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6e471c5 Would you put it past Darth Sullivan to figure out a way to haunt you postmortem? He's probably holding staff meetings in the afterworld. Offering up performance evaluations. Issuing dictates. merit Chloe Neill
e2a937f Sullivan, just pick it up." He glanced at me, spearing a chunk of hot dog with his fork. "My way is more genteel." I took another gigantic bite, and told him between chews, "Your way is more tight ass." "Your respect for me, Sentinel, is astounding." I grinned at him. "I'd respect you more if you took a bite of that dog." merit Chloe Neill
f32f8a7 If you use the word 'halt,' I will hit you." "Not halt," he breathlessly said. "Upstairs. Now." merit Chloe Neill
5ebfe3a It's your job to be worried," I said lightly, squeezing his hand. "That's why we pay you the big bucks. Which you are apparently going to hand over to the NAC in order to keep that car in the garage." "Never fear, Sentinel. I will still be able to keep you in bacon." "Damn right," I said. "You know your priorities." Ethan rolled his eyes and slapped me on the butt." merit Chloe Neill
05e5909 together--"like a moth to a flame, there'd be nothing left." Chloe Neill
e891abd I had a sense of your passion when we met, Merit. When you first stormed into my House with fire in your eyes." "That wasn't fire. That was sheer, unmitigated fury." merit Chloe Neill
679b723 An image of Luc's face flashed on my screen, his finger waggling. "Time to go outside!" it said. "Time to go outside!" I tried to silence it, reduce the volume, and turn off the phone, but to no avail. Luc had definitely created a reminder for our outdoor guarding duties--and there was no way to turn it off. I grimaced at the phone and showed it to Ethan. "We have a monster on our hands." luc merit Chloe Neill
8b7a764 But night came again, because night, like death and taxes, was inevitable. Chloe Neill
549c586 He was an imperialistic, self-righteous pain in the ass. But he was my pain in the ass, you know? And tonight, I won't be with him. That definitely feels strange. merit Chloe Neill
297ad51 Why the long face?" "Is there anyone who isn't infatuated with you?" I smiled at him, with teeth. "If not, it's because you haven't assigned them to me yet. Mata Hari at your service. Would you like to add him to the list?" "I don't appreciate your sarcasm." "I don't appreciate being handed out like a party favor." merit Chloe Neill
6f0f924 Catcher, you're a boy. I've known you for like a week." Two months, actually, but who was counting? "I've known Merit for years. I mean, the sex is great and all, but she's my BFF." - Mallory" Chloe Neill
6f0d53f At least you had sense enough not to attempt to lead this particular away team." "Star Trek," I murmured, picking out one of Luc's ubiquitous movie and television references. "I have trained you well, Padawan." "You're mixing your Wars and Treks," Jeff pointed out. "They're interchangeable," Luc said, earning a horrified look from Jeff." luc Chloe Neill
72e9533 I'm glad to know you have a sense of humor." "I'm a vampire, not a zombie." "Good to know." merit Chloe Neill
3f0c5db I took a moment before heading inside to share the evening's most important news in a quick text to Mallory: ETHAN EATS TOAST WITH A FORK. It took a moment before she responded. DARTH SULLIVAN = PRETENTIOUS HOTTIE, she responded. mallory-carmichael merit Chloe Neill
5c88df6 Luc is busy protecting our vampires." "Luc is your bodyguard. He swore an oath to protect you." An irritated shake of his head. "You're in this already." "Luc was there when you explained the raves, helped you plan for my involvement, and I'm sure you've brought him up to speed about what we learned so far. He knows everything that I know." "Luc was busy." "I was busy." "Luc isn't you." merit Chloe Neill
d237f8b I was impressed that she looked so good on so little sleep. I'd have looked like a plague victim on a bad hair day. Chloe Neill
7261607 Hot beef in the name of peace. Chloe Neill
4c41bfa Next steps?" I asked, turning him back to business once again. "A stiff drink?" "Have I finally driven you to alcohol, Sentinel?" merit Chloe Neill
03c4eb0 And that," she said, putting the shaker back on the bar, "is how vampires make rainbows." - Lindsey" Chloe Neill
283d869 I need gnome books. You know, because sorcerers just don't get them." He didn't get the joke." Chloe Neill
187e8ee Opportunities to wear denim to the office don't come along very often in Cadogan House." Ethan chuckled, then pushed off the bureau and pulled a black suit coat from a valet stand. "I hear the Master can be such a pain in the ass." He definitely had his moments." -- merit Chloe Neill
