I'm familiar with the concept of bacchanalia and Dionysian revels, of course, but it strikes me as utterly bizarre that women should want to spend an evening together drinking and purchasing such items, and, indeed, that this should pass as 'entertainment'. Sexual union between lovers should be a sacred, private thing. It should not be a topic for discussion with strangers over a display of edible underwear. When the musician and I spent ou..
Gail Honeyman |
It often feels as if I'm not here, that I'm a figment of my own imagination. There are days when I feel so lightly connected to the earth that the threads that tether me to the planet are gossamer thin, spun sugar. A strong gust of wind could dislodge me completely, and I'd lift off and blow away, like one of those seeds in a dandelion clock.
Gail Honeyman |
There is no such thing as hell, of course, but if there was, then the sound track to the screaming, the pitchfork action and the infernal wailing of damned souls would be a looped medley of "show tunes" drawn from the annals of musical theater."
Gail Honeyman |
libraries are life-enhancing palaces of wonder
Gail Honeyman |
felt a warmth inside, a cosy, glowy feeling like hot tea on a cold morning.
Gail Honeyman |
I had no idea what it was, but I realized that I'd happily sit here in the warmth with him and watch a golf programme if that was all there was.
Gail Honeyman |
Human mating rituals are un-believably tedious to observe. At least in the animal kingdom you are occasionally treated to a flash of bright feathers or a display of spectacular violence. Hair flicking and play fights don't quite cut the
Gail Honeyman |
I'm not lonely, Mummy," I said, protesting. "I'm fine on my own. I've always been fine on my own."
Gail Honeyman |
These magazines could tell me which clothes and shoes to wear, how to have my hair styled in order to fit in. They could show me the right kind of makeup to buy and how to apply it. This way, I would disappear into everywoman acceptability. I would not be stared at. The goal, ultimately, was successful camouflage as a human woman.
Gail Honeyman |
I was almost sad when we arrived a the squat, white clubhouse. It was halfway to dark by then, with both a moon and a sun sitting high in a sky that was sugar almond pink and shot with gold. The birds were singing valiantly against the coming night, swooping over the greens in long, drunken loops. The air was grassy, with a hint of flowers and earth, and the warm, sweet outbreath of the day sighed gently into our hair and over our skin. I f..
Gail Honeyman |
It fell open at a pivotal scene, the one where Jane meets Mr. Rochester for the first time, startling his horse in the woods and causing him to fall. Pilot is there too, the handsome, soulful-eyed hound. If the book has one failing, it's that there is insufficient mention of Pilot. You can't have too much dog in a book.
Gail Honeyman |
I suppose, although they should get drunk at home, like I do, so that they don't cause anyone else any trouble. But then, not everyone is as sensible and considerate as me.
Gail Honeyman |
I realized what I felt . . . happy. It was such a strange, unusual feeling--light, calm, as though I'd swallowed sunshine.
Gail Honeyman |
I had convinced myself that he was the one, that he would help to make me normal, fix the things that were wrong with my life.
Gail Honeyman |
All of the people in the room seemed to take so much for granted: that they would be invited to social events, that they would have friends and family to talk to, that they would fall in love, be loved in return, perhaps create a family of their own. How would I celebrate my own fortieth birthday? I wondered. I hoped I would have people in my life to mark the occasion when the time came.
Gail Honeyman |
There was, it seemed, no Eleanor-shaped social hole for me to slot into.
Gail Honeyman |
I am not generally a wearer of perfume, preferring to smell of plain soap and my natural musk, but, were it possible to purchase a bottle in which the scent of new pencil shavings and the petroleum reek of a freshly rubbed eraser were combined, I would happily douse myself with it on a daily basis.
Gail Honeyman |
I do feel that tube tops are best suited to the under twenty-fives, if, indeed, they are suited to anyone.
Gail Honeyman |
No matter; I didn't require
Gail Honeyman |
It is incomprehensible to me now that I could ever have thought that anyone would love this ambulant bag of blood and bones.
Gail Honeyman |
Everything about this was true, even
Gail Honeyman |
Vstopila sem v sobo na koncu hodnika, kjer je bila, kot sem pravilno ugotovila, kuhinja. Tudi ta soba je bila polja ljudi in hrupa, a sem lahko razlocila marmornate delovne povrsine, svetlece kremne fronte in veliko kroma. Njen dom je bil tako ... sijoc. Tudi sama je bila sijoca, njena koza, lasje, cevlji, zobje. Tega se prej nisem niti zavedala: jaz sem mat, dolgocasna in oguljena.
