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66313df The firstdown team for this planet must have had a fixation on animals. Horse, Bear, Eagle. For three days we were creeping down the east coast of Equus over an irregular coastline called the Mane. We've spent the last day making the crossing of a short span of the Middle Sea to a large island called Cat Key. Today we are offloading passengers and freight at Felix, the "major city" of the island." Dan Simmons
c63df4a I did not forget that there was a panic button. The problem is simple--when there is real panic, one does not immediately think of buttons. The Dan Simmons
3e2cad0 It says something about the type of writing I had been doing that my muse could flee without my noticing. For those who do not write and who never have been stirred by the creative urge, talk of muses seems a figure of speech, a quaint conceit, but for those of us who live by the Word, our muses are as real and necessary as the soft clay of language which they help to sculpt. When one is writing--really writing--it is as if one is given a f.. Dan Simmons
bb99f10 And it was one of these observers who designed the tests and simulations carried out on Old Earth during the last three centuries of its exile in the Lesser Magellanic Cloud to better explain our species to them and measure the empathy of which we are capable. Dan Simmons
03c048e Silenus's true age might be anywhere from ninety to a hundred and fifty standard years. If he were close to the latter age, the Consul knew, the odds were that the poet was quite mad. As Dan Simmons
fa68beb as a dozen pinpoints of fierce light expanded into ripples and shock waves of plasma explosions far out in space. "I wish we had the technology to fight God on an equal basis," he said in low, tight tones. "To beard him in his den. To fight back for all of the injustices heaped on humanity. To allow him to alter his smug arrogance or be blown to hell." Father" Dan Simmons
571cefd Chudovishchnoe sushchestvo vdokhnulo v sebia dushu Khikki. No potom ono otshatnulos', potriaslo ogromnoi golovoi, razdrazhenno fyrknulo, slovno otplevyvaias' ot kakoi-to merzosti. Ono Dan Simmons
16fc3cf All those before us have gone into the darkness without assurance of logic fact or persuasive theory, with only a slender thread of hope or the all too shakable convinction of faith. And if they have been able to sustain that slim hope in the face of darkness, then so must I. faith death Dan Simmons
c80e506 Kogda imeesh' delo s durakami, spustia kakoe-to vremia nachinaesh' ponimat' khod ikh myslei. Dan Simmons
e6002c9 Niemand hat je gesagt, dass das Universum normal ist. humor Dan Simmons
8f98e40 But as long as the task is both onerous and repetitive, I discovered, the mind is not only free to wander to more imaginative climes, it actually flees to higher planes. Thus, Dan Simmons
2bb02eb This is poetry. You're writing about Heaven's Gate and the Caribou Herd, but what comes across is loneliness, displacement, angst, and a cynical look at humanity. Dan Simmons
b6fff8c the population of literate people has been declining steadily since Gutenberg's day. By the twentieth century, less than two percent of the people in the so-called industrialized democracies read even one book a year. And that was before the smart machines, dataspheres, and user-friendly environments. Dan Simmons
90eb476 It isn't hard being a hack writer. Between Dying Earth II and Dying Earth IX, six standard years had passed relatively painlessly. My research was meager, my plots formulaic, my characters cardboard, my prose preliterate, and my free time was my own. Dan Simmons
5ce8d43 the idle arrogance common to such nobodies who have just come into a small bit of power. Dan Simmons
15fc935 I meant only to point out that in hopelessness there is always hope. Dan Simmons
f73fe93 Or the king could die. Or the horse could die. Or he could teach the horse how to talk. Dan Simmons
5f2ec54 I teach him how to pair such technique with masculine or feminine caesura, or the joys of alternating iambic foot with unstressed pyrrhic, or the self-indulgence of the frequent spondee. I Dan Simmons
e68b606 You stay with her. I'll follow it in. Dan Simmons
