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37211e6 From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step. fanaticism Denis Diderot
6f8bebd L]e philosophe n'a jamais tue de pretres et le pretre a tue beaucoup de philosophes... (The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has killed a great many philosophers.) priests religious-violence Denis Diderot
d45402d Scepticism is the first step towards truth. skepticism truth Denis Diderot
c0fa064 One declaims endlessly against the passions; one imputes all of man's suffering to them. One forgets that they are also the source of all his pleasures. passion pleasure suffering Denis Diderot
6c27e10 For me, my thoughts are my prostitutes. Denis Diderot
b825185 Life is but a series of misunderstandings. Denis Diderot
d71d033 As long as the centuries continue to unfold, the number of books will grow continually, and one can predict that a time will come when it will be almost as difficult to learn anything from books as from the direct study of the whole universe. It will be almost as convenient to search for some bit of truth concealed in nature as it will be to find it hidden away in an immense multitude of bound volumes. Denis Diderot
989795f The fact is that she was terribly undressed and I was extremely undressed too. The fact is that I still had my hand where she didn't have anything and she had hers where the same wasn't quite true of me. The fact is that I found myself underneath her and consequently she found herself on top of me. Denis Diderot
8be8884 The best order of things, as I see it, is the one that includes me; to hell with the most perfect of worlds, if I'm not part of it. Denis Diderot
b05a871 One swallows the lie that flatters, but sips the bitter truth drop by drop. truth Denis Diderot
38d25a7 It is better to reveal a weakness than allow oneself be suspected of a vice. Denis Diderot
6195623 I picture the vast realm of the sciences as an immense landscape scattered with patches of dark and light. The goal towards which we must work is either to extend the boundaries of the patches of light, or to increase their number. One of these tasks falls to the creative genius; the other requires a sort of sagacity combined with perfectionism. creative dark genius goal immense landscape light perfectionism picture realm sagacity science task vast work Denis Diderot
9e3d0fc No matter how much a man may study, reflect and meditate on all the books in the world, he is nothing more than a minor scribe unless he has read the great book. Denis Diderot
4eac194 are asking whether I promise God chastity, poverty, and obedience. I heard what you said and my answer is no Denis Diderot
cd5b96a Nothing is duller than a progression of common chords. One wants some contrast, which breaks up the clear white light and makes it iridescent. Denis Diderot
acfbc24 Mind what you do; if you deceive me once I shall never believe you again. Denis Diderot
37ff0f8 Prawda ma swoje strony uderzajace, ktore sie chwyta, gdy sie ma talent. Denis Diderot
01d0971 Se me debe exigir que busque la verdad, pero no que la encuentre. Denis Diderot
c15ba7a The enjoyment of freedom which could be exercised without any motivation would be the real hallmark of a maniac. Denis Diderot
930b75d To speak to you frankly, Reader, I find that you are the more wicked of the two of us. How satisfied would I be if it were as easy for me to protect myself from your calumny as it is for you to protect yourself from the boredom or the danger of my work! Denis Diderot
e4e7e23 qui siedo sempre come un maestoso cazzo fra duoi coglioni. [...I always sit here like a majestic prick between two balls.] Denis Diderot
69a723f Ludzie, ktorzy cos powtarzaja dwa razy, to glupcy majacy za glupcow tych, ktorzy ich sluchaja Denis Diderot
