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a567aca there is a growing body of work coming out of psychology and cognitive science that says you have no clue why you act the way you do, choose the things you choose, or think the thoughts you think. Instead, you create narratives, little stories to explain away why you gave up on that diet, why you prefer Apple over Microsoft, why you clearly remember it was Beth who told you the story about the clown with the peg leg made of soup cans when i.. David McRaney
f8022cd kids who were able to overcome their desire for short-term reward in favor of a better outcome later weren't smarter than the other kids, nor were they less gluttonous. They just had a better grasp of how to trick themselves into doing what was best for them. David McRaney
b4603aa In the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt. David McRaney
e8036e8 It isn't you don't want to help; you just don't want to help a cheater or do more than a slacker - even if your not helping leads to ruining the game for you and everyone else David McRaney
9f22abc for any plan to work, every team needs at least one asshole who doesn't give a shit if he or she gets fired or exiled or excommunicated. David McRaney
3bb82fa Whether it's playing guitar or writing short stories or telling jokes or taking photos--whatever--amateurs are far more likely to think they are experts than actual experts are. David McRaney
67425a5 Don't let the Dunning-Kruger effect cast its shadow over you. If you want to be great at something, you have to practice, and then you have to sample the work of people who have been doing it for their whole lives. Compare and contrast and eat some humble David McRaney
d17b1e5 Remember this study when you are in a negotiation--make your initial request far too high. You have to start somewhere, and your initial decision or calculation greatly influences all the choices that follow, cascading out, each tethered to the anchors set before. Many of the choices you make every day are reruns of past decisions; as if traveling channels dug into a dirt road by a wagon train of selections, you follow the path created by y.. David McRaney
0aa283e So the next time you get ready to launch into one hundred reasons why your cell phone or TV or car is better than someone else's, hesitate. Because you're not trying to change the other person's mind--you're trying to prop up your own. David McRaney
443588a In the background, while you crochet and golf and browse cat videos, science is fighting against your stupidity. No other human enterprise is fighting as hard, or at least not fighting and winning. David McRaney
18f3bfb All brains are bards, all selves audiences to the tales of who they are. David McRaney
a03944f Confirmation bias is seeing the world through a filter. David McRaney
c5464e4 You are biased to overestimate the emotional impact of future events. David McRaney
1e032e5 In 1970, psychologists Bibb Latane and John Darley created an experiment in which they would drop pencils or coins. Sometimes they would be in a group, sometimes with one other person. They did this six thousand times. The results? They got help 20 percent of the time in a group, 40 percent of the time with one other person. They decided to up the stakes, and in their next experiment they had someone fill out a questionnaire. After a few mi.. David McRaney
1d4a89a Subjective optimization complements sour grapes, the inclination to see that which you can't have as that which you didn't want in the first place. Subjective optimization makes whatever you get stuck with seem better than that which you can no longer obtain. Metaphorically, it is the process that makes lemons into lemonade. David McRaney
ba7acfc It is not a fallacy to trust the consensus of thousands of researchers on how to interpret the evidence provided by decades of studies. David McRaney
e318d37 If you look to the downtrodden and wonder why they can't pull themselves out of poverty and get a nice job like you, you are committing the just-world fallacy. You are ignoring the unearned blessings of your station. David McRaney
c8959c7 This sense of alarm about the impact of speech not on yourself but on others is called the third person effect. David McRaney
05b3048 Men are easy to manipulate thanks to having fewer metrics by which they judge potential mates, and thus advertising has long been preying on their tendencies. Women will buy products in an attempt to become the impossible goal. Men will buy products in an attempt to mate with the impossible goal. Sexy and sexist advertising can kill two birds with one stone. David McRaney
6619282 THE MISCONCEPTION: You calculate what is risky or rewarding and always choose to maximize gains while minimizing losses. THE TRUTH: You depend on emotions to tell you if something is good or bad, greatly overestimate rewards, and tend to stick to your first impressions. David McRaney
0f91c25 THE MISCONCEPTION: After you learn something new, you remember how you were once ignorant or wrong. THE TRUTH: You often look back on the things you've just learned and assume you knew them or believed them all along. David McRaney
47dd5a5 To be less dumb is to see the danger in believing in forces that do not exist and trusting them when you would do better to trust yourself. David McRaney
0877bae If you hear a] story about how eating sausage leads to anal cancer, you will be skeptical, because it has never happened to anyone you know, and sausage, after all, is delicious. sausage food David McRaney
