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c110a17 When he stepped into the shower, the hot water scalded him. He let it run over his face, burning his eyelids. He put up with the pain, his jaw clenched and his muscles taut, suppressing the urge to howl with loneliness in the suffocating steam. For four years, one month, and twelve days, Nikon always got into the shower with him after they made love and soaped his back slowly, interminably. And often she put her arms around him, like a litt.. saudade nostalgia Arturo Pérez-Reverte
37e7ef8 En cuestiones de arte, el trabajo original del yo tiene mas importancia social que la filantropia. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
a536b4c As for myself, I would just say that, because of what I am, I can at least look myself in the face when I stand before the mirror each morning to shave. And that, madam, is more than many men I know can do. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
aa6cf67 Cuando veo todas esas camisas negras, pardas, rojas o azules, exigiendo que te afilies a esto o aquello, pienso que antes el mundo era de los ricos y ahora va a ser de los resentidos. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
3d9f99c I imagine he's married. Or was ... He seems damaged in the way that only we women can damage men. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
100a378 Os livros sao portas que te levam para a rua (...). Com eles aprendes, educas-te, viajas, sonhas, imaginas, vives outras vidas e multiplicas a tua por mil. Quem te oferece mais por menos (...)? E tambem servem para manter a distancia muitas coisas negativas (...) As vezes interrogo-me como conseguem superar as coisas, aquelas [pessoas] que nao leem. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
1e4e252 El mundo nunca supo tanto de si mismo y de su naturaleza como ahora, pero no le sirve de nada. Siempre hubo maremotos, fijese. Lo que pasa es que antes no pretendiamos tener hoteles de lujo en primera linea de playa... El hombre crea eufemismos y cortinas de huo para negar las leyes de la naturaleza. Tambien para negar la infame condicion que le es propia. Y cada despertar le cesta los doscientos muertos de un avion que se cae, los doscient.. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
d35a955 Bien mirado, el mundo ha dejado de pensar en la muerte. Creer que no vamos a morir nos hace debiles, y peores. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
e34247e Los espanoles seguimos siendo los primeros enemigos de nosotros mismos. Empenados en apagar las luces alli donde las vemos brillar. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
bc94ede Lo malo de estas cosas es que, hasta que el rabo no pasa, todo es toro. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
3520822 As for me, all I know is that I know nothing. And when I want to know something, I look it up in books--their memory never fails. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
f5b7819 Habia aprendido que lo malo no era la espera, sino las cosas que imaginas mientras esperas"." Arturo Pérez-Reverte
ed640d8 Una mujer nunca es solo una mujer, querido Max. Es tambien, y sobre todo, los hombres que tuvo, que tiene y que podria tener. Ninguna se explica sin ellos. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
4682f94 He who kills from afar knows nothing at all about act of killing. He who kills from afar derives no lesson from life or from death; he neither risks nor stains his hands with blood, nor hears the breathing of his adversary, nor reads the fear, courage, or indifference in his eyes. He who kills from afar tests neither his arm, his heart, nor his conscience, nor does he create ghosts that will later haunt him every single night for the rest o.. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
0ae050d Alguien puede decirme que diantre es eso? Y senalo hacia el valle con un dedo imperioso e imperial, el que habia utilizado para senalar las Piramides cuando aquello de los cuarenta siglos o -en otro orden de cosas- el catre a Maria Valewska. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
99d78a5 El 326 tenia por delante menos futuro que Maria Antonieta la manana que le cortaron el pelo en la Conciergerie. maría-antonieta Arturo Pérez-Reverte
8a14f05 Creo que en el mundo de hoy la unica libertad posible es la indiferencia. Por eso seguire viviendo con mi sable y mi caballo. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
0cfc09c The sea was cruel and selfish as human beings, and in its monstrous simplicity had no notion of complexities like pity, wounding, or remorse... You could see yourself in it... while the wind, the light, the swaying, the sound of the water on the hull worked the miracle of distancing, calming you until you didn't hurt anymore, erasing any pity, any wound, and any remorse. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
1b8aa0f Una mujer perspicaz --continua ella-- adivina al pedante en la tercera frase, y es capaz de ver el talento del que guarda silencio. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
a14ccd7 Era usted un buen fotografo porque fotografiar es encuadrar, y encuadrar es elegir y excluir. Salvar unas cosas y condenar otras. No todo el mundo puede hacer eso: erguirse juez de cuanto pasa alrededor. Nadie que ame de verdad puede dictar esa clase de sentencias. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
1b5eabe Gracias a usted ya no puedo creer en las certidumbres de los que tienen una casa, una familia, unos amigos. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
45b46e2 It seemed to Don Jaime that you could find in the memory of every man the bittersweet shadow of a woman. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
