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24cb53e I explained my opinion of the ship's logic. "That is a strange designation," said the ship. "While I have certain organic elements incorporated into my substructure and decentralized DNA computing components, I am not--in the strictest sense of the term--a biological organism. I have no digestive system. No need for elimination, other than the occasional waste gas and passenger effluvium. Therefore, I have no anus in either real or figurati.. Dan Simmons
9402b19 The world as we know it is ending, my friends, no matter what happens to us Dan Simmons
e2b2883 Eagles are extinct," grumbled Morpurgo. "Perhaps they should have attacked the sky. It betrayed them." Dan Simmons
ea8387d pain has been with him since birth - the universe's gift to a poet ... universe pain Dan Simmons
364e2cd My intellect was my greatest vanity. intellectualism intellectuals vanity Dan Simmons
632b560 The Great Change is when humankind accepts its role as part of the natural order of the universe instead of its role as a cancer natural-order humankind Dan Simmons
728dabb The captain of HMS Terror often thought that he knew nothing about the future - other than that his ship and Erebus would never again steam or sail - but then he reminded himself of one certainty: when his store of whiskey was gone, Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier was going to blow his brains out. Dan Simmons
ec55b0d You want to be a hero," he repeated. "You want to be one of those rare human beings who make history, rather than merely watch it flow around them like water around a rock." Dan Simmons
79e389c The only true voyage, the only Fountain of Youth," recited Orphu, "would be found not in traveling to strange lands but in having different eyes, in seeing the universe with the eyes of another person, of a hundred others, and seeing the hundred universes each of them sees, which each of them is." -- Dan Simmons
2693cb3 Sometimes there is a thin line separating orthodox zeal from apostasy,' said Father Lenar Hoyt Dan Simmons
b0d3b92 The only true voyage, the only Fountain of Youth," recited Orphu, "would be found not in traveling to strange lands but in having different eyes, in seeing the universe with the eyes of another person, of a hundred others, and seeing the hundred universes each of them sees, which each of them is." Dan Simmons
2ec1aff The essence of honor lay in the moment of combat between equals. Dan Simmons
3669534 The universe deepened at that moment, the music of the spheres grew from a mere chorus to a symphony as triumphant as Beethoven's Ninth, and I knew that I would always be able to hear it when I wished or needed to, always be able to Use it to take the step I needed to see the one I loved, or, failing that, step to the place where I had been with the one I loved, or, failing that, find a place to love for its own beauty and richness. The ene.. Dan Simmons
f26da15 evolution is not progress, that there is no 'goal' or direction to evolution. Evolution is change. Evolution 'succeeds' if that change best adapts some leaf or branch of its tree of life to conditions of the universe. Dan Simmons
0d8b3fb Very few conversations with Charles Dickens did not include a laugh from him. I had never met a man so given to laughter. Almost no moment or context was too serious for this author not to find some levity in it, as some of us had discovered to our embarrassment at funerals. humor Dan Simmons
a3f97da Quality wine, Scotch, and coffee had been the three irreplaceable commodities after the death of Old Earth. Dan Simmons
715be34 sounding now/old songs/deep water/no-Great Voices/no-Shark/old songs/new songs hyperion Dan Simmons
b2906ad The life of a poet lies not merely in the finite language-dance of expression but in the nearly infinite combinations of perception and memory combined with the sensitivity to what is perceived and remembered. My three local years on Heaven's Gate, almost fifteen hundred standard days, allowed me to see, to feel, to hear - to remember, as if I literally had been born again. Little matter that I had been born again in hell. Dan Simmons
469a481 Why does our species always have to take our full measure of God-given misery and terror and mortality and then make it worse? Dan Simmons
acd79d3 I nevertheless understood at that second the ancient obsession of the God-fearing for another kind of fear: the thrill of exorcism, the mindless whirl of Dervish possession, and the almost erotic surrender of seance, speaking in tongues, and Zen Gnostic trance. I realized at that instant just how surely the affirmation of demons or the summoning of Satan somehow can affirm the reality of their mystic antithesis -the God of Abraham. Dan Simmons
d0fafe7 No one wants to pay for a look at another person's angst. Dan Simmons
9fd9444 In the beginning was the Word. In the end . . . past honor, past life, past caring . . . In the end will be the Word. Dan Simmons
d956a8d There is something about raising a child that helps to sharpen one's sense of what is real. Dan Simmons
