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daa7c64 Life is not about reward and punishment," said Xuen. "It is about understanding, accepting who oneself is right now, in order to know what to change, and how." Christie Golden
21007c2 The paths of Fate are many and varied,and no sane being should ever venture down the deceptively pleasant one of "if only".What happened,happened;" Christie Golden
808318a me. That's what it does. Nothing is ever enough. You get more, and more, but you're never happy. It's a trap baited with all the things you want most. That life--it's not worth living. Christie Golden
8260b34 And now, it's too late, and I will never stop grieving that. But I'm on the path, Asajj. You bought my chance with blood, and I won't waste it, I swear I won't. Every day, every minute of my life, I'll live it. For me, and for you. I'll fight, because you can't, and I'll laugh, and I'll do everything I possibly can with everything I have in me to make things better, because this galaxy has seen too much of darkness. Christie Golden
9bf957b What is he like?" asked Khadgar, his voice almost pleading. "Like everyone else, I suppose." said Moroes. "Has his druthers. Has his moods. Good days and bad. Like everybody else." "puts his pants on one leg at a time," said Khadgar, sighing. "No. He levitates into them," said Moroes." Christie Golden
be9766c He welcomed challenges; they kept him sharp, showed that he was approachable, and oftentimes made him explore avenues previously unthought-of. Christie Golden
52278b5 This was how one should be welcomed home. With the happy cries of children and family, with the blessings of the natural world. Christie Golden
179cfd8 I am not your kind," Vos said, his voice thick. "I do not feed off vengeance." Truth was quiet. It did not need to shout or to demand. It simply existed. "I am a Jedi." Christie Golden
b2bf80c Jorum had called to the boys to come watch the miracle of birth. The "miracle of birth" was actually pretty disgusting, Arthas thought. He" Christie Golden
bcd6abe Sometimes it is a dark path we must tread so that long more for the light, we shall. Christie Golden
ef1e405 Do I wish I had chosen otherwise? Wishes do not a world make. We do the best we can where we are, every minute, every breath. We make mistakes, and we have to live with them. We try to learn from them. And that is all we can do. (Thrall) Christie Golden
66a106b Some orc clans are cruel. They enjoy tormenting and torturing their prey... and their enemies. A Frostwolf takes no joy in suffering. Not even in the suffering of our enemies, and certainly not in that of a simple beast which provides us with nourishment. Christie Golden
ca99e1e Cooperation was possible; he'd seen it. Every individual was unique--and could grow. Christie Golden
dac89db We do not 'suffer,'" said Garad. "We endure." Christie Golden
0832552 All nights end, and all storms clear. The only storms that last are those within your own soul. Christie Golden
d0f49bf Hope is what you have when all other things have failed you," he said. "Where there is hope, you make room for healing, for all things that are possible--and some that are not." Christie Golden
55d72cf There are things you must do before that peace will be granted to you. Things that you must understand, that you must integrate into yourself. People who need your help. What one needs in order to heal will always come one's way, but sometimes it can be hard to recognize it. Sometimes the most beautiful and important gifts come wrapped in pain and blood. Christie Golden
925bc52 One of the things you'll learn, Anduin, is that sometimes you can't always do what you'd like to do. Or even do what you think is the right thing--at least not right away. Christie Golden
555275d Such was the way of the discontented. No proof, no explanation or reason would ever be enough to disabuse them of tightly held, deeply cherished grievances. Christie Golden
93a03c3 I have no fear of killing those who deserve to die. I do not choose to kill those who do not. lord-of-the-clans thrall warcraft orcs Christie Golden
485aa17 Each life, a flame in the Force is. Beautiful. Unique. Glowing and precious, it stands, to bravely cast its own small light against the darkness that would consume it." Yoda" Christie Golden
7cb788f There's no way to phrase this other than bluntly. Master Vos--the Council wants you to assassinate Count Dooku. Christie Golden
a3f861f Lad, no one feels ready. No one feels he deserves it. And you know why? Because no one does. It's grace, pure and simple. We are inherently unworthy, simply because we're human, and all human beings--aye, and elves, and dwarves, and all the other races--are flawed. But the Light loves us anyway. It loves us for what we sometimes can rise to in rare moments. It loves us for what we can do to help others. And it loves us because we can help i.. Christie Golden
