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6546afd The Poet Asks His Love to Write" Visceral love, living death, in vain, I wait your written word, and consider, with the flower that withers, I wish to lose you, if I have to live without self. The air is undying: the inert rock neither knows shadow, nor evades it. And the heart, inside, has no use for the honeyed frost the moon pours. But I endured you: ripped open my veins, a tiger, a dove, over your waist, in a duel of teeth and lilies. S.. Federico García Lorca
f82e00e Hay cosas que no se pueden decir porque no hay palabras para decirlas; y si las hubiera, nadie entenderia su significado. Federico García Lorca
dfb2f20 Out in the sky, no one sleeps. No one, no one. No one sleeps. In a graveyard far off there is a corpse who has moaned for three years because of an arid landscape in his knee; and that boy they buried this morning cried so much it was necessary to call out the dogs to keep him quiet. Life is not a dream. Careful! Careful! Careful! We fall down the stairs in order to eat the moist earth or we climb to the snow's edge with the voices of dead.. Federico García Lorca
ceb1a74 Llena, pues, de palabras mi locura Federico García Lorca
c931340 El corazon Que tenia en la escuela Donde estuvo pintada La cartilla primera ?Esta en ti Noche negra Frio frio Como el agua Del rio. El primer beso Que supo a beso y fue Para mis labios ninos Como la lluvia fresca Federico García Lorca
7051f2c Gelmek istemiyor gece.. Ne sen gelebiliyorsun o yuzden Ne de ben gidebiliyorum. Ama ben gidecegim. Akrepten bir gunes sakagimi yese de... love Federico García Lorca
869ad2c But hurry! so united, entwined, mouths broken by love and soul bitten, time will find us destroyed Federico García Lorca
81b0ca9 dlm nmykhwst dlm nmykhwst yh chyzyw bht bgm. tw chsht dw t drkht dywwnhy khwchwlw dydm z hw, z khndh, z Tl. wn tb mykhwrdn Federico García Lorca
cf8dfc9 The dreadful nostalgia for a wasted life, the fatal feeling that you were born too late, or the restless hope for an impossible morning with the nearby restlessness of the flesh's ache Federico García Lorca
0b65299 Julieta, la noche no es un momento, pero un momento puede durar toda la noche. amor el-público federico-garcia-lorca noche relatividad-del-tiempo tiempo Federico García Lorca
7bac3a0 But two has never been a number-- because it's only an anguish and its shadow, it's only a guitar where love feels how hopeless it is, it's the proof of someone else's infinity, Federico García Lorca
c989d45 In the sky there is nobody asleep. Nobody, nobody. Nobody is asleep. The creatures of the moon sniff and prowl about their cabins. The living iguanas will come and bite the men who do not dream, and the man who rushes out with his spirit broken will meet on the street corner the unbelievable alligator quiet beneath the tender protest of the stars. Nobody is asleep on earth. Nobody, nobody. Nobody is asleep. In a graveyard far off t.. Federico García Lorca
6f52b42 shb chr mh w yh tkhdrkht w yh syhy tkh w yh prndhy tnh. rw tnm dnbl rd lbt mygrdm. fwrh bdw mybwsh lmssh nmykhnh. hmwn <> khh bm gftyw tw khf dstm b khwdm mybrm mthh yh lymwy mwmy khyly sfyd shb chr mh w yh drkht tkh. rw nwkh yh swzn Federico García Lorca
d4bb6eb ndm 'mwt dfnwny m` qythrty `ndm 'mwt byn lbrtql wln`n` `ndm 'mwt Federico García Lorca
9e0ae3a El campo de olivos se abre y se cierra como un abanico. Sobre el olivar hay un cielo hundido y una lluvia oscura de luceros frios. Tiembla junco y penumbra a la orilla del rio. Se riza el aire gris. Los olivos, estan cargados de gritos. Una bandada de pajaros cautivos, Federico García Lorca
00f3308 Paint me a heaven of love with your bloodied mouth. Federico García Lorca
b82c21b chyzyy hm hs khh `wD nmyshh. psht dyfr chyzyy hs khh nmytwnh `wD bshh chwn khsy nmyshnwhtshwn . "trjmh Hmd shmlw" Federico García Lorca
7d52343 l tGTWw wjhh blmndyl, 'rydh 'n y`td `l~ hdh lmwt ldhy yHmlh. Federico García Lorca
53ca6ca Tambien yo quiero dejarte si pienso como se piensa. Pero voy donde tu vas. Tu tambien. Da un paso. Prueba. Clavos de luna nos funden mi cintura y tus caderas. federico-garcia-lorca poesía poetry teatro Federico García Lorca
154608d You can't look at yourself in the ocean. Your looks fall apart like tendrils of light. Night on earth. Federico García Lorca
243eac2 The air pregnant with rainbows shatters its mirrors over the grove. Federico García Lorca
