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130a3ff people fear what they don't understand. Chloe Neill
690c5f8 You are heart and recklessness and fire. The drama just came along for the ride. Chloe Neill
81e1850 popularity invites criticism, fuels jealousy. It is, for better or worse, human nature. Chloe Neill
4929e82 You undo me, Merit. Wholly and completely. You don't take me at my word. You challenge me at every opportunity. And that means when I'm with you, I am less than the head of this House . . . and I am more than the head of this House. I am a man." He stroked my cheeks with his thumbs. "In my very, very long life, I need you more than I have ever needed anything." This" Chloe Neill
2c08447 The thumbs have been pricked, at least proverbially. Chloe Neill
d62ca05 My smart and kind and beautiful girl." He liked to say that, had been saying it for years, and had always put "beautiful" last. Whether it was true or not, he'd tell me it was the least important of the three. "You are smart," he'd say. "You should be kind. And if you are, you'll always be beautiful." raising-girls smart-before-beautiful Chloe Neill
4fdec62 I knew the point wasn't the victory, but pulling yourself together and crawling your way back. That was life. survival Chloe Neill
555721c Ditto," Ethan said, a surprising amount of venom in his voice. I bit back a proud smile; he seemed to be adopting a little of my snark." Chloe Neill
b5a13a8 the work of protecting others is in convincing them they need protection in the first place. Chloe Neill
2c3fdd2 Doubt is part of life," I said. "And so is hope. Life is about taking chances. You just have to hope that the chance is worth the risk." Chloe Neill
33e80a9 I'm still alive," Gabriel pointed out. "Nick is also still alive, as is Merit. Everybody wave." -- Chloe Neill
1b78b25 Write down the things you wish to remember, and keep those records close. Secured. It's surprising how much you forget as the years go on. Chloe Neill
d09032a Doubt was a debilitating, frightening thing. Chloe Neill
5c81aa3 I also used to think only he could trigger the connection between us. Apparently, he'd just been ignoring me. Chloe Neill
68a8ff4 I am a vampire sex warrior, I thought, with much satisfaction. Chloe Neill
bf70590 We have chosen liberty and self-respect. Chloe Neill
3b86482 On occasion, the unexpected is precisely what the doctor ordered. Chloe Neill
1bd429f peace; Chloe Neill
918c50b It's always darkest before the dawn, Chloe Neill
ba2f395 Are you ready for this, Sentinel? Chloe Neill
8046c09 That plans, however well-intentioned, were ultimately irrelevant? That we had to learn to adapt, and the best-case scenario was finding a partner who was willing to adapt alongside us? Chloe Neill
259579e And what do you have planned for your soiree?" Ethan asked. "I'm guessing it won't involve tea sipping and heavy reading." I pretended to adjust invisible glasses. "Well, we will be reading the Encyclopaedia Britannica aloud and watching Neil deGrasse Tyson videos on the YouTubes. We might also make time for macrame." Chloe Neill
ff6c612 The Lark Ascending";" Chloe Neill
79487c8 someone whose safety and happiness you put above all others. Even if that meant impressing her particularly stuffy family. Chloe Neill
926d4c5 Because I'd found someone who made me better, stronger, and because, at least I liked to think, I did the same for him. That was worth celebrating, treasuring, being grateful for. Chloe Neill
66192f4 I'm more than just delectable good looks. Chloe Neill
c92e64f Sometimes being an underling meant managing up. Chloe Neill
de9fcd4 He looked over at me. "You're a kid yourself." "Vampire since April," I said. "Good transition?" "It's had its moments," I said." Chloe Neill
925a12e Kite cleared his throat. " Gaslight Goods in a nonparty to any disputes among members of the Dark Elite. Gaslight Goods has an official position of neutrality with respect to any such disputes, and the provision of information to one party or other is not an indication in a change in that position, nor a statement of support. All rights of Gaslight Goods are reserved. Phew," he added. "Sorry about that." Chloe Neill
c254ac0 past is immutable. Only the future can be written. Chloe Neill
2941ae5 Sometimes a girl needed breakfast that didn't involve flax or wheatgrass or organic free-range cruelty-free whole grains. Chloe Neill
e14680a She has a point, Liege. Chloe Neill Twice Bitten
16bf668 And our safe word?" "Wonderwall." Lindsey turned around and cast Luc a sardonic look. " Your safe word is the name of an Oasis song?" Chloe Neill Twice Bitten
ffb438a I'm going to change clothes." Ethan lay down on the bed, one arm behind his head, ankles crossed. "All right," he said. "I'm ready." "Dirty. Old. Man." merit Chloe Neill
f5db9d4 The quickest way to exacerbate a dinner with my parents was being late for dinner with my parents. Well, other than bringing zombies to dinner. Because who kept brains in the fridge? Chloe Neill
5b64503 I'm here," he said. "Be still." merit Chloe Neill
c864706 Yeni donusturulenler tek bir isim kullanirlar. Merit, eger bunu kullaniyorsan, adini degistirmemiz gerekmez. Sadece evlerin lliderleri soyadlarini koruyabilirler. Bu, hatirlaman gereken kurallardan sadece biri." Bana dogru egilerek suratinda pis bir ifadeyle konusmasina devam etti. " Ve kurallari cignemek duskunlere yarasir bir harelettir." Onun bu yumusak ikazi karanlikta yanan bir isaret feneri gibi zihnimde bir seyleri atesledi. Gozleri.. bazı-kızlar-ısırır hakaret öfke vampir Chloe Neill
fd85d05 Cok yaklastin." dedi nefes nefese. "Yeterince yakin degil." Ama bunu soylerken sirittim, hareketi yapmayi basarabildigim icin heyecanlanmistim. Bu hareketim kalabaligi da memnun ettis ve takdir eder sekilde islik caldilar. "Dikkatli olun Hukumdar'im" diye bapirdi birileri. "Kiz guzel yuzunuzu yaralayabilir." Ethanicten bir sekilde guldu. " Tanri korusun." dedi balkondakilere. "O zaman sadece inanilmaz servetim ve harika icgudulerim kalir g.. vampir şaka Chloe Neill
742c6ca Together the magicks swirled and danced around us, invisible but tangible, like an breeze. This wasn't defensive or offensive magic. It wasn't used to gather information, for strategy or diplomacy, or to fight a war against supernatural enemy. It simply was. It was fundamental, inexorable. It was nothing and everything, infinity and oblivion, from the magnificent furnace of a star to the electrons that hummed in an atom. It was life and.. magic caroline-merit chicagoland-vampires magick magicks chloe-neill merit Chloe Neill
c39177b Maybe the kind of guy worth your time is the kind of guy who's there from the beginning. Who wants you from the beginning. Chloe Neill
430e0b3 There's a reason they call it hopelessly romantic. And not rationally romantic? Well-developed-thoughtly romantic. Chloe Neill
5d57f01 That plans, however well-intentioned , were ultimately irrelevant? That we had to learn to adapt , and the best-case scenario was finding a partner who was willing to adapt alongside us? Chloe Neill
323ab66 Tanya Chloe Neill
bad91bd A algunas personas les agrada el vino. A algunos, los autos. A algunos,"dije, tirando del dobladillo de su indudable camiseta de disenador,"Les gusta la ropa increiblemente costosa. A mi me gusta el chocolate." heroine-quote Chloe Neill
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