'tmn~ lw kn ldy mmsH@ jhnmy@ 'Hkm bh `l~ hw'l ldhyn khtr`w hdhh llSqt. Alberto Manguel
a5a17ac The books on my shelves do not know me until I open them, yet I am certain that they address me -- me and every other reader -- by name; they await our comments and opinions. I am presumed in Plato as I am presumed in every book, even in those I'll never read. known-reader readers reading Alberto Manguel
5540892 My library was to me an utterly private space that both enclosed and mirrored me. library reading Alberto Manguel
8db39ad A library is not only a place of both order and chaos; it is also the realm of chance. Books, even after they have been given a shelf and a number, retain a mobility of their own. Alberto Manguel
4a2ce30 the Bush administration may, in future years, be remembered 'for bringing peace to the Middle East' (as Condoleezza Rice has pronounced). History may be the mother of truth, but it can also give birth to illegitimate children. perseverance-of-memory politics Alberto Manguel
2b3c3eb The web will not be the container of our cosmopolitan past, like a book, because it is not a book and will never be a book, in spite of the endless gadgets and guises invented to force it into that role. Alberto Manguel
b7d292e Cataloguing is an ancient profession; there are examples of such "ordainers of the universe" (as they were called by the Sumerians) among the oldest vestiges of libraries." cataloguing Alberto Manguel
7a72cf3 lqr@ mthl ltnfs;nh wZyf@ Hyty@ ssy@ Alberto manguel
7b05c50 Noter nos impressions sur Hamlet apres une relecture annuelle, ecrivait Virginia Woolf, reviendrait a rediger notre autobiographie puisque des que nous en savons plus de la vie, Shakespeare commente ce que nous savons. Alberto Manguel
fd7efa8 Je me rendis compte que personne - pas meme mon pere, assis a quelques pas de moi - ne pouvait penetrer mon espace de lecture, distinguer ce que le livre m'expliquait avec impudeur, et que rien, sinon ma propre volonte, ne pouvait en donner a quiconque la possibilite. Alberto Manguel
df35d43 lqn`@ t`ny nqSan m`ynan fy lfDwl. Alberto Manguel
e220f78 But there is something other than entertainment which one derives from reading in bed: a particular quality of privacy. Reading in bed is a self-centred act, immobile, free from ordinary social conventions, invisible to the world, and one that, because it takes place between the sheets, in the realm of lust and sinful idleness, has something of the thrill of things forbidden. Alberto Manguel
2beefeb Instead, I practiced different forms of reading. The possibilities offered by books are legion. The solitary relationship of a reader with his or her books breaks into dozens of further relationships: with friends upon whom we urge the books we like, with booksellers (the few who have survived in the Age of Supermarkets) who suggest new titles, with strangers for whom we might compile an anthology. As we read and reread over the years, thes.. Alberto Manguel
5fd100f Ljubav je imbecilna izvesnost pomocu koje nasa fantazija stvara verodostojnu utvaru. Alberto Manguel
c27ad05 Hinter dem westlichen Konzept einer Idealstadt verbirgt sich die Idee der Privilegierung. Moreau hatte ihm ohne Zweifel zugestimmt. privilege reading Alberto Manguel
1cf5cc5 Goliama kniga, goliama dosada." Kalimakh, bibliotekar v Aleksandriia, III vek pr.n.e." Alberto Manguel
ec33b77 Na Kalimakh d'lzhim i edno katalozhno ulesnenie, koeto zapochva da se prilaga nai-shiroko: podrezhdaneto na knigite po azbuchen red. Alberto Manguel
8dd0018 But who shall be the master? The writer or the reader? Alberto Manguel
f9c0590 We read to understand, or to begin to understand Alberto Manguel
8bec230 The various qualities of my readings seem to permeate my every muscle, so that, when I finally decide to turn off the library light, I carry into my sleep the voices and the movements of the book I've just closed. Alberto Manguel
8a9e418 And it is no true wisdom that you offer your disciples, but only its semblance, for by telling them of many things without teaching them anything, you will make them seem to know much, while for the most part they will know nothing. And as men filled not with wisdom but with the conceit of wisdom, they will be a burden to their fellow-men. conceit-of-wisdom dangers-of-reading readers reading semblance-of-wisdom Alberto Manguel
f599809 One book calls to another unexpectedly, creating alliances across different cultures and centuries. A half-remembered line is echoed by another for reasons which, in the light of day, remain unclear. If the library in the morning suggests an echo of the severe and reasonably wishful order of the world, the library at night seems to rejoice in the world's essential, joyful muddle. Alberto Manguel
319da68 However readers make a book theirs, the end is that book and reader become one. The world that is a book is devoured by a reader who is a letter in the world's text; thus a circular metaphor is created for the endlessness of reading. We are what we read. The process by which the circle is completed is not, Whitman argued, merely an intellectual one; we read intellectually on a superficial level, grasping certain meanings and conscious of ce.. reading Alberto Manguel