4d9814f If three men couldn't see eye to eye on who among them was and was not the real Jesus, your chances of swaying someone on the Internet to trade in his belief system concerning religion, art, wedge issues, politics, or literally anything else at all are pretty grim. Personal narratives and private mythologies don't flip in an instant; they don't trade places in a single argument. If minds change at all, they change slowly. David McRaney
e0f2efe You see people who speak slowly as being less intelligent--slow. David McRaney
f647d95 Behaviors create attitudes. David McRaney
43852dc Jokes and movies, comic books and professional wrestling, television shows and news programs--they all present dramatic interpretations of facts and fiction in the format of a narrative for the same reason we put chairs in cars. David McRaney
aa14a86 THE MISCONCEPTION: Problems are easier to solve when a group of people get together to discuss solutions. THE TRUTH: The desire to reach consensus and avoid confrontation hinders progress. David McRaney
72c6af5 Where people see themselves in a harsh yellow light of obectivity....about 20 percent of all people live in that spot and psychologists call the state of mind generated by those people depressive realism. are cursed to see the world as a place worthy neither of great dread nor of bounding delight, but just a place. David McRaney
7fbde56 Priming works best when you are on autopilot, when you aren't trying to consciously introspect before choosing how to behave. When you are unsure how best to proceed, suggestions bubble up from the deep that are highly tainted by subconscious primes. In addition, your brain hates ambiguity and is willing to take shortcuts to remove it from any situation. If there is nothing else to go on, you will use what is available. When pattern recogni.. David McRaney
abb65e2 Brand loyalty--that nebulous emotional connection people have with certain companies, which turns them into defenders and advocates for corporations who don't give a shit. David McRaney
0057192 Research shows people believe others see their contributions to conversation as being memorable, but they aren't. You think everyone noticed when you stumbled in your speech, but they didn't. Well, unless you drew attention to it by over-apologizing. David McRaney
1ccadce Visiting friends just to shoot the shit is the human equivalent of picking ticks off of one another's backs. David McRaney
479a520 In the end, Alter and Forgas concluded the happier you are, the more likely you will be to seek out ways to delude yourself into maintaining your rosy outlook on life and your own abilities. Sad people, it seems, are more honest with themselves. David McRaney
3b70dad THE MISCONCEPTION: You are one person, and your happiness is based on being content with your life. THE TRUTH: You are multiple selves, and happiness is based on satisfying all of them. David McRaney
e8d49cf thanks to a plethora of cognitive biases, faulty heuristics, and common fallacies of thought, you are probably deluding yourself minute by minute just to cope with reality. David McRaney
f0f871e THE MISCONCEPTION: When you are around others, you feel as if everyone is noticing every aspect of your appearance and behavior. THE TRUTH: People devote little attention to you unless prompted to. David McRaney
2d1abe1 You can see the proof in an MRI scan of someone presented with political opinions that conflict with her own. The brain scans of a person shown statements that oppose her political stance show that the highest areas of the cortex, the portions responsible for providing rational thought, get less blood until another statement is presented that confirms her beliefs. Your brain literally begins to shut down when you feel your ideology is threa.. David McRaney
31cbf95 THE MISCONCEPTION: You believe your opinions and decisions are based on experience and facts, while those who disagree with you are falling for the lies and propaganda of sources you don't trust. THE TRUTH: Everyone believes the people they disagree with are gullible, and everyone thinks they are far less susceptible to persuasion than they truly are. David McRaney
3da2e5a You want the world to be fair, so you pretend it is. David McRaney
cad9ae0 Every day you feel like you can't control the forces affecting your fate-your job,the government,your addiction,your depression,your money. So you stage micro-revolts. You customise your ringtone,you paint your room,you collect stamps. You choose. Choices,even small ones,can hold back the crushing weight of helplessness,but you can't stop there. You must fight back your behavoir and learn to fail with pride. Failing often is the only way to.. inspirational David McRaney
9fb7120 Some researchers, such as psychologist Jean Twenge, say this new world where compliments are better than sex and pizza, in which the self-enhancing bias has been unchained and allowed to gorge unfettered, has led to a new normal in which the positive illusions of several generations have now mutated into full-blown narcissism. In her book The Narcissism Epidemic, Twenge says her research shows that since the mid-1980s, clinically defined na.. David McRaney
896a43e Be careful. People like to be told what they already know. Remember that. They get uncomfortable when you tell them new things. New things . . . well, new things aren't what they expect. They like to know that, say, a dog will bite a man. That is what dogs do. They don't want to know that man bites a dog, because the world is not supposed to happen like that. In short, what people think they want is news, but what they really crave is olds .. David McRaney
c016098 researchers concluded most people engage in magical thinking to some degree, assuming their thoughts can influence things outside of their control. David McRaney
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