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2303716 Guides were Franciscan monks, sole custodians of the holy places after 1230, who recited the history and traditions associated with each town or monument or site of Biblical events to parties of visitors as they arrived. More Barbara W. Tuchman
8bd8d01 Persian poet said, the rose blooms reddest where some buried Caesar bled. The Barbara W. Tuchman
7e7892e Inevitably, as hatred of monarchy was added to hatred of episcopacy, they were led to republicanism. Barbara W. Tuchman
e9c0a9e The road to India, the Suez Canal, the oil fields of Mosul, the whole complex of political and strategic requirements that drew Britain into Palestine in 1918, began with the enterprise of the Elizabethan merchant adventurers. Barbara W. Tuchman
e6eea75 The author of IRR, who worshipped the King, said he had the valor of Hector, the magnanimity of Achilles, the liberality of Titus, the eloquence of Nestor, and the prudence of Ulysses; that he was the equal of Alexander and not inferior to Roland. But later historians tend to picture him rather as a remorseless, kindless villain. He was probably not a pleasant or a lovable character; none of the Plantagenets were. But a great soldier and a .. Barbara W. Tuchman
11de8de TO BE "THE SEWER OF CHRISTENDOM and drain all the discords out of it" was the primary function of the Crusades," Barbara W. Tuchman
0744919 Satire is a wrapping of exaggeration around a core of reality. Barbara W. Tuchman
fa563cc But with that burst of the fairness that he can never repress, he admits that conversion is unlikely as long as Christians exclude Jews from the community: "There must be first conversing with them before there can be converting them." Barbara W. Tuchman
1e69066 Between policy-makers in the capital and realities in the field lies an eternal gap whitened by the bones of failed and futile efforts. Barbara W. Tuchman
6f3c614 This was the Evangelical Revival that now began to take hold on the propertied class, who, frightened by what was happening in France, were anxiously mending their fences, spiritual as well as political. To escape rationalism's horrid daughter, revolution, they were only too willing to be enfolded in the anti-intellectual embrace of Evangelicalism, even if it demanded faith and good works and a willing suspension of disbelief. Barbara W. Tuchman
dba4394 Puritanism, he said, was a reaction to the loss of moral fiber that accompanied the Renaissance. Barbara W. Tuchman
55c11d4 The history of the Jews is...intensely peculiar in the fact of having given the Western world its concept of origins and monotheism, its ethical traditions, and the founder of its prevailing religion, yet suffering dispersion, statelessness, and ceaseless persecution, and finally in our times nearly successful genocide, dramatically followed by fulfillment of the never-relinquished ream of return to their homeland. Viewing this strange and .. israel Barbara W. Tuchman
34e4fa5 It is clearer now that no anti-Semitic government in any country has ever helped its scapegoats to leave by any other door than death. Barbara W. Tuchman
274929e Cromwell. The door was flung open. In stalked the Protector, disgusted once more with the inability of human weaklings to come to the point, to get action, to see what he wanted and let him have it. Was it not, he berated them, every Christian's duty to receive the Jews into England, the only nation where religion was taught in its full purity, and "not to exclude them from the light and leave them among false teachers, Papists and idolater.. Barbara W. Tuchman
716362e It is a feature of government that the more important the problem, the further it tends to be removed from handling by anyone well acquainted with the subject. Barbara W. Tuchman
7fc14cd It might be the destiny of the Jewish race," he said, "to be the bridge between Asia and Europe, to bring the spirituality of Asia to Europe and the vitality of Europe to Asia." At" Barbara W. Tuchman
0f9f5a9 Wherever the Reformation took hold the Bible replaced the Pope as the final spiritual authority. Barbara W. Tuchman
a42a2a2 With his ship faced with the danger of sinking, the Richard's chief gunner screamed to the Serapis, "Quarter! quarter! for God's sake!" Jones hurled a pistol at the man, felling him. But the cry had been heard by Pearson, the Serapis' commander, who called, "Do you ask for quarter?" Through the clash of battle, gunshot and crackle of fire the famous reply came faintly back to him: "I have not yet begun to fight!" Making good his boast, Jone.. Barbara W. Tuchman
a113e93 was compared by Dante to both a slave and a brothel. Barbara W. Tuchman
9090bc0 For a knight to ride in a carriage was against the principles of chivalry and he never under any circumstances rode a mare. Barbara W. Tuchman
b763546 When beggars die there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes. Barbara W. Tuchman
