That's how we stay young these days: murder and suicide.
Eugène Ionesco |
I'll never waste my dreams by falling asleep. Never again.
Eugène Ionesco |
Tous les chats sont mortels. Socrate est mortel. Donc Socrate est un chat.
Eugène Ionesco |
Ever since I was fifteen, that is to say from that moment when I lost all that was left me of my childhood, from the moment when I ceased to be aware of the present and knew only the past hurrying into the future, that is to say into the abyss, ever since I became fully conscious of time I have felt old and I have wanted to live. I have run after life as though to catch time, and I have tried to live. I have run after life so much that it h..
Eugène Ionesco |
Solitude seems to oppress me. And so does the company of other people.
Eugène Ionesco |
We need to be virtually bludgeoned into detachment from our daily lives, our habits and mental laziness, which conceal from us the strangeness of the world. Without a fresh virginity of mind, without a new and healthy awareness of existential reality, there can be no theatre and no art either; the real must be in a way dislocated, before it can be re-integrated.
Eugène Ionesco |
I read a page of Plato's great work. I can no longer understand anything, because behind the words on the page, which have their own heavenly brightness, to be sure, there shines an even brighter, an enormous, dazzling -why- that blots out everything, cancels out, destroys all meaning. All individual intelligence. When one has understood, one stops, satisfied with what one has understood. I do not understand. Understanding is far too little..
Eugène Ionesco |
BERENGER: And you consider all this natural? DUDARD: What could be more natural than a rhinoceros? BERENGER: Yes, but for a man to turn into a rhinoceros is abnormal beyond question. DUDARD: Well, of course, that's a matter of opinion ... BERENGER: It is beyond question, absolutely beyond question! DUDARD: You seem very sure of yourself. Who can say where the normal stops and the abnormal begins? Can you personally define thes..
Eugène Ionesco |
I'd rather lay an egg in a box than go and steal an ox.
Eugène Ionesco |
Nothing is mightier than our why, nothing stands above it, because in the end there is a why to which no answer is possible. In fact, from why to why, from one step to the next, you get to the end of things. And it is only by travelling from one why to the next, as far as the why that is unanswerable, that man attains the level of the creative principle, facing the infinite, equal to the infinite maybe. So long as he can answer the why he g..
Eugène Ionesco |
I thought that it was strange to assume that it was abnormal for anyone to be forever asking questions about the nature of the universe, about what the human condition really was, my condition, what I was doing here, if there was really something to do. It seemed to me, on the contrary, that it was abnormal for people NOT to think about it, for them to allow themselves to live, as it were, unconsciously. Perhaps it's because everyone, all t..
Eugène Ionesco |
But even if I know what governs their trajectory, if I know the rules of the movement of things and how things are organized and how certain mutations, transformations, gestations take place, even if I know all that, I shall only have learnt how to get along after a fashion in the enormous gaol, the oppressive prison in which I am held. What a farce, what a snare, what a booby-trap. We were born cheated. For if we are not to know, if there ..
Eugène Ionesco |
Year after year of dirty snow and bitter winds... houses and whole districts of people who aren't really unhappy, but worse, who are neither happy nor unhappy; people who are ugly because they're neither ugly nor beautiful; creatures that are dismally neutral, who long without longings as though they're unconscious, unconsciously suffering from being alive.
Eugène Ionesco |
I have always considered imaginative truth to be more profound, more loaded with significance, than every day reality... Everything we dream about, and by that I mean everything we desire, is true (the myth of Icarus came before aviation, and if Ader or Bleriot started flying it is because all men have dreamed of flight). There is nothing truer than myth... Reality does not have to be: it is simply what is.
Eugène Ionesco |
Psihoza colectiva, domnule Dudard, psihoza colectiva! Ca si religia, care-i opiumul popoarelor!
Eugène Ionesco |
Je prefere la vie a la mort, exister a ne pas exister, car je ne suis pas sur d'etre une fois que je n'existerai plus
Eugène Ionesco |
Of course, not everything is unsayable in words, only the living truth.
Eugène Ionesco |
Bucuriile mele sunt triste pentru ca ele manifesta o acceptare a nu stiu caror legi inferioare. Sunt deficiente fata de orice tristete care nu trebuie sa priveasca decat neimplinirea mea in absolut.
Eugène Ionesco |
If I tell these private thoughts of mine, it is because I know they are not mine alone, and that practically everyone is trying to say the same things and that the writer is only a man who says out loud what other people think or whisper.
Eugène Ionesco |
It is true that all authors have tried to make propaganda. The great ones are those who failed, who have gained access, consciously or not, to a deeper and more universal reality.
Eugène Ionesco |
We haven't the time to take our time.
Eugène Ionesco |
Criza limbajului Ruptura intre fiinta si gandire.Gandirea,golita de fiinta,se usuca,se vestejeste,nu mai e gandire.Intr-adevar,gandirea e expresia fiintei,coincide cu fiinta.Poti vorbi fara sa gandesti.Pentru asta avem la dispozitie cliseele,adica automatismele.Gandirea adevarata nu poate fi decat vie.
Eugène Ionesco |
FIRE CHIEF: Life is very simple, really. [To the Smiths:] Go on and kiss each other.
Eugène Ionesco |
exista emotii nepermise, precum, de pilda, vitelismul la poarta de aur fals a literaturii proaste. (...) Romanul este, de altfel, lenes in viata de toate zilele, liric in poezie, tembel in politica si impresionist in critica literara.
Eugène Ionesco |
I ought not to have stirred, I was swept into the dance, caught up in the whirling movement of things. Being in Time means running after the present. You run after things, you run with things, you flow away.
