Let us have evil prancing on the page and, up to the very last line, sneering in the face of all the inherited beliefs, Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Holy Roller, about people being able to make themselves better. Such a book would be sensational, and so it is. But I do not think it is a fair picture of human life. I
Anthony Burgess |
The modern State, whether in a totalitarian or a democratic country, has far too much power, and we are probably right to fear it.
Anthony Burgess |
What's this for?' I said. And this veck replied, interrupting his like song an instant, that it was to keep my gulliver still and make me look at the screen. 'But,' I said, 'I want to look at the screen. I've been brought here to viddy films and viddy films I shall.
Anthony Burgess |
I see you have books under your arm, brother. It is indeed a rare pleasure these days to come across somebody that still reads, brother.
Anthony Burgess |
I expected a gift, you know, something nice and useless...
Anthony Burgess |
Their hair belonged to some middle crinal zone between aseptic nord and latinindian jetwalled lousehouse.
Anthony Burgess |
You got used to a bit of peace and you got used to a bit of extra pretty polly.
Anthony Burgess |
If all you bastards are on the side of God then I'm glad I belong to the other shop.
Anthony Burgess |
Hayat fazla agir gelmeye basladi.
Anthony Burgess |
Bondade e que se escolhe. Quando um homem nao pode escolher, ele deixa de ser um homem.
Anthony Burgess |
The intellectuals have never been on the side of the workers. Sometimes they've let on to be, but only for purposes of betrayal.
Anthony Burgess |
odorous as a crateful of bad eggs with the miasma of original sin.
Anthony Burgess |
One's first memories are often vicarious: one is told that one did something or was involved in something; one dramatizes it and folds the image falsely into the annals of the truly remembered.
Anthony Burgess |
The trombones crunched redgold under my bed, and behind my gulliver the trumpets threewise silverflamed,
Anthony Burgess |
When a fictional work fails to show change, when it merely indicates that human character is set, stony, unregenerable, then you are out of the field of the novel and into that of the fable or the allegory.
Anthony Burgess |
Tanri ne ister? Tanri iyilik mi ister yoksa iyi olma secenegini mi? Kotulugu secen bir insan, kendisine iyilik dayatilmis bir insandan bazi acilardan daha ustun olabilir mi? (syf. 84)
Anthony Burgess |
Toplumun onayladigi eylemlerin disina cikamiyorsun, sadece iyilik yapabilen kucuk bir makinesin. Ayrica su marjinal kosullanmalar meselesinin... icyuzunu acikca goruyorum. Muzik ve cinsellik, edebiyat ve sanat, artik bunlar haz degil aci veriyordur herhalde. (syf. 136 - 137)
Anthony Burgess |
Bazilarimiz mucadele etmeli. Buyuk ozgurluk geleneklerini savunmak gerek. Ben partizan degilim. Rezalet gordum mu duzeltmeye calisirim. Parti isimlerinin hicbir anlami yok. Sadece ozgurluk gelenegi onemli. Siradan insanlar ondan vazgececektir, ah evet. Daha sakin bir hayat ugruna ozgurlugu satacaklar. Bu yuzden durtuklenmeleri, durtuklenmeleri gerekiyor... (syf.141 - 142)
Anthony Burgess |
Iunost' ne vechna, o da. I potom, v iunosti ty vsego lish' vrode kak zhivotnoe, chto li. Net, dazhe ne zhivotnoe, a skoree kakaia-nibud' igrushka, chto prodaiutsia na kazhdom uglu, - vrode kak zhestianoi chelovechek s pruzhinoi vnutri, kotorogo kliuchikom snaruzhi zavedesh' - dr-dr-dr, i on poshel vrode kak sam po sebe, bllin. No khodit on tol'ko po priamoi i na vsiakie vestshi natykaetsia - bats, bats, k tomu zhe esli uzh on poshel, to ost..
Anthony Burgess |
If Shakespeare required a word and had not met it in civilised discourse, he unhesitatingly made it up.
