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66835bb I'm so sorry," he said. "I wish they'd let you two regenerate. I'll keep asking them, I assure you." She gave him a fleeting smile. "Persistence is futile," Christie Golden
b56c623 Garrosh would learn that it was in how one fought, not where or when, that honor was born. Christie Golden
7813f1f The overall effect made Vos like a falcon poised in that exquisite instant between free fall and flight, and for a moment he couldn't breath. Christie Golden
39dce71 Words crowded his mouth, but he spoke none of them. Not about the sharp delight he had taken in brutally asphyxiating an innocent creature. Not about the desire to do it again, and to harness that power and unleash it any way he chose. He couldn't speak, either, of the wrenching sadness that permeated him as he realized that something in him had broken, or the delight at having been freed of its shackles. Christie Golden
1315fe1 Wishes do not a world make. We do the best we can where we are, every minute, every breath. We make mistakes, and we have to live with them. We try to learn from them. And that is all we can do. Christie Golden
c1bf6e7 The future is not like a book one can read," he said quietly. "It is ever changing, like the rush of water, or the swirl of sand." -- Christie Golden
0f30cec Lok'tar ogar!" Victory, or death." Christie Golden
a7a1312 The daughter of renowned Admiral Garrick Versio of the Imperial Security Bureau and famous artist Zeehay Versio may be a traitor to the glorious Empire," holojournalist Alton Kastle stated, with just the right amount of horror in his smooth voice. "Captain Iden Versio has been recorded as spouting lies about the Empire and inciting violence, denouncing the brave subjects of the Death Star battle station who lost their lives while she surviv.. Christie Golden
bd5ffb5 The surreal howl wove its way through the cacophony of human voices, a bright, bloody thread in a tapestry of fear. Christie Golden
352e10b Then he called out, "Dahna! Our newest member wants to know why you want to dance, since you were forced to as a slave." Iden expected everything to come to an awkward, if not downright hostile, halt. Instead, the teal-skinned woman threw back her head and laughed. "Because I can, child," she said. "Not because I have to. Because I want to. Because I can dance, or sing, or not do any of those things if I don't feel like it. I dance because .. Christie Golden
d7e1c6e He stabbed a sharp-nailed digit in the direction of the Shattered Straits, Christie Golden
bf673f4 Let's celebrate the birth of Inferno Squad with a bottle of rebel tears!" The" Christie Golden
9b7096f Lad, no one feels ready. No one feels he deserves it. And you know why? Because no one does. It's grace, pure and simple. We are inherently unworthy, simply because we're human, and all human beings--aye, and elves, and dwarves, and all the other races--are flawed. But the Light loves us anyway. It loves us for what we sometimes can rise to in rare moments. It loves us for what we can do to help others. And it loves us because we can he.. Christie Golden
819bb97 Go ahead, spit it out," she muttered. "You look..." Like a goddess of love and war and hope and ecstasy. Like a glimmering star that I have somehow been blessed to hold. Like the rest of my life. "...nice." He wanted to kick himself." space-opera star-wars Christie Golden
aa341d7 He frowned. "Jedi aren't without emotion. We're allowed to grieve." "Perhaps," Ventress allowed, "but somehow I don't think most Jedi try to drown the pain with alcohol and slam their fists on the table." quinlan-vos space-opera star-wars Christie Golden
8e4f265 Revenge--no, nothing as petty as that; justice for the deaths of hundreds of thousands--was the focus now. Christie Golden
b7fece9 though, was perched high inside the massive tower that was the centerpiece Christie Golden
c3a2eaf It will require you to forsake nearly everything that it means to be a Jedi. But you have already begun down that path, I think. Your grief over the deaths of the Krim family does not speak of nonattachment. Christie Golden
909db32 Hay momentos en los que incluso el corazon mas bondadoso y comprensivo debe decir: "No, ya basta". Y ese momento ha llegado." comprensión justicia límites bondad Christie Golden
b894e5c shape about the size of a large dog hovering a few yards over his head. Christie Golden
a199664 Iden was, as far as she knew, the sole survivor out of over a million victims of this act of rebel terrorism. Christie Golden
b70766c What a puzzle you are to me, Jander Sunstar! You feed upon lifeblood, yet mourn the life you take. You are a being of shadow and night, yet you yearn to be surrounded by beauty. You are dead, but you cannot bear decay. What exactly are you? You can hardly be a vampire! Christie Golden
acb7bd3 Aunt Jaina, Christie Golden
b971464 battle, Christie Golden
ecbd752 It's a promise to the rebels. "It's called Inferno Squad." Christie Golden
520f62c darker Christie Golden
269ace0 Strange as it was, he understood there was grace and strength in this pain; a reminder of what should never be forgotten. Christie Golden
6f21de6 And in whatever afterlife your precious Light grants you, your parents will wish Queen Tiffin had miscarried. Christie Golden
c0b60f5 Over a million people. So fast. Gone, just like that. Christie Golden
7c6068f King Arthas? Christie Golden
40c3bdf Thus is the blessing of Chi-Ji," the crane said. "No more shall die this day. Take this second chance, and use it wisely." Christie Golden
781083f bloody coup, Christie Golden
46236e7 sad drunk was just as bad as a mad one, Christie Golden
4c03447 bloodied, broken corpse, Christie Golden
cf1279b We're leaving him. I ain't gonna risk any of your lives for the sake of carrying the corpse of a traitor, Christie Golden
cc01e0e here in five minutes." "Sir, you haven't paid them in weeks." Christie Golden
8b42d3b It is as much of a mistake to underestimate yourself as to overestimate yourself, Christie Golden
962ef0c A vein. Anduin's mind went immediately to the intricate network of veins and arteries that went through a living body. Strange how so long ago, well before anyone understood that Azeroth was a sleeping nascent titan, the term "vein" had been used to describe the ribbons of various minerals that ran throughout the world." Christie Golden
a31acd9 You led the Army of the Light, Turalyon,' Anduin thought, and his heart lifted. 'But this is the army of hope. Christie Golden
4a7b02a You're helping to bring freedom to the galaxy. So that one day, everywhere, people will be safe to express themselves. To enjoy, without fear. That's what the rebels want, in the end. That's all we want. Christie Golden
ed3cf9d The "miracle of birth" was actually pretty disgusting, Arthas thought. He hadn't realized there'd be so involved." Christie Golden
72ed785 Even here, even now, one did not joke about the Emperor. Christie Golden
61838a1 Dark Portal and the Blasted Lands. Christie Golden
83f136c It took seven hours for Azen to die. Christie Golden
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