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22297c7 And the light, I must apologise for the lack of light... a hereditary affliction of the eyes... Angela Carter
5261423 It was a sensitive and musical dog. music Angela Carter
31cec24 Spilt, glistering milk of moonlight on the frost-crisped grass; on such a night, in moony, metamorphic weather, they say you might easily find him, if you had been foolish enough to venture out late, scuttling along by the churchyard wall with half a juicy torso slung across his back. The white light scours the fields and scours them again until everything gleams and he will leave paw-prints in the hoar-frost when he runs howling round the .. Angela Carter
cd5a37b She looks wonderful, but she doesn't look right. Angela Carter
cb017d1 Her carved eyeballs stared back at them with the uncanny blindness of statues, who seem always to be perceiving another dimension, where everything is statues. Angela Carter
601dc9b And this was how the red people passed their time and amused themselves when they thought nobody was watching. Angela Carter
f4aa083 eldritch ways, Angela Carter
951a8f0 Erl-King lives Angela Carter
276bf65 Morris wondered what domestic catastrophe would make a man sell even the plaster gnomes from his garden.It was a horrid piece of evidence for mutability; Mutability, goddess of the auction room, dusty-fingered Mutability, the old-age pensioner goddess. And she ruled over the casserole containing the half-empty packet of sugar no one would ever finish, now; and the dropsical white tea-pot with the brown tidemark left in by years of the-makin.. Angela Carter
4f1f9e6 His Raskolnikov eyes, like dead coals, were altogether of too fine cast - speaking too much blighted and heroic romanticism - for a poor shivering wretch such as himself. Angela Carter
c3b525c When he combs his hair that is the colour of dead leaves, dead leaves fall out of it; they rustle and drift to the ground as though he were a tree and he can stand as still as a tree, when he wants the doves to flutter softly, crooning as they come, down upon his shoulders, those silly, fat, trusting woodies with the pretty wedding rings round their necks. He makes his whistles out of an elder twig and that is what he uses to call the birds.. Angela Carter
eb2d33a Sorridi in pubblico, piangi in pubblico, vivi in pubblico, crepa in pubblico. C'era, sui loro visi, un'emozione schietta, atipica per gli attori. Stasera erano al telegiornale. E' la cosa peggiore veder soffrire i propri figli. carter children figlie sagge wise Angela Carter
5f05639 La commedia e una tragedia che capita agli altri. carter children figlie sagge wise Angela Carter
60e7102 certo, una madre e sempre una madre, perche e un fatto biologico, mentre un padre e una festa mobile. children figlie sagge wise Angela Carter
62dc6ce He carries on his frail shoulders a weird burden of fear; he is cast in the role of the corpse-eater, the body-snatcher who invades the last privacies of the dead. He is white as leprosy, with scrabbling fingernails, and nothing deters him. If you stuff a corpse with garlic, why, he only slavers at the treat: cadavre provencale. He will use the holy cross as a scratching post and crouch above the font to thirstily lap up holy water. Angela Carter
3fc63fd Bu tatli seste sanki tekinsiz olan bir sey varmis, ya bu sesin sahibi buyucuymus ya da bir buyunun etkisindeymis gibi geldi odadakilere. Ucu de tuylerinin diken diken oldugunu hissettiler. [sf 184] novel sirk-geceleri Angela Carter
bc68e48 Palyaco maskesinin altinda yatan o yuz, uzun yillar once tanisip sevilmis, sonra da kaybedilmis, simdi de yeniden bulunmus bir sevgilinin yuzu. Onunla daha once hc karsilasmamis olmama, bana tumuyle yabanci bir yuz olmasina karsin, gorup tanimamdan bile once vurgun oldugum bir yuz bu. [sf 288] novel sirk-geceleri Angela Carter
8a7ba22 The world exists only as a medium in which we execute our desires. Physically, the world itself, the actual world - the real world, if you like - is formed of malleable clay; its metaphysical structures is just as malleable. Angela Carter
506f02c From beggar to thief is one step, but a step in two directions at the same time, for what a beggar loses in morality when he becomes a thief he regains in self-respect. Angela Carter
6870a6f In a state of mental tumult, conflict and disorientation, he wanders the freezing city night, now gazing at the ice thickening on the dark waters of the Neva, now peering at the great horseman on his plinth with a vague terror, as though the horseman were not the effigy of the city's founder but the herald of four yet more mythic horsemen who are, indeed, on their way to confound Petersburg forever, though they won't arrive yet, not quite y.. Angela Carter
ac10e76 There Peter sat in the new sunlight, plaiting the straw for baskets, until he saw the thing he had been taught most to fear advancing silently along the lea of an outcrop of rock. fiction gothic literature peter-and-the-wolf saints-and-strangers Angela Carter