9c3c6fd Few do, at first. A small step, the one that determines destiny often is. Christie Golden
ff326a9 What? He can't possibly mean to-- Christie Golden
eb7cc0d It's all for the glory of the Empire, honey, and don't you forget it. Christie Golden
bf05533 The Jedi cultivated a practice of nonattachment, which had always served them well. Few understood, though, that while specific, individual bonds such as romantic love or family were forbidden, the Jedi were not ashamed of compassion. All lives were precious, and when so many were lost in such a way, the Jedi felt the pain of it in the Force as well as in their own hearts. Christie Golden
d400de7 Knights of the Silver Hand, Christie Golden
f6a98fc To be my wisdom, as Air, my steadiness, as Earth ..." He took a deep breath. "And my passion and my heart, as Fire and Water. And if you would have it so, I would be these things to you." He felt her trembling in his embrace: she, Aggra, strong and courageous. She pulled back a little and laid her hand on his chest, her eyes searching his. "Go'el, as long as you have this great heart to lead--and to love--then know that I will go with you t.. Christie Golden
89e93f0 Kage, Christie Golden
1e24967 Many Jedi would raise eyebrows at the thought of meditating in a bar, but Vos had done it before. Christie Golden
9e9471f Air - the element of clarity of thought, of inspiration, insight, and fresh starts. He smiled a little, and as the scene began to fade, he let it go easily. Because he knew that with Air, there would always be something new to come, to challenge and inspire him. Christie Golden
68825f3 As nearly all on the Death Star had been ordered to do, with their own eyes or on a screen, Iden had stood and watched. By their treasonous actions, the rebels on Alderaan had brought destruction not only on themselves, but on the innocents they always seemed so keen to protect. She Christie Golden
9e0bcb7 The Jedi cultivated a practice of nonattachment, which had always served them well. Few understood, though, that while specific, individual bonds such as romantic love or family were forbidden, the Jedi were not ashamed of compassion. All lives were precious, and when so many were lost in such a way, the Jedi felt the pain of it in the Force as well as in their own hearts. At Christie Golden
f97a75b Grieved are we all, to see so many suffer," he said. "Courage, the youngling had, at the end. Forgotten, she and her people will not be." Christie Golden
35a364e Janeway had thought her heart full, but now it overflowed. For the rest of her life, she knew, she would remember this: walking down the seemingly endless line, sharing laughter, hugs, handshakes, slaps on the back. She tried to brand every face into her brain, every word, every expression. Whatever her own new voyage held for her, it would be hard-pressed to measure up to the exquisite, painful joy of this single precious moment. * Christie Golden
f07c8ec What can I say? Every tooth I have is a sweet tooth, Christie Golden
a70872e Voyager was my collective. I knew I was safe there. I trusted all of you; I knew all of you. I could. . . I could try to learn to love. But all that's changed. We've returned to Earth. I'm a--an oddity." "Seven, that's not true," Christie Golden
a4b5e9f Go ahead, spit it out," she muttered. "You look..." Like a goddess of love and war and hope and ecstasy. Like a glimmering star that I have somehow been blessed to hold. Like the rest of my life. "...nice." He wanted to kick himself. Ventress" Christie Golden
357b105 Will you see Dad when you get back?" "Yes," said Miral, without having to pause to think about it. B'Elanna was startled by the swift response. "Enough time has passed so that there should not be pain. And if there is then we will simply have to push through it. The child you and your husband have borne carries both our blood. It is foolish to let years of personal resentment deny the girl our wisdom." Torres stared. Sometimes, when you lea.. Christie Golden
2cacc85 a flesh-and-blood waiter and therefore as rare in San Francisco as a flying horse, Christie Golden
ba10c7a We could still have it. Christie Golden
f626460 Impossible. Not after everything that's happened. Christie Golden
9ceceb8 Vos stretched out on the cot, but sleep would not come right away. The words he'd spoken kept running through his brain: What's have unhappy stories, or to have no story at all? Vos had no answer. Christie Golden
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