fe74806 admy shrbt drwGy r khh dr tmlq w bshd ykh jr`h mynwshd w Hrf Hq r khh brysh tlkh st, qTrhqTrh. dr thny, m chplwsn qyfhmn Hq bh jnb w Sdq st. Denis Diderot
e0a1bea Master, master, you obviously haven't thought about this at all. We only ever feel sorry for ourselves, believe me. Denis Diderot
fce8d75 It was ordained that you would have the title to the thing and I would have the thing itself. Denis Diderot
c4d2ba5 Un despote ne doit pas obtenir du credit"." Denis Diderot
f1f3539 La superstition est plus injurieuse a Dieu que l'atheisme. Denis Diderot
6650f3b 'drktu 'n qwl lHqyq@ wHdh l ykfy , bl ynbGy 'yDan 'n ykwn Tryf Denis Diderot
e1ba0c7 Manastirile sint ele oare atit de trebuincioase pentru temeliile unui stat? A facut Isus Cristos calugari si calugarite? [...] Ce nevoie are mirele sfint de atitea fecioare nebune? [...] e oare voia lui Dumnezeu sa vada traind in sihastrie omul pe care l-a menit sa traiasca laolalta cu semenii sai? Dumnezeu, care l-a facut atit de nestatornic, atit de usuratic, cum poate ingadui indrazneala legamintelor calugariei? [...] Si toate slujbele a.. Denis Diderot
ad34a21 kyf Hlh? 'fDl mn ljmy` . lqd mt! Denis Diderot
269ffc6 Bizim kadar budala olmayanlari akilli saymayiz. budala Denis Diderot
f24994b Ne pourrait-on pas dire que toutes les religions du monde ne sont que des sectes de la religion naturelle, et que les juifs, les chretiens, les musulmans, les paiens meme ne sont que des naturalistes heretiques et schismatiques ? Denis Diderot
0b71694 nW 'wl `hd qT`h `l~ nfsyhm ky'nn thnn mn lHm wdm, kn qrb Skhr@ nhrt fdhhbt hban mnthwran. wqd 'shhd `l~ thbt `hdhm sm lm tthbt 'y lHZ@ `l~ Hl Denis Diderot
28b9263 'lys shyy'an mz`jan! fhm ydhmWwn lHy@a mn lSSbH Ht~ lms, wl ystTy`wn `qd l`zm `l~ mGdrth! 'ykwn lsbb 'n lHy@ lrhn@ lyst fy mjmlh blshy lrdy , 'm 'nhm ykhshwn Hy@ qdm@ 'sw' mnh Denis Diderot
b2590b1 'n 'lhw b'n 'ktb lHmqt lty trtkbwnh tHt 'sm mst`r@. fHmqtkm tDHkny wktbty t`kr mzjkm Denis Diderot
7678348 Nous aimons, sans nous en douter, tout ce qui nous livre a nos penchants, nous seduit et excuse notre faiblesse. Denis Diderot
119fc19 Si en este mundo no se dice casi nada que sea escuchado como debiera, hay algo mucho peor, y es que no se hace casi nada que sea juzgado tal y como se ha hecho. Denis Diderot
49dec3c Because, without knowing what is written up above, none of us knows what we want or what we are doing, and we follow our whims which we call reason, or our reason which is often nothing but a dangerous whim which sometimes turns out well, sometimes badly. Denis Diderot
e4229b7 And he added that prudence in no way assured us of success but consoled us and excused us in failure. Denis Diderot
b6811e8 There comes a moment when nearly all young girls and young boys become melancholic. They are disturbed by a vague uneasiness which extends to everything and can find no consolation. They look for solitude. They weep. The silence of the cloister moves them and the image of peace which seems to reign in religious houses seduces them. They mistake the first movements of their developing emotions for the voice of God calling them and it is at t.. Denis Diderot
5cd7553 You are going to say that I am amusing myself and that because I do not know what to do with my two travellers any more, I am throwing myself into allegory, which is the usual recourse of sterile minds. Denis Diderot
f58f1fb El pueblo, eterno esclavo de los tiranos que lo oprimen, de los bribones que lo enganan y de los bufones que lo divierten. Denis Diderot
2be348e If one of them appears in company, he's a grain of yeast which ferments and gives back to everyone some part of his natural individuality. He shakes things up. He agitates us. Denis Diderot
ad0a739 Tout a son vrai loyer dans ce monde. Il y a deux procureurs generaux, l'un a votre porte qui chatie les delits contre la societe; la nature est l'autre. Celle-ci connait de tous les vices qui echappent aux lois. Denis Diderot