f9d47df It doesn't matter if what happens next spoils everything; the anticipation itself is always pure. Angela Carter
5790d4e Liubovta e nespirno p'teshestvie, koeto ne preminava prez prostranstvoto, bezkraino treperlivo dvizhenie, koeto ostava nepodvizhno. Liubovta sama si s'zdava naprezhenie, koeto v'zpira vseki napred'k na vremeto. Liubovta ima niakoi cherti s vechnata regresiia, t'i kato tazi razmiana na otrazheniia ne mozhe da b'de nito izcherpana, nito unishchozhena, no liubovta ne e regresiia. Tia e prava, lishena ot prod'lzhitelnost i mestopolozhenie progr.. Angela Carter
041c37f Que yo y otras muchas mujeres vayamos buscando heroinas de cuento de hadas en los libros es otra version del mismo proceso: deseo validar mi reivindicacion a poseer una parte equitativa del futuro, y expreso para ello la exigencia de que me concedan la parte del pasado que me corresponde. women-s-rights Angela Carter
619c581 he had examined the world by the light of the intellect alone and had seen a totally different construction from that which the senses see by the light of reason. reason senses Angela Carter
a65576b They put away their books was only poor girls earning a living, for, though some of the customers would swear that whores do it for pleasure, that is only to ease their own consciences, so that they will feel less foolish when they fork out hard cash for pleasure Angela Carter
5b62f7e What is marriage but prostitution to one man instead of many? No different! Angela Carter
f9e528c I raised you up to fly to the heavens, not to brood over a clutch of eggs! Angela Carter
7249d76 Destruction is only another aspect of being. Angela Carter
2c410b6 The demands of ritual are always stronger than those of reason. Angela Carter
852429a Buzz crouched between her feet and scrutinised as much as he could see of her perilous interior to find out if all was in order and there were no concealed fangs or guillotines inside her to ruin him. guillotine interior perilous Angela Carter
ac3ad4d By the end of the affair, she had acquired so much miserable information about men and women she almost decided to give up relationships for good. men relationships women Angela Carter
ce7ada1 There were scarcely any of those little, what you might call personal touches to his personality, as if his habit of suspending belief extended even unto his own being. I say he had a propensity for 'finding himself in the right place at the right time'; yet it was almost as if he himself were an objet trouve, for subjectively, himself he never found, since it was not his self which he sought. He would have called himself a 'man of action'... Angela Carter
5224a05 They rolled all over the pastel crayons scattered on the sheets so her back was variegated with patches and blotches all the colours of the rainbow and Lee was also marked everywhere with brilliant dusts, both here and there also darkly spotted with blood, each a canvas involuntarily patterned by those workings of random chance so much prized by the surrealists. Angela Carter
a026fce She quickly interpreted him into her mythology but if, at first, he was a herbivorous lion, later he became a unicorn devouring raw meat. Angela Carter
3b922cf You used to say you would never forget me. That made me feel like the cherry blossom, here today and gone tomorrow; it is not the kind of thing one says to a person with whom one proposes to spend the rest of one's life, after all. And, after all that, for three hundred and fifty-two in each leap year, I never think about you, sometimes. I cast an image into the past, like a fishing line, and up it comes with a gold mask on the hook, a mask.. memory Angela Carter
26daea8 For now my skin was my sole capital in the world and today I'd make my first investment. Angela Carter
1e1e730 You must not think my father valued me at less than a king's ransom; but, at no more than a king's ransom. ransom tiger Angela Carter
b4abca4 A draught made the flames of the candles dance and the air grew thick with the smell of hot wax. Marianne's eyes had grown more and more accustomed to the candlelight and she made out knobs and swags of craving in the ceiling, flowers, cherubs, jacks-in-the-green, death's heads, hourglasses and memento mori, all covered with dust. Trunks, chests and cases were littered everywhere, covered with dusty utensils and more books even than in her .. Angela Carter
7243642 she found it made things easier if she dramatised them. Or melodramatised them. It was easier, for example, to face the fact of Uncle Philip if she saw him as a character in a film, possibly played by Orson Welles. film movies orson-welles Angela Carter
a1ea85e Watching a film was like being a voyeur, living vicariously. movies Angela Carter
88f2797 They were dirty and common. She hated to use the word "common", only common people called other people "common"; her mother taught her that." Angela Carter
46be38c To ride a bicycle is in itself some protection against superstitious fears, since the bicycle is the product of pure reason applied to motion. Angela Carter
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