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01a1a0a Admiral," said Gladstone, "is it absolutely necessary to destroy the singularity sphere as soon as the Ousters have penetrated our cordon sanitaire? Couldn't we wait another few minutes to judge their intentions?" "No, CEO," answered the Admiral promptly. "The farcaster link must be destroyed as soon as they are within quick assault range." Dan Simmons
4d6b881 I love being a poet. It's the goddamned words I can't stand. Dan Simmons
bb800a5 even the Pyramids and other "great works" were as ephemeral as a castle of sand on the beach at Brighton." Dan Simmons
0d6ac5d Anything is better than this penny-dreadful tale I've found myself in. Dan Simmons
cccb549 We will revel in hardships and welcome strangeness. Dan Simmons
5d8ac39 She had always felt that the essence of human experience lay not primarily in the peak experiences, the wedding days and triumphs which stood out in the memory like dates circled in red on old calendars, but, rather, in the unself-conscious flow of little things-- Dan Simmons
198a922 Gladstone had read Weintraub's book, The Abraham Dilemma, in which he analyzed the relationship between a God who demanded the sacrifice of a son and the human race who agreed to it. Weintraub had reasoned that the Old Testament Jehovah had not simply been testing Abraham, but had communicated in the only language of loyalty, obedience, sacrifice, and command that humankind could understand at that point in the relationship. Dan Simmons
9b8c699 Later, dictating the tale into his comlog, the Consul remembered it as a seamless whole, minus the pauses, hoarse voice, false starts, and small redundancies which were the timeless failings of human speech Dan Simmons
2ada0ab At that point Lord Agamemnon, Atreus' son, began shitting whole goats," laughs Orus, speaking loudly enough that several captains turn to frown at us." Dan Simmons
9a269e4 A human being on this world, Duane realized with a shock of recognition approaching vertigo, made no more permanent impression than does a hand thrust in water. Remove the hand, and water rushes in to fill the void as if nothing had ever been there. Dan Simmons
604bf4a and my editor, Tom Dupree, for his patience, enthusiasm, and shared good taste for loving Mystery Science Theater 3000. Dan Simmons
d107356 no nation was better at creating metaphors for itself than America; in this case, the vision of a beautiful, sane, safe, marble future that is all dream and no marble to sustain it. Dan Simmons
126f704 Even if it all fails, it was worth the time," Saul Laski said softly. "The powerful have received their share of the world's attention even when their power has been shown as sheer evil. The victims remain the faceless masses. Numbers. Mass graves. These monsters have fertilized our century with the mass graves of their victims and it is time that the powerless had names and faces--and voices." -- Dan Simmons
113ada2 Humanity had become as blase about sharing their lives with potential AI monitoring as pre-Civil War Old Earth USA-southern families had been about speaking in front of their human slaves. Nothing could be done about it--every human above the lowest Dregs' Hive poverty class had a comlog with biomonitor, many had implants, and each of these was tuned to the music of the datasphere, monitored by elements of the datasphere, dependent upon fun.. Dan Simmons
d7b19ad we so sure that Christ always knew what to do next? He knew what had to be done. It is not always the same as knowing what to do. Dan Simmons
56c1f3d Words are the supreme objects. They are minded things. Dan Simmons
5b0727f Marmon Hamlit on "AllNet Now!" issued the final deathblow: "Oh, the poetry thing from Whathisname--couldn't read it. Didn't try." Tyrena" Dan Simmons
c3e6994 Old age hath yet his honour and his toil; Death closes all: but something ere the end, Some work of noble note, may yet be done . . . 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world . . . Dan Simmons
5f4e14b Among us we represent islands of time as well as separate oceans of perspective. Dan Simmons
f4e5796 any allegiance to a deity or concept or universal principle which put obedience above decent behavior toward an innocent human being was evil. Dan Simmons
ba75888 Natalie's father had a saying for that behavior--Stupidity has a price and it always gets paid. Dan Simmons
f6b6ffb Entropy is a bitch, Dan Simmons
05399be All of our lives are governed by a certain degree of faith in bullshit. humor Dan Simmons
7dad8ed Hobbes's Leviathan. Life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Dan Simmons
3d1890a No. He is asking us if we can truly bear hearing the story. Losing our ignorance can be dangerous because our ignorance is a shield. Dan Simmons
588359d Sounds like Dan Simmons
7c57e78 When you meet a swordsman/ meet him with a sword Do not offer a poem to anyone but a poet] Dan Simmons
74ae760 ameliorative. He climbed Dan Simmons
17ea347 Father thought that the first stage of human happiness was a 'fellowship with essence, Dan Simmons
0f95ac7 Odd how many suffering members of humankind have faced eternity obsessed with their bowels, their bedsores, or the meagerness of their diets. Dan Simmons
17ff1d2 The only thing that had changed was that the bills were bigger. Dan Simmons
069b330 Her eyes are open but she does not see. Dan Simmons
064738d Time sure kicks the shit out of people... time Dan Simmons
ec40773 Colonel Fedmahn Kassad knew only that all the great passions of a passionate life had led him to this place and to this moment, and if death awaited him here, then so be it. And if love and glory and a victory that would make Valhalla quake awaited, then so be it. passion love yperion valhalla soldier Dan Simmons
44baea1 The poem celebrated love and loyalty but teetered on the brink of nihilism with its constant thread of corruption through love of power, human ambition and intellectual Dan Simmons
30bc276 In this cold, teeth can shatter after two or three hours--actually explode--sending shrapnel of bone and enamel flying inside the cavern of one's clenched jaws. Dan Simmons
9d5c942 Belief in one's identity as a poet or writer prior to the acid test of publication is as naive and harmless as the youthful belief in one's immortality...and the inevitable disillusionment is just as painful. Dan Simmons
dfa7852 Just as well," he said. "We have one deus ex machina too many as it is." Dan Simmons
7ed7437 I don't believe in God with a capital G and, despite their obvious solidity, I don't believe in the gods with their small g's. Not as real forces in the universe. But I believe in the bitch-goddess Irony. She crosses all time. She rules men and gods and God alike. Dan Simmons
86406ba I nodded, understanding nothing. Dan Simmons
0bd2d32 I was always waiting for you, she sent. Dan Simmons
971f85f apocalyptic statuary of the post-Hegira expansionist period. I Dan Simmons
839e178 I take my favorite and most promising lads to the theater," said [Sherlock] Holmes. "I'd say that if they were born into better circumstances many would have grown up to be MP's, but in truth most are too smart and too honest for Parliament." honesty intelligence parliament class-struggle politicians Dan Simmons
47680a1 kilometers of open sea and the equator. The next land we see then is the northwest coast of Aquila, the so-called Beak. Animals. To call this conveyance a "passenger dirigible" is an exercise in creative semantics." Dan Simmons
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