1c7fb2e kl mktb@ tstHDr 'shbHh lmZlm@ lkhS@ bh, fkl trtyb ynshy', tlqy'yan, Tyf mktb@ mn ktb Gy'b@. Alberto Manguel
4fae85a qr@ ktb lyst mTbq@ tmman lqr@ shsh@, mhm kn lnS. Alberto Manguel
b429353 lqr@ mthl ltnfs, nh wZyf@ Hyty@ 'ssy@. Alberto Manguel
85e4b30 nn njd fy kl SfH@ mnn SfHt ktb nTl`h athr Hytn ldhty@. Alberto Manguel
4272266 Each technology has its own merits, and therefore it may be more useful to leave aside this crusading view of the electronic word vanquishing the printed one and explore instead each technology according to its particular merits. Perhaps Alberto Manguel
f170e48 Imensamente generosos, os meus livros, nao me fazem nenhuma exigencia, antes me oferecem todo tipo de iluminacao. books library livro Alberto Manguel
4e83d7e Geschichten sind unser Gedachtnis, Bibliotheken die Lagerstatten fur dieses Gedachtnis und Lesen das Handwerk, mit dem wir dieses Gedachtnis neu erschaffen konnen, indem wir es rezitieren und glossieren, es wieder in unsere eigene Erfahrung ruckubersetzen und so auf dem aufbauen, was fruhere Generationen fur bewahrenswert hielten. memory readers reception Alberto Manguel
9256e98 Lesen ist eine Erinnerungsarbeit, bei der wir durch Geschichten in den Genuss der vergangenen Erfahrungen anderer kommen, als waren es unsere eigenen. reading Alberto Manguel
ad59051 Rooms, corridors, bookcases, shelves, filing cards, and computerized catalogues assume that the subjects on which our thoughts dwell are actual entities, and through this assumption a certain book may be lent a particular tone and value. Filed under Fiction, Jonathon Swift's is a humorous novel of adventure; under Sociology, a satirical study of England in the eighteenth century; under Children's Literature, an entertaining fable about dw.. literature reading Alberto Manguel
4c71600 Tal como os livros de Petrarca, os meus sabem infinitamente mais do que eu e agradeco-lhes por sequer tolerarem a minha presenca. Por vezes, sinto que abuso desse privilegio. books library livro Alberto Manguel
af947dd The existence of any library, even mine, allows readers a sense of what their craft is truly about, a craft that struggles against the stringencies of time by bringing fragments of the past into their present. It grants them a glimpse, however secret or distant, into the minds of other human beings, and allows them a certain knowledge of their own condition through the stories stored here for their perusal. Alberto Manguel
6a72085 All Alberto Manguel
13c70cf Die Freunde, an die ich denke, sind in der Zeit gefangen wie in einem Film. Sie (viele von ihnen sind tot, verschollen) sind in dem Alter, in dem ich sie zuletzt gesehen habe; ich bezweifle, dass sie mich jetzt wiedererkennen wurden. friends inspirational memory past remembering vergangenheit Alberto Manguel
692ca27 Hier in Buenos Aires traume ich auf Spanisch von Menschen, die nicht sprechen und mich nicht horen - und immer von der Stadt, wie ich sie fruher kannte, niemals, wie sie heute ist. sprache träume Alberto Manguel
e58a850 Was andere als unsere Errungenschaften betrachten, ist oft nicht das, was wir selbst so sehen. selbstbild Alberto Manguel
84a54b1 Erinnerungen und Scheinerinnerungen. Ich glaube, mich genau an etwas zu erinnern. Eine Notiz auf dem Nachsatzpapier eines Buches, das ich durch Zufall aufschlage, beweist, dass ich mich irre. Die Sache ist irgendwo anders passiert, mit jemand anderem, zu einer anderen Zeit. Alberto Manguel
8e18348 Kitaplarla saskina donmus Don Quijote ve hac yolcusu Dante, ogrendikleriyle felce ugrayan Prens Hamlet, okuduklariyla yasamak istedigi hayati birbirine karistiran Emma Bovary.. Alberto Manguel
e7de6fd ktaba synyk (Seneca) mdiHan lfDwl bqwlh: lqd Habatn lTby`@ fDwlan fTryWan, wnTlqan mn drkh fnWh wjmlh, swWtn lnkwn jmhwr hdh l`rD lmdhsh ll`lm, dhlk 'nW hdh ljml kn sydhhb sd~ lw 'nW 'shy bhdhh l`Zam@ wlrw`@ wltdbyr lrWqyq, wbhdh ltnwW` lbdy`, knt stu`raDu `l~ kwkbin Gyr m'hwl. 67 Alberto Manguel
8362f99 We read to find the end, for the story's sake. We read not to reach it, for the sake of the reading itself. We read searchingly, like trackers, oblivious of our surroundings. We read distractedly, skipping pages. We read contemptuously, admiringly, negligently, angrily, passionately, enviously, longingly. Alberto Manguel
6cfd4d3 kl nS ymknu qrth knS mjzy , l lfSHh `n l`nSr lmwjwd@ khrj lnS nfsh wHsb , bl l'n kl tfsyr hw mjzy bHd dhth wbltly mwDw` ltfsyrt l'khr~ ....... nZran l~ 'n ltfsyr l yHtwy `l~ m ymkn 'n ysm~ " lklm@ l'khyr@ " , l twjd 'y slT@ tstTy` 'n tfrD `lyn "ltfsyr lSHyH " . m` mrwr lwqt lHZn 'n b`D ltfsyrt kna 'Hsn mn tfsyrt khr~ 'kthr Hbk@ , 'kthr Sf wshffy@, 'kthr tHdyan , 'kthr b`than `l~ lHbwr , 'kthr `jan . Ht~ hdhh llHZ@ `ndm stmt` bqr@ ktb t`rD .. Alberto Manguel
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