0a966e1 do you want to be with a man who has to be convinced to be with you? Chloe Neill
9d5b883 There are some decisions that we make, and some that are made for us. Sometimes you accept the path that's offered to you, and you live the path - that life - with grace. And sometimes you push forward, and you chart your own path. That decision is yours. Chloe Neill
4d3fdd0 Laugh. Always choose to laugh. Chloe Neill
f7dab59 Snug pants, bandeau-type corset, and trim, motorcycle jacket. It was a fabulous outfit, but it was so urban-fantasy book cover leather urban-fantasy vampires Chloe Neill
53e3f13 Grief was a miserable emotion. A friend once told me the hurt that came with the end of a relationship was painful because it was the death of a dream--the future you'd imagined with a lover, a loved one, a child, or a friend. That loss was its own painful, nearly tangible thing. You had to reimagine your future, perhaps in a different place, with different people, doing different things than you might have first imagined. Chloe Neill
da20ff4 Luc would have put my head on a pike if you'd taken a hit." "How do you know I didn't?" I opened my mouth, then closed it again. "Did you?" His eyes went to sultry slits. "Do you want to look and see?" "Not especially." Liar, liar, pants on fire." merit Chloe Neill
3876421 There is nothing we want quite as much as the thing we know we can't have. Chloe Neill
2bbdf85 He does seem to have a lot of willpower." "That is an understatement," I agreed. "Tall, blond, and stubborn." paige Chloe Neill
a08f5fb And I agree that you should be basking in my glory . . . especially since I took a stake through the heart to save your life." I couldn't help but grin. "And it didn't even take you twenty-four hours to remind me." "One uses the tools at one's disposal, Sentinel." merit Chloe Neill
78e5868 Oh, that turned out nicely," Lindsey said, hands on her hips as she surveyed it, then smiled at Mallory. "Is your house just covered in glitter now?" Mallory stepped back, adjusted my sash carefully. "It's every-freaking-where. It's probably the perfect vector for worldwide contagion, should any bad guys figure that out." Chloe Neill
f370182 You got shot?" "A couple of times, as it turns out. They aren't lying about the immortality thing." Chloe Neill
002eaaf Supernatural man drama was making me grouchy. Chloe Neill
d555bfc Have you ever noticed that however uncomfortable you might have been when you first went to bed-the room too hot or too cold; the pillows not quite right; the mattress lumpy; the sheets sratchy-by the time you should get up, your bed has transformed itself into the Platonic ideal of beds? The room is cool, the bed is soft, and the pillow may as well have been God's Own Headrest. Chloe Neill
fd0b93e Fear doesn't stop a warrior. It pushes you further. life Chloe Neill
12114cd Given how I feel right now, I can only assume that my giving you the same bullshit platitudes earlier didn't help you, either. Chloe Neill
18b1642 And you punched him in the restaurant?" I grinned. "No, I punched him when he told me my only purpose was to bear his children and then stuck a hand up my shirt." Patrick grinned. "You land the punch?" "Broke his nose." "Good" Chloe Neill
cd0012b How are you finding vampiredom?" "If it were a house," I answered after some serious consideration, "I'd call it a fixer-upper." Chloe Neill
1d0c504 He wasn't supposed to know at all, but he certainly shouldn't find out from her. Chloe Neill
363a7bb As we left the kitchen, I asked, "Can I hold your sword today?" Catcher glanced back over his shoulder and lifted a brow. "The sword," I corrected. "The sword." Chloe Neill
b19859d I believe there's something you'll need, Sentinel." Ethan slid from his chair, dropped to one knee on the carpet. My mind had to race to keep up, but my heart pounded madly. Ethan looked up at me, grinned. "That thing, of course, is this." He held up a small dessert fork. "You dropped your fork, Sentinel." My blood pounded in my ears. I stood up, swatted his arms with slaps. "You are a jerk." He roared with laughter. "Ah, Sentinel. The look.. merit Chloe Neill
c334244 Gabe had faced pissed-off shifters, irritated vampires, and worse. But spiders were his mortal enemies. To be fair, the basement's spiders were large and in charge. "We" Chloe Neill
db64e74 We were friends because we were connected together, because something in our souls called to each other, understood each other. Chloe Neill
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