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a2e7336 Rasplata v etom mire nastupaet vsegda. Est' dva general'nykh prokurora: odin - tot, kto stoit u vashikh dverei i nakazyvaet za prostupki protiv obshchestva, drugoi - sama priroda. Ei izvestny vse poroki, uskol'zaiushchie ot zakonov. Denis Diderot
5e17956 Monsieur me prepare le plus triste avenir; que deviendrai-je quand je n'aurai plus rien a dire? - Tu recommenceras. - Jacques, recommencer! Le contraire est ecrit la-haut; et s'il m'arrivait de recommencer, je ne pourrais m'empecher de m'ecrier: "Ah! si ton grand-pere t'entendait!..." et je regretterais le baillon." Denis Diderot
ac0e429 dwr l`ql khTr byn lmjnyn Denis Diderot
eb16b59 l tdf` musbqan 'bdan dh 'rdta 'n l tlq~ khdm@ syy'@ Denis Diderot
6ff8aea lys mn lns mn yhw~ lmshy 'kthr mn l`urj Denis Diderot
0ae3623 As I listened to him describing the scene of the procurer seducing the young girl, I found myself torn between two conflicting emotions, between a powerful desire to laugh and an overwhelming surge of indignation. I was in agony. Again and again a roar of laughter prevented my rage bursting forth; again and again the rage rising in my heart became a roar of laughter. I was dumbfounded by such shrewdness and such depravity; by such soundness.. philosophy scoundrel Denis Diderot
07038c2 Ik luister naar hem, en als hij de scene van de koppelaar en het meisje dat verleid wordt voordraagt, word ik door twee tegengestelde opwellingen aangegrepen, ik weet niet of ik moet lachen of kwaadworden. Ik heb het er moeilijk mee: tien keer onderdrukt een schaterlach mijn woede, tien keer eindigt mijn diepe verontwaardiging in een schaterlach. Ik ben geheel van streek door zoveel scherpzinnigheid en laaghartigheid, door de afwisseling va.. Denis Diderot
20646bf If you want me to believe in God, you must make me touch him. Denis Diderot
4e1fa99 I have often seen an actor laugh off the stage, but I don't remember ever having seen one weep. Denis Diderot
964618d Justice is the first virtue of those who command, and stops the complaints of those who obey. Denis Diderot
58c518c Pithy sentences are like sharp nails which force truth upon our memory. Denis Diderot
5e88289 The best doctor is the one you run for and can't find. Denis Diderot
8e50b96 Distance is a great promoter of admiration! Denis Diderot
facc2a9 We are far more liable to catch the vices than the virtues of our associates. Denis Diderot
091733e Evil always turns up in this world through some genius or other. Denis Diderot
8bf9ebc There is no moral precept that does not have something inconvenient about it. Denis Diderot
6549119 Happiest are the people who give most happiness to others. Denis Diderot
6f4928c The God of the Christians is a father who makes much of his apples, and very little of his children. Denis Diderot
b203e49 There is no good father who would want to resemble our Heavenly Father Denis Diderot
d41f396 Superstition is more injurious to God than atheism. Denis Diderot
2b63679 To prove the Gospels by a miracle is to prove an absurdity by something contrary to nature. Denis Diderot
d1c51e6 It is not human nature we should accuse but the despicable conventions that pervert it. Denis Diderot
7f5d474 Poetry must have something in it that is barbaric, vast and wild. Denis Diderot
00ed808 All abstract sciences are nothing but the study of relations between signs. Denis Diderot
c0956d4 The blood of Jesus Christ can cover a multitude of sins, it seems to me. Denis Diderot
778796e How easy it is to tell tales! Denis Diderot
98c5f24 Gaiety -- a quality of ordinary men. Genius always presupposes some disorder in the machine. Denis Diderot
4966d9a Good music is very close to primitive language. Denis Diderot
59e5cf5 There is only one passion, the passion for happiness. Denis Diderot