Eugène Ionesco |
JEAN: Ai vazut ce va sa zica bautura: nu mai esti stapin pe miscarile tale, nu mai ai forta-n miini, esti ametit, nauc. Iti sapi singur groapa, prietene, te pierzi complet. BERENGER: Nu-mi place alcoolul cine stie ce. Si totusi, daca nu beau, nu merge. E ca si cind mi-ar fi frica - asa ca beau ca sa-mi dispara frica. JEAN: Frica de ce? BERENGER: Nu prea stiu bine de ce. Nu ma simt in largul meu in viata, printre oameni, si-atunci trag cite-..
Eugène Ionesco |
It's not that I hate people. I'm just indifferent to them--or rather, they disgust me; and they'd better keep out of my way, or I'll run them down.
Eugène Ionesco |
Ne m'envoie plus ouvrir la porte. Tu as vu que c'etait inutile. L'experience nous apprend que lorsqu'on entend sonner a la porte, c'est qu'il n'y a jamais personne.
Eugène Ionesco |
Within the confines of the great, universal prison, I had made for myself a smaller prison, a prison made to order. I had carved out for myself a little niche in which I could live. It was tiny, I had no doubt about that point. But at least it was made to measure, to my measure. A little niche in a prison that kept me from seeing the prison. A prison without work? Was I bored? Was I resigned? Tired, no doubt.
Eugène Ionesco |
Now didn't I warn you, just a little while ago: arithmetic leads to philology, and philology leads to crime . . .
Eugène Ionesco |
Eroarea lui Andre Breton este,poate,de a se fi luat prea in serios.Trebuie sa te iei doar putin in serios,altminteri totul e inconsistent.Dar daca te iei prea in serios,nu mai exista libertate,e gata puscaria,strangularea.Nu mai ai cu adevarat "libertate de miscare".Nu te mai misti,esti prins,esti una cu lucrurile,nu mai ai distanta necesara de a vedea clar.Trebuie sa fii numai pe jumatate serios."
Eugène Ionesco |
Je meurs, vous entendez, je veux dire que je meurs, je n'arrive pas a le dire, je ne fais que de la litterature.
Eugène Ionesco |
Ceea ce se poate cunoaste din fiecare e,in primul rand,politetea,retinerea sa.Nu trebuie mers mai departe,am cadea in abis.Pe cine ai ucis tu,fie numai in gand,tu care esti imbracat in haine de duminica?Si tu,draguto,cate fiinte ai vrut sa ucizi,pe cine ai mai vrea sa ucizi,ai vrea sa ma pun la dispozitia ta ca sa distrug vietile care te deranjeaza?.. Din moment ce lumea nu e un paradis,nu poate fi decat un infern,afara doar daca n-a nimici..
Eugène Ionesco |
nu fiti indulgenti (indulgenta e o lasitate) si sa nu va fie frica sa marturisiti clar ca tot ce se face in cultura noastra este nouazeci si noua la suta rizibil si unu la suta lizibil. Nu aveti incredere nici in acest lizibil si aveti mai degraba incredere in ilizibil. cand vi s-o prezenta ceva ilizibil, adica ceva care trebuie nu sa fie recunoscut, ci cunoscut pentru intaia data, poate sa gasiti acolo ceva trainic.
Eugène Ionesco |
Toata problema prepoporanista a lui Alecu Russo, problema specificului romanesc, a formelor goale ale culturii, teoria pseudomorfozelor culturii, a simbolismului ce reveleaza el singur adevaratul nostru spirit: cel latin, a samanatorismului ce reveleaza el singur adevaratul nostru spirit: cel rural, a ortodoxismului ce reveleaza el singur adevaratul nostru spirit: cel slav, si alte bajbaieli, imi aminteste povestea aceluia care nu stia daca..
Eugène Ionesco |
Desigur bucuria este sentimentul unei certitudini sau unei impliniri de viata. Stim insa cu totii ca viata este moarte.Tristetea este, poate, sentimentul incertitudinii sau al neimplinitii mele in viata. Aceasta este insa necesara pentru mantuirea mea spirituala. Tristetea -- sentiment de moarte in aceasta viata -- este reversul bucuriei fata de viata mea in moarte.Bucuria neimplinita are aceasta tristete spirituala; tristetea este luminata..
Eugène Ionesco |
Am avut intodeauna o proasta cenestezie:nu imi e bine in pielea mea.De unde si nevoia de euforizante sau de bautura... Sa te lasi in voia vietii.Sa te lasi purtat,sa te lasi ca pluta pe apele duratei,sa te lasi in voia vietii si astfel,poate,sa ajungi in stare a te lasa sa mori.Minima rezistenta.
Eugène Ionesco |
Totul e o povara.Oare ce nu ma impovareaza?
Eugène Ionesco |
Cel care scrie a doua oara Werther este un farseur care stie Werther pe dinafara si-l transcrie, din memorie. Asa si situatia literara a Romaniei: repeta, mai prost.
Eugène Ionesco |
Ei si?", citat din d. Nae Ionescu"
Eugène Ionesco |
Un medecin consciencieux doit mourir avec le malade s'ils ne peuvent pas guerir ensemble. Le commandant d'un bateau perit avec le bateau, dans les vagues. Il ne lui survit pas.
Eugène Ionesco |
Eugène Ionesco |
I'm looking for a monophysite priest to marry our maid.
Eugène Ionesco |
Nefericire cel ce vrea sa-si pastreze originalitatea! Ei bine, asta e. Am sa ma apar impotriva tuturor! Pusca, unde mi-e pusca? (Se intoarce cu fata catre capetele de rinoceri din fundal si striga) Am sa ma apar impotriva lumii intregi, ma voi apara! Sunt ultimul om si voi ramine asa pina la cea din urma suflare! Nu ma dau batut!
Eugène Ionesco |