Gail Honeyman |
Before and after the fire. One day I was breakfasting on watermelon, feta and pomegranate seeds, the next I was eating toasted Mother's Pride smeared with margarine. That's the story Mummy told me, at any rate.
Gail Honeyman |
Ignis aurum probat. 'Fire tests gold.' The rest of the phrase: '... and adversity tests the brave'.
Gail Honeyman |
Mummy told me, years ago, that men go absolutely crazy for sausage rolls. The way to a man's heart, she said, is a homemade sausage roll,
Gail Honeyman |
There was no hope, things couldn't be put right. I couldn't be put right. The past could neither be escaped nor undone. After all these weeks of delusion, I recognized, breathless, the pure, brutal truth of it.
Gail Honeyman |
I knew that people weren't supposed to exist as I did, work and vodka and sleep in a constant, static cycle in which I spun around on myself, into myself, silent and alone. Going nowhere. On some level I realized that this was wrong. I'd lifted my head up just high enough to see that, and, desperate to change, I'd clutched at a random straw, let myself get carried away, imagining some sort of ... future.
Gail Honeyman |
Life should be about trying new things, exploring boundaries, I reminded
Gail Honeyman |
Gail Honeyman |
And the office is largely staffed by shirkers and idiots, Raymond"."
Gail Honeyman |
When people ask me what I do--taxi drivers, hairdressers--I tell them I work in an office.
Gail Honeyman |
Did I...did I look like the kind of person to be avoided in a game of bus seat selection?
Gail Honeyman |
Compadezco a la gente guapa. Desde el momento en que poseen belleza, se les escapa de las manos, es efimera. Debe de ser dificil tener que demostrar continuamente que eres algo mas, querer que los demas vean bajo la superficie, que te quieran por ti mismo, y no por tu cuerpo imponente, tus ojos brillantes o tu melena espesa y lustrosa.
Gail Honeyman |
Es igual de injusto desagradar a alguien por ser atractivo que por tener una deformidad.
Gail Honeyman |
En el corazon tengo cicatrices igual de gruesas y feas que las de la cara. Se que estan ahi. Pero espero que quede algo de tejido sano, un pequeno retal por el que pueda entrar el amor y colarse dentro. Ojala.
Gail Honeyman |
Hoy en dia se pasan la vida diciendo que todo el mundo va al infierno de cabeza, que el que no es pederasta es un ladron, y eso no es verdad. Olvidamos que el mundo esta lleno de gente corriente y decente como vosotros, buenos samaritanos que se paran y ayudan a un alma necesitada.
Gail Honeyman |
El mundo estaba lleno de posibilidades infinitas
Gail Honeyman |
El tiempo solo sirve para limar el dolor de la perdida, pero no lo borra del todo.
Gail Honeyman |
Hay mucha gente que se cria en circunstancias mucho mas adversas. La vida tiene estas cosas.
Gail Honeyman |
Es posible que no puedan arreglarlo todo, [...] pero hablar ayuda. Hay mas gente con problemas, y entienden lo que es ser infeliz. Compartir tu problema alivia...
Gail Honeyman |
Comprendi que no suelo prestar atencion a lo que me rodea. Era como el paseo de esa manana [...]: cuando te tomas un momento para ver lo que te rodea, fijarte en las cosas pequenas, te sientes mas... ligera.
Gail Honeyman |
A veces lo unico que necesitas es tener a alguien agradable a tu lado mientras lidias con las cosas.
Gail Honeyman |
La soledad esta marcada por el intento de llevar a termino la experiencia; algo que no puede conseguirse solo con fuerza de voluntad o saliendo mas, sino desarrollando vinculos intimos. Es mucho mas facil decirlo que hacerlo, sobre todo para la gente cuya soledad surge de un estado de perdida, exilio o prejuicio, personas que tienen tantas razones para temer o desconfiar como para anhelar la compania de los demas. [...] Cuanto mas sola esta..
Gail Honeyman |
arranged all the tins in the cupboard so that the labels were facing forwards in zetabetical order.
Gail Honeyman |