If we isolate the stray thought, the passing thought," he said, "the thought whose origin is unfathomable, then we begin to understand that we are routinely deranged, everyday crazy." We loved the idea of being everyday crazy. It rang so true, so real. "In our privatest mind," he said, "there is only chaos and blur. We invented logic to beat back our creatural selves. We assert or deny. We follow M with N." Our privatest mind, we thought. D..
Don DeLillo |
The shallower our arguments, the more intense we became.
Don DeLillo |
Maybe this man experiences another kind of reality where he is here and there, before and after, and he moves from one to the other shatteringly, in a state of collapse, minus an identity, a language, a way to enjoy the savor of the honey-coated toast she watches him eat. She
Don DeLillo |
Billy tried to imagine the birth of Cyril's wife's baby. It would happen in grim lights violently. A dripping thing trying to clutch to its hole. Dredged up and beaten. Blood and drool and womb mud. How cute, this neon shrieker made to plunge upward, odd-headed blob, this marginal electric glow-thing. Dressed and powdered now. Engineered to abstract design. Cling, suck and cry. Follow with the eye. Gloom and drought of unprotected sleep. Ha..
Don DeLillo |
I move past the scaffolding and walk down the steps, hearing one language after another, rich, harsh, mysterious, strong. This is what we bring to the temple, not prayer or chant or slaughtered rams. Our offering is language.
Don DeLillo |
Meredith was not so secure in her maturity that she did not suffer those periods of despondency and doubt which seemed to weave through the lives of self-reliant women.
Don DeLillo |
He liked to mingle with shopping mall crowds. "I'm counting on you to tell me, Jack." "Tell you what?" "You're the only person I know that's educated enough to give me the answer." "The answer to what?" "Were people this dumb before television?" One"
Don DeLillo |
Ingram did an echocardiogram. Eric was on his back, with a skewed view of the monitor, and wasn't sure whether he was watching a computerized mapping of his heart or a picture of the thing itself. It throbbed forcefully on screen. The image was only a foot away but the heart assumed another context, one of distance and immensity, beating in the blood plum raptures of a galaxy in gormation. What mystery he glimpsed in this functional muscle...
Don DeLillo |
People say great art is immortal. I say there's something mortal in it. It carries a glimpse of death.
Don DeLillo |
Brita said, 'I read at home, I read in hotels, I take a book with me on a twenty-minute trip to the dentist. Then I read in the waiting room.
Don DeLillo |
He could have told George a writer creates a character as a way to reveal consciousness, increase the flow of meaning. This is how we reply to power and beat back our fear. By extending the pitch of consciousness and human possibility. This poet you've snatched. His detention drains the world of one more thimble of meaning. He should have said these things to that son of a bitch, although actually he liked George, but he'd never considered ..
Don DeLillo |
a closeness that felt sorry and cheap the minute she walked out of the room.
Don DeLillo |
As I listened I thought a featureless baggy man was striking me in slow motion with a well-polished stone.
Don DeLillo |
I am a bad actor." "Not for me or my camera. I see the person, not some idea he wants to make himself into." "I'm all idea today." "I definitely don't see it." "I'm playing the idea of death. Look closely," he said."
Don DeLillo |
The love of minds should last beyond lives.
Don DeLillo |
As pessoas nao vao morrer. Nao e esse o credo da nova cultura? As pessoas vao ser absorvidas em fluxos de informacoes. Nao entendo nada disso. Os computadores vao morrer. Ja estao morrendo na sua forma atual. Estao praticamente mortos como unidades distintas. Uma caixa, uma tela, um teclado. Eles estao se dissolvendo na textura da vida cotidiana. (...) Ate a palavra computador parece retrograda e burra."
Don DeLillo |
Isn't it possible that this midcentury moment enters the skin more lastingly than the vast shaping strategies of eminent leaders, generals steely in their sunglasses -- the mapped visions that pierce our dreams?
Don DeLillo |
It is just so interesting," he says at last. "The colors and all." The colors and all."
Don DeLillo |
L'azione e verita, e la verita vacilla quando la guerra finisce e gli abitanti del villaggio sono liberi di tornare ai loro campi. Sopravviviamo, e siamo nuovamente sconfitti.
Don DeLillo |
But she missed simple things, parents' birthdays, a rug underfoot, nights when she didn't have to sleep in a zipped bag. She began to think she was inadequate to the strict plain shapes of churchly faith. Head pains hit her at the end of the day. They came with a shining, an electrochemical sheen, light from out of nowhere, brain-made, the eerie gleam of who you are.
Don DeLillo |
There was one thing more he wanted from this funeral. He wanted to see the hearse pass by again, the body tilted for viewing, a digital corpse, a loop, a replication. It did not seem right that the hearse had come and gone. He wanted it to reappear at intervals, proud body open to the night, to replenish the sorrow and wonder of the crowd.
Don DeLillo |
I think we ought to have our intercourse now.
Don DeLillo |
Grass: I've invested heavily in blood futures. I have a direct line to the trading floor for polyester blood. There's a heaving mass of men crying out their bids. The blood arrives at the warehouse in the form of double-knit suits. It's the only kind of suit I wear. When I collapse in the street, paramedics rush me to the hospital, liquefy the suit and inject it in my veins.
