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24e6980 Stop whimpering and snapping at me, I'm sick of it. Keep your mouth shut and do as I tell you, and maybe we'll even be in time for your uncle's bloody wedding. the-hound foreshadowing George R.R. Martin
312b6a9 Thank you, sweet lady.' Ser Dontos lurched clumsily to his feet, and brushed earth and leaves from his knees. 'Your lord father was as true a man as the realm has ever known, but I stood by and let them slay him. I said nothing, did nothing . . . and yet, when Joffrey would have slain me, you spoke up. Lady, I have never been a hero, no Ryam Redwyne or Barristan the Bold. I've won no tourneys, no renown in war . . . but I was a knight once,.. George R.R. Martin
1e49286 There are worse ways to die than warm and drunk. death alcoholic George R.R. Martin
a57e203 And Winterfell ... grey granite, oak and iron, crows wheeling around the towers, steam rising off the hot pools in the godswood, the stone kings sitting on their thrones ... how could Winterfell be gone? George R.R. Martin
ab94deb Beneath your skin are muscles. Learn to use them. It is your face. Your cheeks, your lips, your ears. Smiles and scowls should not come upon you like sudden squalls. A smile should be a servant, and come only when you call it. Learn to rule your face. George R.R. Martin
dd09b9e Must I say it, ser? You call me love, yet you refuse me, when I have most desperate need of you. Is it so wrong of me to want a knight to keep me safe? - Arianne George R.R. Martin
bcc66be You are Alayne, and you must be Alayne all the time." He put two fingers on her left breast. "Even here. In your heart. Can you do that? Can you be my daughter in your heart?" "I . . ." I do not know, my lord, she almost said, but that was not what he wanted to hear. Lies and Arbor gold, she thought. "I am Alayne, Father. Who else would I be?" George R.R. Martin
b902c2c The thought made his belly heave again. Sam bent over the gunwale and retched, but not into the wind. He had gone to the right rail this time. He was getting good at retching. George R.R. Martin
e85c171 He is fair of face and foul of heart. George R.R. Martin
472ef71 She would be no one if that was what it took. No one had no holes inside her. George R.R. Martin
757ea2a All kings must be butchers or meat. meat kings George R.R. Martin
b6da9d1 How long has it been since you've eaten? My faith is all the nourishment I need. Faith is like porridge. Better with milk and honey. George R.R. Martin
425da69 I remember a man throwing me in the air when I was very little. He stands as tall as the sky, and he throws me up so high it feels as though I'm flying. We're both laughing, laughing so much that I could hardly catch a breath, and finally I laugh so hard I wet myself, but that only makes him laugh the louder. I was never afraid when he was throwing me. I knew that he would always be there to catch me. George R.R. Martin
6982282 Who are you? We we're king's men when we began, the man told her, but king's men must have a king, and we have none. We were brothers too, but now our brotherhood is broken. I do not know who we are, if truth be told, nor where we might be going. I only know the road is dark. The fires have not shown me what lies at its end. George R.R. Martin
f2a470a on Roose Bolton's face, rage and joy looked much the same. George R.R. Martin
e705f8e It was a time for warm embraces, for smiles, for toasts and reconciliations, for renewing old friendships and making new ones, for laughter and kisses. It was a good time, a golden autumn, a time of peace and plenty. But winter was coming. laughter happiness time-for-love winter-is-coming prosperity peace threat ominous George R.R. Martin
e6fb5ff Spare me," he begged. "I do not want to die." "Few do. Yet all men die, regardless." George R.R. Martin
6b6a6b3 Dany kissed him lightly on the cheek. It heartened her to see him smile. George R.R. Martin
2d76560 We shall serve him lies and Arbor gold, and he'll drink them down and ask for more. George R.R. Martin
e13b873 Death should hold no fear for a man as old as me, but it does. Isn't that silly? It is always dark where I am so why should I fear the darkness? Yet I cannot help but wonder what will follow, when the last warmth leaves my body. Will I feast forever in the Father's golden hall as the septons say? Will I talk with Egg again, find Dareon whole and happy, hear my sisters singing to their children? What if the horselords have the truth of it? W.. George R.R. Martin
863043e A wise man did not pour wildfire on a brazier. Instead he poured a fresh cup of wine. wildfire wine George R.R. Martin
b4ae4fd She had to have gone elsewhere... but elsewhere is a big place. George R.R. Martin
825a568 I dreamed of you and a dead dragon, Egg's brother Daeron said to him. A great beast, huge, with wings so large they could cover this meadow. It had fallen on top of you, but you were alive and the dragon was dead. And so he was, poor Baelor. Dreams were a treacherous ground on which to build. George R.R. Martin
79d7d56 Why must we draw these lines, these fine distinctions, these labels and barriers that set us apart? Ace and nat and joker, capitalist and communist, Catholic and Protestant, Arab and Jew, Indian and Latino, and on and on everywhere, and of course true humanity is to be found only on side of the line and we feel free to oppress and rape and kill the "other," whoever he might be. (From the Journal of Xavier Desmond)" George R.R. Martin
15e6397 Even a hedge knight has his honor. honor George R.R. Martin
3e2ed24 You're awful." "I'm honest. It's the world that's awful." George R.R. Martin
cdeba7e Honey poured over thunder. thunder George R.R. Martin
387e159 They call me Baelon the Brave," the prince told his wife at her bedside, "but I would sooner fight a dozen battles than do what you've just done." childbirth targaryens fire-and-blood mother battle George R.R. Martin
e761cd2 The Sphinx is the riddle, not the riddler. sphinx George R.R. Martin
b98c38f The seeds of war are oft planted during times of peace. war peace George R.R. Martin
1d976b3 And the stars in the night were the eyes of his wolves, and the wind itself was their song. George R.R. Martin
7ce3f0f Tell Khan Drogo that he has given me the wind. daenerys-targaryen khal-drogo wind George R.R. Martin
99c5fc1 Her big hand wrapped tight around Oathkeeper. "I will. And I will find the girl and keep her safe. For her lady mother's sake. And for yours." George R.R. Martin
d909bde The summers have been shorter since the last dragon died, and the winters longer and crueler. George R.R. Martin
a6be72e You are quite mad." The smoke had filled her eyes with tears. "If you were better born, I'd marry you." George R.R. Martin
1253c50 We are one. Man, horse, lance, we are one beast of blood and wood and iron. man lance iron word horse George R.R. Martin
d4b3cd9 Las cosas que amamos siempre acaban por destruirnos. George R.R. Martin
c6531b4 There's always a bear, George R.R. Martin
90179d7 Las verdades mas dolorosas son a las que mas hay que aferrarse. George R.R. Martin
7c5e672 hard places breed hard men, and hard men rule the world. George R.R. Martin
be6c40d Man's curiosity drives him to seek the answer to every question. But it's the unanswered questions that are the most exciting. George R.R. Martin
fd3eb53 A small victory, he thought, but sweet. George R.R. Martin
7678702 Tyrion: Careful now, Shagga, you've cut him. Shagga: Dolf fathered warriors, not barbers. George R.R. Martin
5c21e92 A shy smile, strong arms, clever fingers, and two sure swords. What more could any woman want? woman George R.R. Martin