31eb699 When it comes to politics and women, you have to taste all the sauces, but you must never let either one or the other give you indigestion. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
8b5598b You can get used to anything, especially when you have no option. If you have to pay, you pay; it's just a question of attitude. At a particular moment in your life you adopt a certain position, whether mistaken or not. You decide to be like this or that. You burn your boats, and then all you can do is defend that position, come what may. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
19696c0 A century from now," he murmured as he lifted a page and examined it against the light, closing one eye, "almost all the contents of today's libraries will have disappeared. But these books, printed two hundred or even five hundred years ago, will remain intact. We have the books, and the world, that we deserve. . . . Isn't that so, Pablo?" "Lousy books printed on lousy paper." -- Arturo Pérez-Reverte
2dff749 Todas las guerras son malas, pero la guerra civil es la peor de todas, pues enfrenta al amigo con el amigo, al vecino con el vecino, al hermano contra el hermano. Hace casi 80 anos, entre 1936 y 1939, en tiempos de nuestros abuelos y bisabuelos, una espantosa guerra civil tuvo lugar en Espana. Causo miles de muertos, destruyo hogares, arruino el pais y llevo a mucha gente al exilio. Para evitar que tan desoladora tragedia vuelva a repetirse.. spanish guerra-civil pérez-reverte español españa Arturo Pérez-Reverte
472f75b Quien solo se interesa por los libros no necesita a nadie, y eso me da miedo. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
d042e6a The men buckled on their weapons and started outside amid high expectations, taking care not to leave their backs unguarded -- just in case -- for Jesus may have said something about brothers, but he made no mention of cousins. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
59e2c1c Tambien esta es la historia de mi vida, penso, o parte de ella: buscar un taxi de madrugada, oliendo a mujer o a noche perdida, sin que una cosa contradiga la otra. melancolia vida Arturo Pérez-Reverte
9f0b51b E agora tinha a certeza de uma coisa vislumbrada ao principio (...) que nao ha dois livros iguais porque nunca houve dois leitores iguais. E que cada livro lido e, como cada ser humano, um livro singular, uma historia unica e um mundo a parte. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
3ccf858 conocia de sobra... los motivos simples por los que un hombre con las dosis adecuadas de fanatismo, rencor o animo de lucro mercenario podia matar indiscriminadamente. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
229a4ab Con rusos y con mujeres nunca se sabe. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
02a1e31 Nachin't, po koito niakoi khora pipat knigi, e napravo prest'pen. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
2b873d8 Y es verdad que cualquier detalle puede cambiar la vida: un camino que se toma, por ejemplo, o que se tarda en tomar a causa de una conversacion, de un cigarrillo, de un recuerdo. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
81e1985 Don Jaime relied on this to conserve what he defined as serenity: peace of mind and soul, the only fragment of wisdom to which human imperfection could aspire. His whole life lay before him, smooth, broad, and definitive, as untroubled by uncertainty as a river flowing to the sea. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
9966fa7 I have spent my whole life trying to preserve a certain idea of myself, and that is all. You have to cling to a set of values that do not depreciate with time. Everything else is the fashion of the moment, fleeting, mutable. In a word, nonsense. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
95d5e17 Truth is in things, not in people, he remembered. But it needs us to be manifest. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
6cf348b Durerea, isi da seama Max, atinge mai devreme sau mai tarziu un grad de saturatie, dupa care intensitatea nu mai are importanta. De la un anumit punct incolo, nu mai conteaza daca sunt douazeci sau patruzeci de lovituri. Si de-atunci nu mai doare fiecare noua lovitura, ci pauza dintre una si cealalta. Deoarece chinul cel mai greu de suportat nu il reprezinta bataia, ci momentele cand calaul se intrerupe ca sa-si traga sufletul. Atunci carne.. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
ebf86d4 You make a pact with life and death: so many years as a king, and then...Say what you will, dirty money spends as green as clean. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
146a2ed En realidad estoy menos orgulloso de lo que soy que de lo que he conseguido no ser. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
8f45dc0 Dejennos volver a Espana y que cada chucho se lama su propio organo, mesie, dicho en fino, o sea. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
65002d9 Esos hijoputas ya son dificiles como aliados, asi que cuando sepan que estamos fusilando a los paisanos para que los pinte al oleo ese tipo, Goya, figurese la que nos pueden organizar. goya la-sombra-del-águila Arturo Pérez-Reverte
50aad10 Always that damned discipline that you wear like chain mail ... You would have got on well with Bernard de Clairvaux and his gang of Knights Templar. If you'd been captured by Saladin, I'm sure you'd rather have had your throat cut than renounce your faith. But not from devotion, from pride. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
52d6a2e Asi, tras haber tenido buen numero de amantes, una mujer debe considerarse afortunada si sabe convertir a alguno de ellos, el mas inteligente, en un fiel y leal amigo. Arturo Pérez-Reverte
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