6147d50 The Void Which Binds] actual but unaccessible presence in our universe is one of the prime causes for our species elaborating myth and religion, for our stubborn, blind belief in extrasensory powers, in telepathy and precognition, in demons and demigods and resurrection and reincarnation and ghosts and messiahs and so many other categories of almost-but-not-quite satisfying bullshit. philosophical science-fiction satirical Dan Simmons
a069c81 They made love then. Kassad, at twenty-three standard years, had been in love once and had enjoyed sex many times. He thought he knew the way and the why of it. There was nothing in his experience to that moment which he could not have described with a phrase and a laugh to his squadmates in the hold of a troop transport. With the calm, sure cynicism of a twenty-three-year-old veteran he was sure that he would experience anything that cou.. Dan Simmons
26dc732 There were strict laws protecting card privacy but laws had a bad habit of being ignored or abrogated when societal push came to totalitarian shove. Dan Simmons
3cb32a5 Words bend our thinking to infinite paths of self-delusion, and the fact that we spend most of our mental lives in brain mansions built of words means that we lack the objectivity necessary to see the terrible distortion of reality which language brings. Example: the Chinese pictogram for 'integrity' is a two-part symbol of a man literally standing next to his word. So far, so good. But what does the Late English word 'honesty' mean? Or 'Mo.. meaning honesty language Dan Simmons
8fb6dbf I will not try to describe the beauty of life in a Swarm - their zero-gravity globe cities and comet farms and thrust clusters, their micro-orbital forests and migrating rivers and the ten thousand colors and textures of life at Rendezvous Week. Suffice it to say that I believe the Ousters have done what Web humanity has not in the past millennia: evolved. While we live in our derivative cultures, pale reflections of Old Earth life, the Ous.. Dan Simmons
1314415 She [Beatrice] alone was still real for him, still implied meaning in the world, and beauty. Her nature became his landmark - what Melville would call, with more sobriety than we can now muster, his Greenwich Standard ... meaning love compass Dan Simmons
581439c Sometimes there is no hope," whispered Das. "There's always some hope, Mr. Das." "No, Mr. Luczak, there is not. Sometimes there is only pain. And acquiescence to pain. And, perhaps, defiance at the world which demands such pain." "Defiance is a form of hope, is it not, sir?" Dan Simmons
f7f595f I desperately want to talk to her now. I want to ask her who it was who so deftly crafted and shaped the legend that was our love. love-story Dan Simmons
e7be060 Thus evolved some members of the Core--not altruists, but desperate survivalists who realized that the only way ultimately to win their never-ending zero-sum game was to stop the game. And to stop the game they needed to evolve into a species capable of empathy. Dan Simmons
72401ab For those who do not write and who never have been stirred by the creative urge, talk of muses seems a figure of speech, a quaint conceit, but for those of us who live by the Word, our muses are as real and necessary as the soft clay of language which they help to sculpt. Dan Simmons
35d8c4a The young remember most deeply Dan Simmons
fe2a917 I could not do this, I realized, if I were immortal. This degree of love of life and of one another is granted, I saw for once and for ever, not to immortals, but to those who live briefly and always under the shadow of death and loss. Dan Simmons
2f44f02 How do I know what I think until I see what I say? Dan Simmons
a13c983 He was, in other words, a careful man with careless impulses. Dan Simmons
3c1fce4 Francis Crozier now understood that the most desirable and erotic thing a woman could wear were the many modest layers such as Sophia Cracroft wore to dinner in the governor's house, enough silken fabric to conceal the lines of her body, allowing a man to concentrate on the exciting loveliness of her wit arctic hms-terror Dan simmons
ade6ba7 The cruciform does not like pain. Nor do I but, like the cruciform, I am willing to use it to serve my purposes. And I will do so consciously, not instinctively like the mindless mass of alien tissue embedded in me. This thing only seeks a mindless avoidance of death by any means. I do not wish to die, but I welcome pain and death rather than an eternity of mindless life. Life is sacred--I still hold to that as a core element of the Church'.. Dan Simmons
d564047 I doubt if he ever confronted and acknowledged his own deeper motivations, except when they were as pure as spring water. Dan Simmons
ef9d3d1 But it sold three billion ..." "Look," said Tyrena. "In twentieth-century Old Earth, a fast food chain took dead cow meat, fried it in grease, added carcinogens, wrapped it in petroleum-based foam, and sold nine hundred billion units. Human beings. Go figure." Dan Simmons
8694afe We are created for precisely this sort of suffering. In the end, it is all we are, these limpid tide pools of self-consciousness between crashing waves of pain. Dan Simmons
08923bd at that moment, the sum of the crowd's IQ was far below that of its most modest single member. Mobs have passions, not brains. Dan Simmons
e04dce6 It was fucking wonderful. It was fucking hell. Dan Simmons
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