999a0bf Doing a life study while drunk and in the process of being seduced is never a formula for quality art. Dan Simmons
f69e176 Deil tikho opustil golovu, znaia, chto vse eto -- sputnik, i peshcheru butlegerov, i mnogoe mnogoe drugoe -- mogut povtorit'sia i zavtra, i cherez nedeliu, no chto etot moment -- druz'ia sidevshie riadom, edva slyshnye shorokhi letnei nochi, golosa roditelei snizu, chuvstvo kakoi-to beskonechnosti leta, kotoroe kak obychno prines avgust -- chto etot moment edinstvennyi i nepovtorimy. I chto on dolzhen byt' sokhranen. I poka Maik i Lourens, .. Dan Simmons
06403d9 Manmut oseti kako mu se organski slojevi jeze kada je shvatio da je naglas progovorio preko privatne linije. "Nista. Zbog cega ljubav nije dovela do odgovora na zagonetku zivota?" "Zbog toga sto je Prust znao - a njegovi likovi to otkrivaju - da ni ljubav, ni njen plemenitiji rodak, prijateljstvo, nikada ne mogu da prezive entropijska seciva ljubomore, dosade, navike i egoizma", rece Orfi i Manmut prvi put u toku njihove direktne komunikaci.. Dan Simmons
a3d5006 head. "The Core has devised a parasitic, organic device called the cruciform," she said. "It ... brings back ... the dead. After a few generations, the humans will be retarded, listless, and without a future, but their neurons will still serve Core purposes." Singh" Dan Simmons
1bedb30 anyway," I said. "But I'll do my best to play John the Baptist for you." Dur" Dan Simmons
bfd412e Womangrove root and firefern lined the banks, and each branch and twisting Dan Simmons
ee661b2 Zhizn' daetsia lish' raz, i ona neschastna, uboga, otvratitel'na, zhestoka i korotka. Dan Simmons
4e62339 In the end, thought Sol, past logic and hope, it is dreams and the love of those dearest to us that form Abraham's answer to God. Dan Simmons
ec96715 And then you'll do what I say? "Yes." "Take us where I'll tell you to?" "Yes." "No hidden overrides?" "None that I know of." Dan Simmons
46567fb each time I hear the bells toll the brief notes of the early hours of the morn, I imagine ghostly hands pulling rotting bell ropes. Or perhaps rotting hands pulling ghostly bell ropes; I don't know which image suits my macabre fancies this endless night. Fever Dan Simmons
4b93207 she returned, trailing clouds of glory which quickly dissipated in the mundane flow of sensory trivia. Dan Simmons
30a6da3 nothing smells quite as wonderful as old books. Dan Simmons
bf853fc Theoretically, I knew, Sholokov's design for the hawking mat allowed it to fly vertically, the incipient containment field keeping the passenger--theoretically, his beloved niece--from tumbling off backward. Dan Simmons
e8d0ee6 People scream and run for coyer. Dan Simmons
9725c91 Finally, Weintraub had dealt with refusing all sacrifice, refusing any relationship with God except one of mutual respect and honest attempts at mutual understanding. He wrote about the multiple deaths of God and the need for a divine resurrection now that humankind had constructed its own gods and released them on the universe. Dan Simmons
8611f80 Anything which deceives is evil, I believe. Dan Simmons
5c73182 There was a van Gogh on one of the walls, worth more than most planets could pay. It was a painting of the artist's room at Arles. Madness is not a new invention. Dan Simmons
55012d7 If one is to steal, steal from the forgotten masters." The" Dan Simmons
6d21f8f androids were free from original sin, therefore spiritually superior to humankind Dan Simmons
f259f8c There is a war up there where time creaks which spans galaxies and eons back and forward to the Big Bang and the Final Implosion\\ Dan Simmons
241a2fa If there is a God, I thought, it's a painkiller. Dan Simmons
bdccfce life and work revolved around duty, self-respect, and the ultimate value of one's word. Dan Simmons
eed82c9 Il genoma umano, l'anima umana, diffida dell'omogeneita, Raul. E sempre pronto a cogliere al volo l'occasione, a correre il rischio del cambiamento e della diversita. Dan Simmons
19c2dc7 Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. Dan Simmons
73c4c5b Religion seems to have always offered us that false duality," she said, setting her cup of tea on a flat stone. "The silences of infinite space or the cozy comfort of inner certainty." Dan Simmons
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