Don DeLillo |
Tutto dovrebbe essere qualcosa. Ma non lo e mai. E la natura dell'esistenza.
Don DeLillo |
I watched Buford set things up and I decided that tending bar might be a pretty good way to spend one's life. Spanking down big foaming steins of beer to be encircled by the huge skeet-shooting hands of virile novelists. Rattling the cocktail shaker and doing a little samba step for the amusement of the ladies. To be an expert at something.
Don DeLillo |
He liked the fact that the cars were indistinguishable from each other. He wanted such a car because he thought it was a platonic replica, weightless for all its size, less an object than an idea. But he knew this wasn't true. This was something he said for effect and he didn't believe it for an instant. He believed it for an instant but only just. He wanted the car because it was not only oversized but aggressively and contemptuously so, m..
Don DeLillo |
This is death. I don't want it to tarry awhile so I can write a monograph. I want it to go away for seventy or eighty years.
Don DeLillo |
There's a rumor it seems involving the finance minister. He's supposed to resign any time now," she said. "Some kind of scandal about a misconstrued comment. He made a comment about the economy that may have been misconstrued. The whole country is analyzing the grammar and syntax of this comment. Or it wasn't even what he said. It was when he paused. They are trying to construe the meaning of the pause. It could be deeper, even, than gramma..
Don DeLillo |
As a volunteer reader to the blind, Babette had some reservations about the old gent's appetite for the unspeakable and seamy, believing that the handicapped were morally bound to higher types of entertainment. If we couldn't look to them for victories of the human spirit, who could we look to? They had an example to set just as she did as a reader and morale-booster. But she was professional in her duty, reading to him with high earnestnes..
Don DeLillo |
Voglio dirti una cosa che non dovresti dimenticarti mai. Se qualcuno ti da fastidio una volta e poi un'altra e un'altra e un'altra ancora, qualcuno con delle ambizioni, qualcuno avido di territorio, la prima regola da osservare e mirare in alto. In altre parole, al massimo livello. E Lassu che stanno perdendo il controllo della situazione. In altre parole, bisogna andare dritti al vertice. Bisogna fare fuori il numero uno. In altre paro..
Don DeLillo |
Is this a mild winter or a harsh winter?
Don DeLillo |
He tried sedatives and hypnotics but they made him dependent, sending him inward in tight spirals. Every act he performed was self-haunted and synthetic. The palest thought carried an anxious shadow.
Don DeLillo |
Is he one of them now? Frustrated, stuck, self-watching, looking for a means of connection, a way to break out. After Oswald, men in America are no longer required to lead lives of quiet desperation. You apply for a credit card, buy a handgun, travel through cities, suburbs and shopping malls, anonymous, anonymous, looking for a chance to take a shot at the first puffy empty famous face, just to let people know there is someone out there wh..
Don DeLillo |
This happened back east of course. I've heard that term a lot since coming to this part of the country. But I never think of the term as a marker of geography. It's a reference to time, a statement about time, about all the densities of being and experience, it's time disguised, it's light-up time, shifting smoky time tricked out as some locus of stable arrangement. When people use that term they're talking about the way things used to be b..
Don DeLillo |
Any curly-haired boy can write windswept ballads. You have to crush people's heads. That's the only way to make those fuckers listen.
Don DeLillo |
Why don't you want to be Jewish anymore?" "I'm tired of the guilt. That enormous nagging historical guilt." "What guilt?" "The guilt of being innocent victims."
Don DeLillo |
If you could stretch a given minute, what would you find between its unstuck components? Probably some kind of astral madness. A bleak comprehension of the final size of things.
Don DeLillo |
Television. Maybe it was all a study in the art of mummification. The effect of the medium is so evanescent that those who work in its time apparatus feel the need to preserve themselves, delivering their bodies to be lacquered and trussed, sprayed with the rarest of pressurized jellies, all to one end, a release from the perilous context of time. This is their only vanity, to expect to dwell forever in hermetic sub-corridors, free of every..
Don DeLillo |
Do you know why I believe in the novel? It's a democratic shout. Anybody can write a great novel, one great novel, almost any amateur off the street. I believe this, George. Some nameless drudge, some desperado with barely a nurtured dream can sit down and find his voice and luck out and do it. Something so angelic it makes your jaw hang open. The spray of talent, the spray of ideas. One thing unlike another, one voice unlike the next. Ambi..
Don DeLillo |
What are the people like? Do the women wear plaid skirts, cable-knit sweaters? Are the men in hacking jackets? What's a hacking jacket?" "They've grown comfortable with their money," I said. "They genuinely believe they're entitled to it. This conviction gives them a kind of rude health. They glow a little." "I have trouble imagining death at that income level," she said. "Maybe there is no death as we know it. Just documents changing hands..
Don DeLillo |
Some good-bad nights I spent, loving my self-hatred.
Don DeLillo |
There's a dolphin's brain in my in-box but come see me in forty-eight hours.
Don DeLillo |
This spot was so close to perfect we would not even want to tell ourselves how lucky we were, having been delivered to it. The best of new places had to be protected from our own cries of delight. We would hold the words for weeks or months, for the soft evening when a stray remark would set us to recollecting. I guess we believed, together, that the wrong voice can obliterate a landscape.
Don DeLillo |
Pleasure is not diversion but urgent life, a social order perceived as temporary.
Don DeLillo |