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297f995 driven hence, The soul recovers radical innocence And learns at last that it is self-delighting, Self-appeasing, self-affrighting, And that its own sweet will is Heavens will; She can, though every face will scowl And every windy quarter howl Or every bellows burst, be happy still. Dan Simmons
50486a7 Mis primeros poemas eran lamentables. Como la mayoria de los malos poetas, yo no me daba cuenta de ello, seguro en mi arrogancia de que el simple acto de crear daba cierto valor a los indignos abortos que alumbraba. Dan Simmons
3de2356 More frail and illusory Than numbers written on water, Our seeking from the Buddha Felicity in the afterworld." Archbishop Breque cleared his throat and joined in the conversation. "That seems clear enough, young lady. You do not think that God will grant our prayers." Aenea shook her head. "I think that he meant two things, Your Eminence. First that the Buddha will not help us. It isn't in his job definition, so to speak. Secondly, t.. Dan Simmons
9592c0f in Theo - quiet, efficient Theo - to get him through the morning. Trusting in luck to get him through the day. Trusting in the drinking at Cicero's to get him through the night. Trusting in the unimportance of his posting to get him through life. Dan Simmons
6cba572 Soon she would have to wake, tend the fire, serve the men, care for the younger children, and face the end of a childhood she had barely known. Soon she would become the property of a man other than her father, and on that day she would receive the traditional Hindu blessing--"May you have eight sons." Dan Simmons
3ce3248 We come into this world alone, We depart alone, This also is illusion. I will teach you the way Not to come, not to go! Dan Simmons
687c767 Now he asked, his voice as careful and unslurred as only a true alcoholic's can be, whose turn it was to tell a tale. Dan Simmons
e40696b l`SHvt Ahbh `m hAdm hAHd SHbAmt rAvy lAhbh hzv hvA AHd htgmvlym hmvHlTym hbvddym SHbhyvt AnvSHy, hmAzn At KHl hKHAb, hAvbdn, hmgvSHmvt, hbdydvt, hTypSHvt, hhtpSHrvt vhrSHlnvt SHmtlvvym lmTSb hAnvSHy. l`SHvt Ahbh `m hAdm hnKHvn mpTSh `l SHgyAvt rbvt. Dan Simmons
9a25715 After seven centuries of existence and at least four centuries where few citizens existed without it, the datasphere - including the All Thing and all comm and access bands - simply ceased to be. Hundreds of thousands of citizens went insane at that moment - shocked into catatonia by the disappearance of senses which had become more important to them than sight or hearing. More hundreds of thousands of datumplane operators, including many o.. Dan Simmons
30abb15 Prison always has been a good place for writers, killing, as it does, the twin demons of mobility and diversion, Dan Simmons
5415b74 In the end, it is all we are, these limpid tide pools of self-consciousness between crashing waves of pain. Dan Simmons
0b82ab2 emptiness is a good sign; that it presages openness to a new level of awareness, new insights, new experiences. Dan Simmons
b28a31b Nothing could be done about it--every human above the lowest Dregs' Hive poverty class had a comlog with biomonitor, many had implants, and each of these was tuned to the music of the datasphere, monitored by elements of the datasphere, dependent upon functions of the datasphere--so humans accepted their lack of privacy. Dan Simmons
2c3e0d0 in the end--when all else is dust--loyalty to those we love is all we can carry with us to the grave. Faith--true faith--was trusting in that love. Dan Simmons
88354d1 In an age where no information was inaccessible, no travel denied, such exclusion was maddening and tantalizing. Dan Simmons
20b6d05 Tornarssuk Dan Simmons
b9133ba are the only bullets in truth's bandolier. And poets are the snipers. Dan Simmons
46594fb it's the mind analogy that bothers Crozier the most. Haunted and plagued by melancholia much of his life, knowing it as a secret weakness made worse by his twelve winters frozen in arctic darkness as an adult, feeling it recently triggered into active agony by Sophia Cracroft's rejection Dan Simmons
526cf33 Gladstone nodded. She had been sitting casually on the edge of a massive desk which the tabloids said had once belonged to an assassinated President--not Lincoln--of the pre-Mistake USA, Dan Simmons
1c485fd Most of us, I hope, have had some child or spouse or friend like Beatrice, someone who by his very nature, his seemingly innate goodness and intelligence, makes us uncomfortably conscious of our lies when we lie. Dan Simmons
