You don't think of the tape as boring or interesting. It is crude, it is blunt, it is relentless. It is the jostled part of your mind, the film that runs through your hotel brain under all the thoughts you know you're thinking.
Don DeLillo |
She watched him surrender his crisp gaze to a softening, a bright-eyed fear that seemed to tunnel out of childhood. It had the starkness of a last prayer. She worked to get at it. His face was drained and slack, coming into flatness, into black and white, cracked lips and flaring brows, age lines that hinge the chin, old bafflements and regrets.
Don DeLillo |
Weede si alzo in piedi per un secondo e piego leggermente le ginocchia - come faceva sempre mio padre quando le mutande gli si incagliavano in qualche anfratto delle regioni inguinali, spiegando a me bambino che quel gesto era l'unica alternativa civile al disincagliamento manuale, sport preferito di emarginati e pazzi.
Don DeLillo |
Along some northern coast at sundown a beaten gold light is waterborne, sweeping across lakes and tracing zigzag rivers to the sea, and we know we're in transit again, half numb to the secluded beauty down there, the slate land we're leaving behind, the peneplain, to cross these rainbands in deep night. This is time totally lost to us. We don't remember it. We take no sense impressions with us, no voices, none of the windy blast of the airc..
Don DeLillo |
Marriage is something we make from available materials. In this sense, it's improvised, it's almost offhand. Maybe this is why we know so little about it. It's too inspired and quicksilver a thing to be clearly understood. Two people make a blur.
Don DeLillo |
He was a foreigner here. There was no profit in discontent. He could not apply his bitterness. It was American-made and had no local standing. For the first time he realized what a dangerous thing he'd done, leaving his country. He struggled against this awareness. He hated knowing something he didn't want to know.
Don DeLillo |
we are fragile creatures surrounded by a world of hostile facts. Facts threaten our happiness and security. The deeper we delve into the nature of things, the looser our structure may seem to become.
Don DeLillo |
He lay in bed open-eyed in the dark. There were intestinal moans from his left side, where gas makes a hairpin turn at the splenic flexure. He felt a mass of phlegm wobbling in his throat but he didn't want to get out of bed to expel it, so he swallowed the whole nasty business, a slick syrupy glop. This was the texture of his life. If someone ever writes his true biography, it will be a chronicle of gas pains and skipped heartbeats, grindi..
Don DeLillo |
I wanted to free myself from that montage of speed, guns, torture, rape, orgy and consumer packaging which constitutes the vision of sex in America.
Don DeLillo |
Do we have to believe something happened exactly the way it was shown by artists?
Don DeLillo |
The dead have come to take the living. The dead in winding-sheets, the regimented dead on horseback, the skeleton that plays the hurdy-gurdy.
Don DeLillo |
Being here is a kind of spiritual surrender. We see only what the others see. The thousands who were here in the past, those who will come in the future. We've agreed to be part of a collective perception. This literally colors our vision. A religious experience in a way, like all tourism.
Don DeLillo |
Her sweat is a rank reminder, the only one, that she exists, that she is separate from the things that surround her.
Don DeLillo |
De eso se trata con la tecnologia: por una parte, consigue despertar nuestro apetito por la inmortalidad; por otra, amenaza con extincion universal. La tecnologia es la naturaleza desprovista de lujuria.
Don DeLillo |
A clean light soaked into the shaggy bark of a eucalyptus and it was a powerful thing to see, the whole tree glowed, it showed electric and intense, the branches ran to soft fire, the tree seemed revealed.
Don DeLillo |
How could there be a north below a south? Is this what I found confusing?
Don DeLillo |
heat that rots ambition and stuns the intellect and will.
Don DeLillo |
When someone asks whether they have bourbon, the bartender says smugly, 'Yes, of course, James Beam, very good.' " "James Beam. That is"
Don DeLillo |
It seemed to me that Babette and I, in the mass and variety of our purchases, in the sheer plenitude those crowded bags suggested, the weight and size and number, the familiar package designs and vivid lettering, the giant sizes, the family bargain packs with Day-Glo sale stickers, in the sense of replenishment we felt, the sense of well-being, the security and contentment these products brought to some snug home in our souls--it seemed we ..
Don DeLillo |
All human existence is a trick of light.
Don DeLillo |
It's hard to be beautiful. You have an obligation to people. You almost become public property. You can lose yourself and get almost mentally disturbed on just the public nature of being beautiful. Don't think I haven't thought about it. You can get completely lost in that whole dumb mess. And anyway who's to say what's beautiful and what's ugly?
Don DeLillo |
I am the false character that follows the name around.
Don DeLillo |
Nagasaki was an embarrassment to the art of war
Don DeLillo |
It is time to "perform," he thought. She would have to be "satisfied." He would have to "service" her. They would make efforts to "interact."
