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92e48f2 NERO- Menomale che dici cosi, professore. Perche non ci trovo niente da ridere manco io. E' solo che ogni minuto che passa mi meraviglio di piu. Ma possibile che non ti vedi, zuccherino? Sei trasparente come il vetro. Vedo le rotelline che ti girano dentro la testa. Gli ingranaggi. E vedo anche la luce. Una luce buona. Una luce vera. Tu non la vedi? Cormac McCarthy
1050730 Looking over the country with those sunken eyes as if the world out there had been altered or made suspect by what he'd seen of it elsewhere. As if he might never see it right again. Or worse did see it right at last. See it as it had always been, would forever be. The Cormac McCarthy
d62fb3a loggia. Cormac McCarthy
d3e68ea Sutree se detiene junto a una vieja cripta que un arbol ha desmantelado a medias en su crecer. Dentro no hay nada. Ni huesos ni polvo. Como sin duda son los muertos despues de la muerte. La muerte es lo que los vivos llevan consigo. Un estado de panico, como un presagio inquietante de un recuerdo amargo. Pero los muertos no recuerdan, y la nada no es una maldicion. En absoluto. Cormac McCarthy
a89ce46 There is no such joy in the tavern as upon the road thereto, Cormac McCarthy
9c73f4f Come ultime parole direi che non sono stato infelice." "Ma non possiedi nulla." "Forse gli ultimi saranno i primi." "Tu ci credi?" "No." "A che cosa credi?" "Credo che gli ultimi e i primi soffrono allo stesso modo. Pari passu. Non e solo nelle tenebre della notte che tutte le anime sono una sola." -- Cormac McCarthy
db68a95 Tu credi che quando ti svegli la mattina quello che e successo ieri non conta. Invece e l'unica cosa che conta. La tua vita e fatta dei giorni che hai vissuto. Non c'e altro. Magari pensi di poter scappare via e cambiare nome o non so cosa, di ricominciare daccapo. E poi una mattina ti svegli, guardi il soffitto, e indovina chi e la persona sdraiata nel letto? Cormac McCarthy
ca4fdd5 That all courage was a form of constancy. That it was always himself that the coward abandoned first. After this all other betrayals came easily. I Cormac McCarthy
8241d7b Polished round and smooth as marbles or lozenges of stone veined and striped. Black disclets and bits of polished quartz all bright from the mist off the river. the-road stones rocks Cormac McCarthy
3238a81 Ah Priest, said the judge. What could I ask of you that you've not already given? Cormac McCarthy
7b4c01e Zwei Tage spater kamen sie zu einem Tidefluss, wo eine eingesturzte Brucke im langsam sich bewegenden Wasser lag. Sie sassen auf der kaputten Boschungsmauer der Strasse und sahen zu, wie der Fluss zuruckstromte und uber das eiserne Gitterwerk spielte. Er blickte uber das Wasser auf das Land dahinter. Was machen wir jetzt, Papa?, fragte er. Ja, was?, sagte der Junge. Cormac McCarthy
e5df518 er blies die Asche vom Sitz des Lokfuhrers und setzte den Jungen vor das Fuhrerpult. Das Fuhrerpult war sehr schlicht. Kaum mehr zu tun, als den Handgashebel nach vorn zu schieben. Er machte Zug- und Signalhorngerausche, ohne jedoch recht zu wissen, was der Junge damit verband. Nach einer Weile schauten sie einfach durch das verschmutzte Glas nach draussen, wo sich die Gleise in einem Bogen in der Odnis des Unkrauts verloren. Sie mochten ve.. Cormac McCarthy
7a54ea0 In die schmutzigen Decken gehullt, gingen sie durch die Strassen. Er hielt den Revolver auf Hufthohe und den Jungen bei der Hand. AM anderen Ende der Stadt stiessen sie auf ein fur sich stehendes Haus auf einer Wiese und gingen durch samtliche Zimmer. Sie trafen auf sich selbst in einem Spiegel, und er hatte beinahe den Revolver gehoben. Das sind wir Papa, flusterte der Junge. Das sind wir. Cormac McCarthy
2f4d08d They aint got no medication for pilgrims waitin to take the Sunset? Cormac McCarthy
bf3d22c Der Schatten des Jungen strich uber ihn. Mit einem Bundel Holz in den Armen. Er sah ihm zu, wie er die Flammen anfachte. Gottes Feuerdrache. Funken stoben auf und erstarben im sternenlosen Dunkel. Nicht alle letzten Worte sind wahr, und diese Wohltat ist, obwohl ihres Bodens beraubt, nicht weniger real. Cormac McCarthy
e40e30b It came boring out of the east like some ribald satellite of the coming sun howling and bellowing in the distance and the long light of the headlamp running through the tangled mesquite brakes and creating out of the night the endless fenceline down the dead straight right of way and sucking it back again wire and post mile on mile into the darkness after where the boilersmoke disbanded slowly along the faint new horizon and the sound came .. Cormac McCarthy
1637f72 De todos modos el compartir es la ley del camino, verdad? Cormac McCarthy
466348d Magari potresti provarci, a ricominciare da zero. Non intendo ricominciare e basta, quello l'hanno fatto tutti. Da zero significa da zero. Significa prendere e andare. Cioe, se tutto quello che hai e tutto quello che hai fatto alla fine ti ha portato sul fondo di una bottiglia di whiskey o ti ha regalato un bel biglietto di sola andata sul Sunset Limited, allora non mi puoi portare uno straccio di motivo al mondo per dover salvare qualc.. Cormac McCarthy
f374b5f They'd close to two hours till dark and the expriest said so. They lay under the boardlike hide of a dead ox and listened to the judge calling to them. He called out points of jurisprudence, he cited cases. He expounded upon those laws pertaining to property rights in beasts mansuete and he quoted from cases of attainder insofar as he reckoned them germane to the corruption of blood in the prior and felonious owners of the horses now dead a.. Cormac McCarthy