9af1fb8 The best lack all conviction," he thought, "while the worst are full of passionate intensity." Dur" Dan Simmons
d86ce6c It is hard to die. Harder to live. Dan Simmons
fb188da Is there another Life? Shall I awake and find all this a dream? There must be, we cannot be created for this sort of suffering." Oh, Fanny, if only you knew! We are created for precisely this sort of suffering. In the end, it is all we are, these limpid tide pools of self-consciousness between crashing waves of pain." Dan Simmons
d9ca7e2 Of course it's all a game. All of the good and hard and even bad things in life are just a game. Dan Simmons
a626a88 The best lack all conviction," he thought, "while the worst are full of passionate intensity." Dan Simmons
5880ff8 We have made some progress, thought Gladstone, despite the inertia forced upon us by the Core. Despite the near-death of science. Despite our fatal addiction to the toys granted us by our own creations. Dan Simmons
4241783 androids do sleep, Dan Simmons
4d6b1aa Agamemnon: "Our prayer was simple -- to raze Ilium's walls to its roots, kill its heroes, rape its women, enslave its people. Is that too much to ask?" Dan Simmons
86bb20b How they must have thought their efforts and adventures over, only to have to pick up their burdens again. How often, I realized now as an adult in my standard thirties, how often that is the case in all of our lives. Dan Simmons
21b2092 I wish I could help him. I wish I could help the dozens of other Sufferers - all the victims of wounds, maulings, burns, diseases, incipient malnutrition, and melancholic despair - aboard this entrapped ship and her sister ship. I wish I could help myself, for already I am showing the early signs of Nostalgia and Debility. But there is little that I - or any surgeon in the Year of Our Lord 1848 - can do. God help us all. hopelessness the-terror despair horror Dan Simmons
0b3de4c I did not know if androids could dream-- Dan Simmons
bb89814 that winter was colder'n a crib full of witch's tits, Dan Simmons
390a4f7 Meaning no disrespect, sir," says the other man, "but there's no way in the Good Lord's fucking universe that anyone can bar accidents or the unexpected." Dan Simmons
548101b shortest route to courage is absolute ignorance. Dan Simmons
0cb4867 suddenly. "Why do you men have to add to it? Why does our species always have to take our full measure of God-given misery and terror and mortality and then make it worse?" Dan Simmons
bdb5ced Planck time and Planck length," I said. "I don't remember exactly--something about combining the three fundamental constants of physics--gravity, Planck's constant, and the speed of light. I remember it gave some tiny little units of length and time." Dan Simmons
e7a0db7 He enjoyed the soft sound of night wind and the knowledge that he was the only boy--perhaps the only human being--out there in the dark on the windy, frozen-grass meadows on this night that smelled of coming snow, alienated from the lighted windows and the warm hearths, very aware that he was of the village but not part of it at that moment. It was a thrilling, almost erotic feeling--an illicit discovery of self separated from everyone and .. Dan Simmons
3b95d85 If I should die," said I to myself, "I have left no immortal work behind me--nothing to make my friends proud of my memory--but I have lov'd the principle of beauty in all things, and if I had had time I would have made myself remember'd." Dan Simmons
08039ec I explored religions and serious drinking, finding more hope of lasting solace in the latter. Dan Simmons
cffa50a and Dan Simmons
89223b2 Don't go, Bobby," said my friend. "It's not worth it." Dan Simmons
b740012 Outside the port, the slashed rock of the unnamed asteroid tumbled and spun in dynamics known only to the gods of chaos mathematics. god dynamics gods-of-chaos chaos mathematics Dan Simmons
6cfb757 suddenly understood perfectly why Abraham had agreed to sacrifice Isaac, his son, when the Lord commanded him to do so. It was not obedience. It was not even to put the love of God above the love of his son. Abraham was testing God. By denying the sacrifice at the last moment, by stopping the knife, God had earned the right--in Abraham's eyes and the hearts of his offspring--to become the God of Abraham. Sol Dan Simmons
eaf2e9e vise, Dan Simmons
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