bd89102 When the moon sails out with a hundred faces all the same, Federico García Lorca
b0a56b0 fbkt ldydn wHrkt l'shjr rw'wsh lmfkr@ w qlt : n blwG lzrq@ mstHyl `ndm kn SGr Hsbn 'nn swf nlmsh w 'rdn 'n nkwn klnswr w lan b`d 'n S`qtn lS`q@ drkn 'n lzrq@ mn Hq tlnswr wHdh w lkn lnsr .. mn b`yd htf qy'l : lyst ly .. lyst ly l'n lzrq@ llnjwm fy rw`@ lm`nh w bryqh w qlt lnjwm : w l nHn 'yD nmlk lzrq@ nh mkhtfy@ bynn . w qlt lmsf@ lswd 'n lzrq@ qd Hbst l'ml byn 'swrh. w ql l'ml : blTf .. mn dkhl mmlkth Federico García Lorca
6f35f1e Verde que te quiero verde. Verde viento.Verdes ramas. El barco sobre la mar y el caballo en la montana. Con la sombra en la cintura ella suena en su baranda, Federico García Lorca
e3e5ed7 bh hr Hl byd khdyy wjwd dshth bshh . hr qdr hm khh khwchykh bshh. t S`qhrw rw mrdyy khh nTfhy gndydhshwn shdyi zmynw bh ljn mykhshh nzl khnh . yrm-trjmh Hmd shmlw Federico García Lorca
9fac8db nwH ljytr ybd' 'qdH lshrwq qd tHTmt nwH ljytr ybd' mn lS`b 'n tskth mn lmstHyl 'n tskth nh tbky brtb@ km ybky lm km tbky lryH `ly Swt sqwT lthlj mn lmstHyl 'n tskth fhy tbky l'shy nqDt bk rml ljnwb ldfy ttwq l'zhr lkmyly lbyD nh tbky shm bl hdf w ms bl SbH w 'wl Ty'r mt `ly lGSn Federico García Lorca
18eed07 La tierra es un planeta mediocre, pero hay que ayudar a la civilizacion Federico García Lorca
d89c9c8 To be silent and consumed by fire is the worst punishment on earth, poetry Federico García Lorca
ba77083 Ese es el defecto de las mujeres decentes de estas tierras. !No hablar! No hablamos y tenemos que hablar. Federico García Lorca
1bf0d3b Voglio dormire un momento, un momento, un minuto, un secolo; ma tutti sappiano che non sono morto; che c'e una stella d'oro sulle mie labbra; Federico García Lorca
77bb95d I went away from your side, in love without knowing it. Now I don't know how your eyes look, nor your hands, nor your hair. lorca love poetry Federico García Lorca
046c33b Quiero morirme siendo manantial. Federico García Lorca
0676456 Y aunque no me quisieras te querria por tu mirar sombrio como quiere la alondra al nuevo dia, solo por el rocio. Federico García Lorca
1ad31f8 The Little Mute Boy" The little boy was looking for his voice. (The king of the crickets had it.) In a drop of water the little boy was looking for his voice. I do not want it for speaking with; I will make a ring of it so that he may wear my silence on his little finger In a drop of water the little boy was looking for his voice. (The captive voice, far away, put on a cricket's clothes.)" Federico García Lorca
dcc5a22 Only a single bird is singing. Federico García Lorca
e1e2dcb Amor. Amar. Amor. De la boniga con el sol, del sol con la vaca muerta y el escarabajo con el sol. Federico García Lorca
f416836 l. l 'ryd 'n 'r~ dmah! fm mn k's yHtwyh, wl mn snwnw yshrbh, wl mn Saq`@ nwrin tbrWdh, m mn 'Gny@ wl fyDn znbq, wl mn blWwr yufDWiSahu. Federico García Lorca
2c6b7d7 l tHmly dhkrk. d`yh wHyd@ fy Sdry. rt`sh lkrz 'byD, fy `dhb knwn lthny. yfSlny `n l'mwt , jdr 'Hlm shny`@ . '`Ty Hzn znbq brd, lqlb mn jS. Twl llyl , tshr `yny fy lbstn, mthl klbyn kbyryn. Twl llyl, 'Trd sfrjl lsm. ykwn lhw 'Hynan, khzm~ mn khwf, nh khzm~ mryD@, fy lSbH lshty'y. jdr mn 'Hlm shny`@ , yfSlny `n lmwt. yksw lDbb bSmt, lwdy lrmdy ljsdk. fy Zl jsr lqy'n, ynmw lshwkrn lsm lan. Federico García Lorca
5fb066f Agua,donde vas? Riyendo voy por el rio a las orillas del mar. Mar,adonde vas? Rio arriba voy buscando fuente donde descansar. Chopo, y tu,que haras? No quiero decirte nada. Yo,temblar! Federico García Lorca
8509f2e Madrigals" 1 Like concentric ripples over the water, so in my heart your words. Like a bird that strikes against the wind, so on my lips your kisses. Like exposed fountains opposing the evening, so my dark eyes over your flesh. 2 I am caught in your circles, concentric. Like Saturn I wear the rings of my dream. Federico García Lorca
bf122fb Duerme, vuela, reposa: !Tambien se muere el mar! dreams life poetry Federico García Lorca
df0b536 La nostalgia terrible de una vida perdida, el fatal sentimiento de haber nacido tarde, o la ilusion inquieta de un manana imposible con la inquietud cercana del dolor de la carne. Federico García Lorca
3a4192b You tormented love Federico García Lorca
408c4bf And my heart opened like a flower under sky, dreams poetry Federico García Lorca
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