Anthony Burgess |
The human liver, unless it is Graham Greene's, can take so much and no more.
Anthony Burgess |
Bir akil caginin kafirligi. Dogruyu gorur ve onaylar, ama yanlisi yaparim.
Anthony Burgess |
Ya no es un malhechor. Tampoco es una criatura capaz de una eleccion moral.
Anthony Burgess |
It was very cally and vonny, with one bulb in the ceiling with fly-dirt like obscuring its bit of light, and there were early rabbiters slurping away at chai and horrible-looking sausages and slices of kleb which they like wolfed, going wolf wolf wolf and then creeching for more.
Anthony Burgess |
Kit bowed to all in the manner of a single wave of obeisance and left the chamber in some anger and disquiet. Outside the door he saw Baines waiting for entrance. Kit spat and said: No buboes yet? The devils of the plague know their own. Baines said: &emdash; That is not friendly.
Anthony Burgess |
Mas eu nao conseguia deixar de me sentir um pouquinho decepcionado com as coisas do jeito que eram naquela epoca. Nada contra o que lutar de verdade. Tudo era facil como tirar doce de crianca. Mas a noite ainda era mesmo uma crianca.
Anthony Burgess |
Power, power, everybody like wants power
Anthony Burgess |
Ser bom pode nao ser agradavel, 6655321. Pode ser horrivel ser bom. E quando digo isto a voce, eu compreendo como soa contraditorio. Eu sei que vou passar muitas noites sem dormir por causa disto. O que e que Deus quer? Deus quer a bondade ou a escolha da bondade? O homem que escolhe o mal e talvez de uma certa forma melhor do que aquele a quem a bondade e imposta.
Anthony Burgess |
Oh? And what's so stinking about it?.
Anthony Burgess |
There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening.
Anthony Burgess |
El hombre que no puede elegir ha perdido la condicion humana.
Anthony Burgess |
Tudod - mondta -, arra ment ki az egesz, hogy megtudjuk, mi mindent lehet penzen megvenni. Egyszer egy ember azt mondta, hogy ha aggodunk a vilag sorsa miatt, megbolondulunk, probaljunk meg inkabb kellemesen elni. Kellemesen elni, pontosan ezeket a szavakat hasznalta, igy hat azt gondoltam, legjobb, ha alkalomadtan szerzunk egy kis penzt, aztan majd meglatjuk, mire jutunk a kellemes elettel, ha penzunk is van hozza. Tulajdonkeppen mindketto..
Anthony Burgess |
What's done can't be undone. How do I fit into this new world? I should have been warned, somebody should have told me. How was I to know that that sort of world wasn't going to go on for ever?
Anthony Burgess |
He ceases to be a wrongdoer. He ceases also to be a creature capable of moral choice.
Anthony Burgess |
Pfffrrrummmp. And a very happy New Year to you too, Mr Enderby!
Anthony Burgess |
History is a wheel. This sort of world can't go on for ever either.
Anthony Burgess |
you are out of the field of the novel
Anthony Burgess |
Iyilik secilemeyen bir seydir. Insan secemediginde insanliktan cikar. (syf. 73 - 74)
Anthony Burgess |
They did not understand him. Poor Dorothy had been long in the situation they seemed only to have arrived at, but she tried to tear the head off her doll and cried what sounded like . There, you hear, her mother said. Clever girl, she crooned at her. Say God. Say sky. . She has said her prayers, Kit said in weariness.
Anthony Burgess |
I was cured alright.
Anthony Burgess |
A work of art is somehow organic, and to slash a painting or smash a statue is not just an offence against property: it is an offence against life.
Anthony Burgess |
Goodness comes from within, 6655321. Goodness is something chosen. When a man cannot choose he ceases to be a man.
Anthony Burgess |
How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap stinking chip-oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly, thou.
Anthony Burgess |
So we got hold of him and cracked him with a few good horrorshow tolchocks, but he still went on singing.
Anthony Burgess |