Quinn froze when he saw Emmett, brought his hand to his mouth, whispered, "Oh God. June, is it? I'm so sorry. Is there anything--" "No, there isn't. I just need to be alone with him." Abigail touched her arm, said, "Maybe you should--" "No! Go!" --
Blake Crouch |
Yeah, my attitude's been, Fuck the Forest Service. I've been coming up from Arizona every year to spend time in this canyon, do a little elk hunting on the side. But it's a real thrill to meet you, Lawrence." Quinn reached out to shake his hand. "I've read everything you've written on Abandon."
Blake Crouch |
He doesn't know where he is or, for that matter, who he is. A clear mask is lowered to his mouth. The voice--a woman's--urges him, "Take a long, deep breath, and keep breathing in." The gas he inhales is warm, concentrated oxygen. It flows down his windpipe and hits his lungs with a welcome burst of heat. Though her mouth is covered, the woman leaning over him is smiling at him with her eyes. "Better?" she asks. He nods. Her face grows shar..
Blake Crouch |
Greetings. There is a body buried on your property, covered in your blood. The unfortunate young lady's name is Rita Jones. You've seen this missing school-teacher's face on the news, I'm sure. In her jeans pocket you'll find a slip of paper with a phone number on it. You have one day to call that number. If I have not heard from you by 8:00 P.M. tomorrow (5/17), the Charlotte Police Department will receive an anonymous phone call. I'll tel..
Blake Crouch |
The greenest grass he'd ever seen--a forest of long, soft blades--ran down to the bank. The water was clear and swift as it flowed between the boulders that jutted out of the channel. Across the river, a cliff swept up for a thousand feet. Pines grew in clusters along the ledges, and the air was filled with the smell of them and the sweetness of the moving water.
Blake Crouch |
Is it safe?
Blake Crouch |
I heard something up ahead.
Blake Crouch |
Devlin and I will take our chances on the run." They rode on in silence, speeding west toward Phoenix now, a massive, distant glow on the horizon, like a city on fire."
Blake Crouch |
It doesn't get any better than the first week of October. It always puts me in mind of that F. Scott Fitzgerald line: Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.
Blake Crouch |
Could turn a phrase, slip in some subtext, make the reader really care. Desert Places will give you nightmares. But it will also move you in ways you didn't expect. How much do I admire his work? After I became a fan, I sought Blake out and we've worked together on several projects, with more planned for the future.
Blake Crouch |
Abby," Lawrence said, "do exactly what I say, right when I say, no matter how crazy it sounds."
Blake Crouch |
He worries she's going to ask what happened. Why he isn't dead. It's a question he's been dreading and preparing for all day.
Blake Crouch |
You want to leave. Huh. Keep in mind everything I just said, and now consider that you're the only person who's successfully flown that thing. You're in possession of critical knowledge that we've spent billions and a decade of our lives trying to acquire. I'm not saying this to scare you, only to appeal to your logical reasoning - do you think there's anything we won't do to extract that information from you?
Blake Crouch |
I feel like I have little to give.
Blake Crouch |
There's a weightlessness that permeates everything because no damning choices have been made, no paths committed to, and the road forking out ahead is pure, unlimited potential.
Blake Crouch |
Wenn die Gewalt zur Norm wird, passen sich die Menschen an die Norm an.
Blake Crouch |
The Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics posits that all possible realities exist. That everything which has a probability of happening is happening. Everything that might have occurred in our past did occur, only in another universe. What if that's true?
Blake Crouch |
Happy man once." "You wish you stayed on the beach with Eleanor?"
Blake Crouch |
as he had? An abby streaked into the clearing. Then another. And another. A fourth. Fifth. No more. Please. No--A group of five joined the others. Then ten more. Soon there were twenty-five of them milling around the boulders in the shadow of that cliff. His heart fell. He crawled back
Blake Crouch |
And a second thank you to my genius editor, Julian Pavia, who pushed me as hard as I've ever been pushed and made this book better on every page.
Blake Crouch |
I want her in a way I can't explain. That I don't ever want to be able to explain, because the mystery of it is a perfect thing.
Blake Crouch |
Eyes you can fall into and keep falling.
Blake Crouch |
He's a man on fire, in love with his life again.
Blake Crouch |
Blake Crouch |
What am I missing, Abby?
Blake Crouch |
Unter gewissen Umstanden schliessen Sicherheit und Wahrheit einander aus.
Blake Crouch |
Du kannst werden, was immer du willst. Was du dir auch in den Kopf setzt. Folge einfach deinem Herzen und lebe deine Traume." - Die guten alten Plattituden einer ausgestorbenen Spezies."
Blake Crouch |
All the tiny, seemingly insignificant details upon which my world hangs.
Blake Crouch |
Daniela hasn't worn perfume in years, but she's wearing it tonight, and she smells like Daniela without me, like Daniela before our separate scents merged into us.
Blake Crouch |
It's one thing to be lost in a world that's not your own. Another thing entirely to know you've been replaced in yours.
Blake Crouch |
The Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics posits that all possible realities exist. That everything which has a probability of happening is happening. Everything that might have occurred in our past did occur, only in another universe.
Blake Crouch |
Actually, they're just as real as the one you and I are experiencing at this moment.
Blake Crouch |
Are you happy in your life?
Blake Crouch |
What a miracle it is to have people to come home to every day. To be loved. To be expected.
Blake Crouch |
Are you losing your mind? You tell me. I can't. Why? Because I am you.
Blake Crouch |
It isn't married-people lovemaking that follows. We have fumbling, groping, backseat-of-the-car, unprotected-because-who-gives-a-fuck, protons-smashing-together sex.
Blake Crouch |
Last year, the morning of the day he died in a nursing home, wasted from age and pneumonia, his father asked Ethan in a raspy voice, "You spend time with your son?" "Much as I can," he'd answered, but his father had caught the lie in his eyes. "It'll be your loss, Ethan. Day'll come, when he's grown and it's too late, that you'd give a kingdom to go back and spend a single hour with your son as a boy. To hold him. Read a book to him. Throw ..
Blake Crouch |
And still, he was here. And by virtue of that fact, or rather because of it, this place wasn't perfect. His experience, there was darkness everywhere human beings gathered. The way of the world. Perfection was a surface thing. The epidermis. Cut a few layers deep, you begin to see some darker shades. Cut to the bone--pitch black.
Blake Crouch |
She whispered his name like a prayer, fingers already fast at work in that swampy heat between her thighs.
Blake Crouch |
Back home, he'd often wake in the middle of the night to feel her arm thrown over him, her body contoured to his. Even on the hardest nights. Nights he'd come home late. Nights they fought. Nights he'd betrayed her. She brought so much more to the table than he ever had. She loved at light-speed. No hesitation. No regrets. No conditions. No reservations. While he hoarded his chips and held a part of himself back, she went all in. Every time..
Blake Crouch |
There is a part of me that never left that room in Fallujah that smelled like rancid blood.
Blake Crouch |
Just dozens and dozens of black windows into devastation.
Blake Crouch |
The punctuations of silence weren't completely uncomfortable. Ethan was beginning to understand that in Wayward Pines these periods of shared quiet were normal, expected, inevitable. Some people, by nature, were better at surface conversation than others. Better at walking the line, steering clear of forbidden topics. There was much more thinking before speaking. Like living in a novel of manners.
Blake Crouch |
Whole Foods smells like the hippie I dated before Daniela--a tincture of fresh produce, ground coffee, and essential oils. The
Blake Crouch |