Don DeLillo |
The letters released something, maybe a sense that he was not alone, that the world was a place where travelers in language could know the same things.
Don DeLillo |
Let's enjoy these aimless days while we can, I told myself, fearing some kind of deft acceleration.
Don DeLillo |
We create beautiful and lasting things, build vast civilizations." "Gorgeous evasions," he said. "Great escapes."
Don DeLillo |
Either I'm taking something and I don't remember or I'm not taking something and I don't remember. My life is either/or. Either I chew regular gum or I chew sugarless gum. Either I chew gum or I smoke. Either I smoke or I gain weight. Either I gain weight or I run up the stadium steps." "Sounds like a boring life." "I hope it lasts forever," she said."
Don DeLillo |
In the middle of it all is Hitler, of course." "He was on again last night." "He's always on. We couldn't have television without him."
Don DeLillo |
Quel po' di senso di colpa che provavo dipendeva dall'immagine di Jennifer sola e umiliata, non dal banale tradimento di Meredith. Per Jennifer io rimanevo un enigma. Rifiutavo di concederle la minima percezione di me, e la ragione posso solo immaginarla: avevo un bisogno disperato di ogni minima briciola del mio ego per vincere la paura di svanire io stesso.
Don DeLillo |
I'll tell you what I long for, the days of disarray, when I didn't give a damn or a fuck or a farthing.
Don DeLillo |
It makes a man feel universal, floating over the continents, seeing the rim of the world, a line as clear as a compass arc, knowing it is just a turning of the bend to Atlantic twilight, to sediment plumes and kelp beds, an island chain glowing in the dusky sea.
Don DeLillo |
To men at this remove, it is as though things exist in their particular physical form in order to reveal the hidden simplicity of some powerful mathematical truth.
Don DeLillo |
People had hoped to be caught up in something bigger than themselves. They thought it would be a shared crisis. They would feel a sense of shared purpose, shared destiny. Like a snowstorm that blankets a large city - but lasting months, lasting years, carrying everyone along, creating fellow feeling where there was only suspicion and fear. The war would ennoble everything we say and do. What was impersonal would become personal. What was so..
Don DeLillo |
and the man and the chair went different ways.
Don DeLillo |
I've heard about a man and woman who are walking the length of the Great Wall of China, approaching each other from opposite directions. Every time I think of them, I see them from above., with the Wall twisting and winding through the landscape and two tiny human figures moving toward each other from remote provinces, step by step. I think this is a story of reverence for the planet, of trying to understand how we belong to the planet in a..
Don DeLillo |
There is a seaward bulge of stratocumulus. Sun glint and littoral drift. I see blooms of plankton in a blue of such Persian richness it seems an animal rapture, a colour change to express some form of intuitive delight.
Don DeLillo |
Don't you sometimes feel a power in you? An extreme state of good health. An arrogant healthiness. That's it. You are feeling so good you begin thinking you're a little superior to most people. An optimism about yourself that you generate at the expense of others. Don't you sometimes feel this?
Don DeLillo |
We listen to the old radio shows. Light flares and spreads across the blue-banded edge, sunrise, sunset, the urban grids in shadow. There is a sweetness in the tenor voice of the young man singing, a simple vigour that time and distance and random noise have enveloped in eloquence and yearning. Every sound, every lilt of strings has this veneer of age.
Don DeLillo |
Aun puedo verles en esa pantalla primitiva que nuestro cerebro produce, a unos ocho centimetros delante de mis ojos, miniaturizados por el tiempo y la distancia, desdibujados por las interferencias visuales, cada figura como una cinta roja que danzara en el aire. Todos ellos se cuentan entre aquellas personas a las que he intentado conocer dos veces, la segunda de ellas en el recuerdo y el lenguaje. A traves de ellas, yo mismo. Son aquellos..
Don DeLillo |
often. They seemed to shine together at the center of things. They made things theirs. A certain bench in the park, near the chess players, ordinary things, not unusual in any way.
Don DeLillo |
La preghiera e una strategia pratica, la conquista di un vantaggio temporale nei mercati capitali del Peccato e della Remissione.
Don DeLillo |
The mountains here contained a sense of time, geologic time. They lay in embryo, a process unfolding, or a shriveled dying perhaps. They had the look of naked events.
Don DeLillo |
The kids are a guarantee of our relative longevity. We're safe as long as they're around. But once they get big and scatter, she wants to be the first to go. She is afraid I will die unexpectedly, sneakily, slipping away in the night. It isn't that she doesn't cherish life; it's being left alone that frightens her. The emptiness, the sense of cosmic darkness. Mastercard, Visa, American Express. I tell her I want to die first. I've gotten so..
Don DeLillo |