7f2a99c Pe-acest drum nu mai e nici un suflet de om de la care sa auzi vorba Domnului. S-au dus, iar eu am ramas si ei au luat cu ei lumea. Intrebare: prin ce se deosebeste ce nu va fi niciodata de ce nu a fost niciodata? drumul the-road Cormac McCarthy
57599f1 He never sleeps. He says that he will never die. Cormac McCarthy
ea48d6e Yes. You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget. Cormac McCarthy
3645db1 Even if you knew what to do you wouldnt know what to do. You wouldnt know if you wanted to do it or not. future Cormac McCarthy
40677c3 Ten presente que las cosas que te metes en la cabeza estan ahi para siempre. Quiza deberias pensar en eso. --Algunas cosas las olvidas, ?no? --Si. Olvidas lo que quieres recordar y recuerdas lo que quieres olvidar. Cormac McCarthy
85d2d9e A dead man's dog ain't got a name. Cormac McCarthy
a58fd03 The earth fell away on every side equally in its arcature and by these limits were they circumscribed and of them were they locus. Cormac McCarthy
4c1c686 When the Papayuna is pining you need to call home. Cormac McCarthy
c81d689 He slept little and he slept poorly. Cormac McCarthy
071abe7 Der Junge schwankte im Sitzen. Der Mann gab acht, dass er nicht in die Flammen fiel. Mit dem Fuss scharrte er Vertiefungen fur Huften und Schultern des Jungens in den Sand, um ihm eine Schlafstelle zu schaffen, dann setzte er sich mit ihm ans Feuer, hielt ihn in den Armen und zauste ihm das Haar, um es zu trocknen. Dies alles glich einem uralten Ritual der Salbung. So sei es. Beschwore die Formen herauf. Wenn du nichts anderes hast, ersinne.. Cormac McCarthy
6725c2c Man glommer det man vill minnas och man minns det man vill glomma. Cormac McCarthy
c09854b I have to watch you all the time, the boy said. I know. If you break little promises you'll break big ones. Cormac McCarthy
1edd40b Aldrig mer ar en lang tid. Men pojken visste det han visste. Att aldrig mer inte ar nagon tid alls. Cormac McCarthy
918ae1a and they watched the fire which does contain within it something of men themselves inasmuch as they are less without it and are divided from their origins and are exiles. For Cormac McCarthy
b4746ec Om man bryter sma loften kommer man att bryta stora ocksa. Cormac McCarthy
fae8e9e Folk gjorde sig jamt redo for morgondagen. Sadant trodde jag inte pa. Morgondagen gjorde sig inte redo for dem. Den visste inte ens att de fanns. Cormac McCarthy
3637d77 He turned him about in the light from the window. What are you wearing? he said. Harrogate shuffled and flapped his arms. Aw, he said. Just some old clothes. Did they rig you out in these at the workhouse? Yeah. They lost my clothes what they give me at the hospital. I dont look funny do I? No. You look crazy. He pulled at Harrogate. What is this? Harrogate held his arms aloft. I dont know, he said. Suttree was turning him around. Good God,.. Cormac McCarthy
0f7af09 There was nothing along the road save the country it traversed and there was nothing in the country at all. travel Cormac McCarthy
cd0718a She raised her eyes and looked at him. He'd never seen despair before. He thought he had, but he had not. sorrow love Cormac McCarthy
f822fbc Ever dumb thing I ever done in my life there was a decision I made before that got me into it. It was never the dumb thing. It was always some choice I'd made before it. You understand what I'm sayin? Cormac McCarthy
5107b65 Death is what the living carry with them. Cormac McCarthy
02c2451 The Mennonite watches the enshadowed dark before them as it is reflected to him in the mirror over the bar. He turns to them. His eyes are wet, he speaks slowly. The wrath of God lies sleeping. It was hid a million years before men were and only men have power to wake it. Hell aint half full. Hear me. Ye carry war of a madman's making onto a foreign land. Yell wake more than the dogs. Cormac McCarthy
45b3bcc How these things end. In confusion and curses and blood. They drank on and the wind blew in the streets and the stars that had been overhead lay low in the west and these young men fell afoul of others and words were said that could not be put right again and in the dawn the kid and the second corporal knelt over the boy from Missouri who had been named Earl and they spoke his name but he never spoke back. He lay on his side in the dust of .. Cormac McCarthy
dd6e970 He leaned forward and began to count off on the fingers of the hand that held the cigarette: She aint American. She aint a citizen. She dont speak english. She works in a whorehouse. No, hear me out. And last but not least--he sat holding his thumb--there's a son of a bitch owns her outright that I guarangoddamntee you will kill you graveyard dead if you mess with him. Son, aint there no girls on this side of the damn river? Not like her. .. romance western lovesick Cormac McCarthy
7f113b5 When the truck finally pulled out and they saw him still standing they offered their bundles for him to sit on and he did so and he nodded and dozed to the hum of the tires on the blacktop and the rain stopped and the night cleared and the moon that was already risen raced among the high wires by the highway side like a single silver music note burning in the constant and lavish dark and the passing fields were rich from the rain with the s.. Cormac McCarthy