70f3549 The author says one patrician English leader saw his relationship with the populace thusly: He wasn't responsible TO them. He was responsible FOR them. He was responsible for their care. dominion idolatry leadership ministry paternalism Barbara W. Tuchman
f5151a3 The country listened to thousands of speeches and read thousands of newspaper columns raking over every argument for and against imperialism and every aspect of the war in the Philippines. Barbara W. Tuchman
5b60fcc explicit communiqu Barbara W. Tuchman
af8a0e9 Stimulated by the enemy's presence on the Loire in the center of France, the nobles responded to the summons, whatever their sentiments toward the King. They came from Auvergne, Berry, Burgundy, Lorraine, Hainault, Artois, Vermandois, Picardy, Brittany, Normandy. "No knight and no squire remained at home," wrote the chroniclers; here was gathered "all the flower of France." Barbara W. Tuchman
3d884e0 Clearly prize money received more serious attention than scurvy or signals. materialism obsession Barbara W. Tuchman
aa7e7b1 it was manifest that a malady of such horrors, stenches, and agonies, and especially one bringing the dismal despair that settled upon its victims before they died, was not a plague "natural" to mankind but "a chastisement from Heaven." Barbara W. Tuchman
0f039e7 These cumbersome vehicles were as convenient as if dinosaurs had survived to be used by cowboys for driving cattle technology Barbara W. Tuchman
bf18f05 By such accident of the human mind, war, trade, and history are shaped. The Barbara W. Tuchman
a3e3005 had said, "The greatest contribution Vietnam is making ... is developing an ability in the United States to fight a limited war, to go to war without arousing the public ire." Barbara W. Tuchman
af90f2d Hubert Humphrey advised new members, "If you feel an urge to stand up and make a speech attacking Vietnamese policy, don't make it." Barbara W. Tuchman
a7a7102 After the Marne the war grew and spread until it drew in the nations of both hemispheres and entangled them in a pattern of world conflict no peace treaty could dissolve. The Battle of the Marne was one of the decisive battles of the world not because it determined that Germany would ultimately lose or the Allies ultimately win the war but because it determined that the war would go on. There was no looking back, Joffre told the soldiers on.. Barbara W. Tuchman
4ec5fbe Europe was a heap of swords piled as delicately as jackstraws; one could not be pulled out without moving the others. Under Barbara W. Tuchman
0a687ed Civilians who volunteer generally wish to escape, not to share, privatizations worse than their own. mercenaries patriotism self-sacrifice Barbara W. Tuchman
0e2145d The greatness of the object enabled my mind to support what my strengths of body was scarce equal to. vision Barbara W. Tuchman
6eff97c were being ravaged by her brother. In their agreement Amadeus Barbara W. Tuchman
a5c96c1 Canada was regarded as a hostage to restrain Britain, Barbara W. Tuchman
9b2d55a Joffre was adept at taking advice, and submitted more or less consciously to the reigning doctrinaires of the Operations Bureau. They formed what a French military critic called "a church outside which there was no salvation and which could never pardon those who revealed the falsity of its doctrine." Barbara W. Tuchman
09a2c74 Prison does not silence ideas whose time has come, a fact that generally escapes despots, who by nature are rulers of little wisdom. Barbara W. Tuchman
c146fa8 The early removal from school of future officers of Britain's seapower, leaving them unacquainted with the subject matter and ideas of the distant and recent past, may account for the incapacity of no military thinking in a world that devoted itself to military action. With little thought of strategy, no study of the theory of war or of planned objective, war's glorious art may have been glorious, but with individual exceptions, it was more.. education trade Barbara W. Tuchman
b814981 In this atmosphere of doubt why was the extreme risk approved? Partly because exasperation at the failure of all her efforts at intimidation had led to an all-or-nothing state of mind and a helpless yielding like Bethmann's by the civilians to the military. Barbara W. Tuchman
73b8b02 Anything that protracted a campaign Clausewitz condemned. "Gradual reduction" of the enemy, or a war of attrition, he feared like the pit of hell." Barbara W. Tuchman
1c72d01 Called the Golden Rock for the flood of commerce that flowed through its free port, stuffing its warehouses with goods for trade and the coffers of its merchants with the proceeds, it "was different from all others," said Edmund Burke in a speech of 1781 when Eustatius in sudden fame leapt into public notice. "It had no produce. no fortifications for its defense, nor martial spirit nor military regulations.... Its utility was its defense. T.. Barbara W. Tuchman
d2977d8 Drink thy blood, Beaumanoir, and thy thirst will pass! Barbara W. Tuchman
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