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e9c7a1e It is as if I were a stranger here. Nothing has changed, and yet everything has changed - Theon Greyjoy George R.R. Martin
ebf71b6 Ned looked down gravely at the sword in his hands. "This is no toy for children, least of all for a girl. What would Septa Mordane say if she knew you were playing with swords?" "I wasn't playing," Arya insisted. "I hate Septa Mordane." "That's enough." Her father's voice was curt and hard. "The septa is doing no more than is her duty, though gods know you have made it a struggle for the poor woman. Your mother and I have charged her with t.. inspirational tomboy stubborn George R.R. Martin
ce49f63 Perhaps magic was once a mighty force in the world, but no longer. What little remains is no more than the wisp of smoke that lingers in the air after a great fire has burned out, and even that is fading. Valyria was the last ember, and Valyria is gone. The dragons are no more, the giants are dead, the children of the forest forgotten with all their lore. George R.R. Martin
b713ac9 There are too many steps in this castle, and it seems to me they add a few every night, just to vex me" - Maester Cressen" stairs steps lazy old-age George R.R. Martin
4126f01 R'hllor, come to us in our darkness,' she called. 'Lord of Light, we offer you these false gods, these seven who are one, and him the enemy. Take them and cast your light upon us, for the night is dark and full of terrors. George R.R. Martin
71861ba Stone, I must be stone, I must be Casterly Rock, hard and unmovable. George R.R. Martin
b37b0c2 Pain was as much a part of knighthood as were swords and shields. George R.R. Martin
81948e9 My great beard. I am his queen, but I will always be his cub as well, and he will always guard me George R.R. Martin
d3bc233 Arya did not dare [take a bath], even though she smelled as bad as Yoren by now, all sour and stinky. Some of the creatures living in her clothes had come all the way from Flea Bottom with her; it didn't seem right to drown them. humor arya a-song-of-ice-and-fire cute George R.R. Martin
3ddbfd0 Septa Mordane said boar hunting was not for ladies, and Mother only promised that when she was older she might have her own hawk. She was older now, but if she had a hawk she'd it. -Arya Stark arya arya-stark boar-hunting hawk hawks asoiaf got game-of-thrones hunger ladies George R.R. Martin
fbd850f Ned always said that the man who passes the sentence should swing the blade, though he never took any joy in the duty. But I would, oh, yes. George R.R. Martin
2e347e8 Glory may be everlasting, yet it is fleeting as well--soon forgotten in the aftermath of even the most famous of victories if they lead to greater disasters. George R.R. Martin
fa910cb My lady," Tyrion said. "You are lovely, make no mistake, but ... I cannot do this. My father be damned. We will wait. The turn of a moon, a year, a season, however long it takes. Until you have come to know me better, and perhaps to trust me a little." His smile might have been meant to be reassuring, but without a nose it only made him look more grotesque and sinister." George R.R. Martin
43bd0ce No singer would ever make a song about that battle. No maester would ever write down an account for one of the Reader's beloved books. No banners flew, no warhorns moaned, no great lord called his men about him to hear his final ringing words. They fought in the predawn gloom, shadow against shadow, stumbling over roots and rocks, with mud and rotting leaves beneath their feet. ironmen northmen George R.R. Martin
d1ffcbd You cannot know what the light might summon from the darkness. George R.R. Martin
7192063 She had a warrior's heart, but the gods in their blind malice had given her the feeble body of a woman. George R.R. Martin
f8a705b Oh, It's you want? Be careful, my lady. Tyrion says that people often claim to hunger for the truth, but seldom like the taste when it's served up. George R.R. Martin
b0de437 Nothing but this: I did not do it. Yet now I wish I had... I wish I had enough poison for you all. You make me sorry that I am not the monster you would have me be, yet there it is. George R.R. Martin
6f4ae21 and take the ironmen in the rear while they are beating off what they think is my main thrust up the causeway George R.R. Martin
93db692 I do solemnly proclaim Tyrion of House Lannister and Sansa of House Stark to be man and wife, one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever, and cursed be the one who comes between them. George R.R. Martin
49dd982 The man who does nothing also takes a risk. George R.R. Martin
db0f58c Sorcery is a sword without a hilt. There is no safe way to grasp it. hilt sorcery sword George R.R. Martin
e3e889b You esteem this Penrose more than you do my lords bannermen. Why?" "He keeps faith." "A misplaced faith in a dead usurper." "Yes," Davos admitted, "but still, he keeps faith." "As those behind us do not?" Davos had come too far with Stannis to play coy now. "Last year they were Robert's men. A moon ago they were Renly's. This morning they are yours. Whose will they be on the morrow?" And Stannis laughed. A sudden gust, rough and full of sco.. politics George R.R. Martin
04e2fc7 Fear cuts deeper than swords. The man who fears losing has already lost. George R.R. Martin
046b843 In a world so full of treachery, that was worth a few kisses. George R.R. Martin
c9481c5 a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge. George R.R. Martin
a81a441 A long time ago, she remembered her father saying that when the cold winds blow the lone wolf dies and the pack survives. wolf George R.R. Martin
c14a4f6 If I pray nicely, will the Father give me a new hand? No. But the Warrior will give you courage, the Smith will lend you strength, and the Crone will give you wisdom. It's a hand I need. George R.R. Martin
c3c9124 Knowledge could be more valuable than gold, more deadly than a dagger. George R.R. Martin
d00b304 Never do what they expect, George R.R. Martin
9fd9e0d Being randy is the next best thing to being drunk. George R.R. Martin
b5128b2 Too many dragons are as dangerous as too few. George R.R. Martin
d3dafd8 The vilest of men and the wickedest of women likewise may do good from time to time, for love and compassion and pity may be found in even the blackest of hearts. good compassion heart love vile wicked evil George R.R. Martin
83bf74c I prefer my history dead. Dead history is writ in ink, the living sort in blood." "Do you want to die old and craven in your bed?" "How else? Though not till I'm done reading." history reading life George R.R. Martin
4c93f3a The shy girl she had known at Riverrun had grown into a woman who was by turns proud, fearful, cruel, dreamy, reckless, timid, stubborn, vain, and, above all inconstant. lysa-tully tansy george-r-r-martin George R.R. Martin
6ba7ad7 The Wall can stop an army, but not a man alone. George R.R. Martin
732db9c Dragons die." She stood on her toes to kiss him lightly on an unshaven cheek. "But so do dragonslayers." George R.R. Martin
403f9fb The faithful dog is kicked, and no matter how the spider weaves, he is never loved. George R.R. Martin
58b1ac5 The brave man slays with a sword, the craven with a wineskin. George R.R. Martin
db23b57 The snow fell steadily, cloaking all the world in white. George R.R. Martin
66d6d6d You are in difficulty," she observed. George R.R. Martin
1c426d3 Dunk the lunk, thick as a castle wall. George R.R. Martin
9023a94 His wits were coming back to him, however slowly. That was good. His wits were all he had. George R.R. Martin
089da8f The Targaryens wed brothers and sisters for three hundred years to keep the blood line pure. George R.R. Martin