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678d519 I am everyone's friend,' I said. 'Except to my enemies. Anthony Burgess
5d789c1 That was everything. I'd done the lot now. And me still only fifteen. Anthony Burgess
2cc8827 Wedged as we are between two eternities of idleness, there is no excuse for being idle now. eternity idleness Anthony Burgess
fd2057d Late December, in Bridgwater, Somerset, Western Province, a middle-aged man named Thomas Wharnton, going home from work shortly after midnight, was set upon by youths. These knifed him, stripped him, spitted him, basted him, carved him, served him--all openly and without shame in one of the squares of the town. A hungry crowd clamoured for hunks and slices, kept back--that the King's Peace might not be broken--by munching and dripping greyb.. distopia Anthony Burgess
54eb039 It's funny how the colours of the like real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen. Anthony Burgess
2de7c0b Parem de me tratar feito uma coisa que e so pra ser usada. Nao sou um idiota sobre o qual voces possam se impor [...] Anthony Burgess
64929ca It's funny how the colours of the like real world only seem real real when you viddy them on a screen Anthony Burgess
10049e8 Was war, then, the big solution after all? Were those crude early theorists right? War the great aphrodisiac, the great source of world adrenaline, the solvent of ennui, Angst, melancholia, accidia, spleen? War itself a massive sexual act, culminating in a detumescence which was not mere metaphorical dying? War, finally, the controller, the trimmer and excisor, the justifier of fertility? Anthony Burgess
3d2b941 Algunas veces no es grato ser bueno, pequeno 6655321. Ser bueno puede llega a ser algo horrible. Y te lo digo sabiendo que puede ser una afirmacion muy contradictoria. ?Que quiere Dios, el bien o que uno elija el camino del bien? Quizas el hombre que elige el mal es en cierto modo mejor que aquel a quien se le impone el bien. Anthony Burgess
a74aae4 Kazhdyi ubivaet to, chto liubit. Anthony Burgess
2344e50 Dobro nado izbrat'. Lishivshis' vozmozhnosti vybora, chelovek perestaet byt' chelovekom. Anthony Burgess
54dfbf4 Syn, syn, moi syn. U menia budet syn, i ia ob'iasniu emu vse eto, kogda on podrastet i smozhet poniat' menia. Odnako tol'ko lish' podumav eto, ia uzhe znal: nikogda on ne poimet, da i ne zakhochet on nichego ponimat', a delat' budet vse te zhe vestshi, kotorye i ia delal, - da-da, on, mozhet byt', dazhe ub'et kakuiu-nibud' staruiu ptitsu, okruzhennuiu miaukaiushchimi kotami i koshkami, i ia ne smogu ostanovit' ego. A on ne smozhet ostanovit.. Anthony Burgess
e863a4e You could viddy it all right, all of it, very clear--tables, the stereo, the lights, the sharps and the malchicks--but it was like some veshch that used to be there but was not there not no more. And you were sort of hypnotized by your boot or shoe or a finger-nail as it might be, and at the same time you were sort of picked up by the old scruff and shook like it might be a cat. You got shook and shook till there was nothing left. You lost .. Anthony Burgess
79c7063 Then there was another picture of some veck I thought I knew, and it was this Minister of the Inferior or Interior. Anthony Burgess
b2b685a It is not the novelist's job to preach; it is his duty to show. Anthony Burgess
ff31f49 Le bien est un choix. Tout homme incapable de choisir cesse d'etre un homme. Anthony Burgess
594179b Evet evet evet, iste buydu. Genclik bitmeliydi, ah evet. Ama genclik, hayvanmis gibi olmaktir zaten sadece. Hayir, sadece hayvanmis gibi olmak degil de hani su sokaklarda satildigini dikizledigimiz minik oyuncaklardan biri olmak gibidir, teneke ve ici zemberekli ve ustunde kurma dolu olan ve girr girr girr diye kurunca gitmeye baslayan, yuruyen filan minik heriflerden biri olmak gibidir, ey kardeslerim. Ama dosdogru gider ve bir seylere car.. Anthony Burgess
052c19c Me, me, me. How about me? Where do I come into all this? Am I like just some animal or dog?' And that started them off govoreeting real loud and throwing slovos at me. So I creeched louder still, creeching: 'Am I just to be like a clockwork orange? Anthony Burgess
caf28ad Audiences did not exactly clamour for their money back, but they wondered why Kubrick left out the denouement. People wrote to me about this--indeed much of my later life has been expended on Xeroxing statements of intention and the frustration of intention--while both Kubrick and my New York publisher coolly bask in the rewards of their misdemeanour. Life is, of course, terrible. Anthony Burgess
c395fe1 But the not-self cannot have the bad, meaning they of the government and the judges and the schools cannot allow the bad because they cannot allow the self. And is not our modern history, my brothers, the story of brave malenky selves fighting these big machines? I am serious with you, brothers, over this. But what I do I do because I like to do. Anthony Burgess
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