She was so unsettled by love and the sense of her nakedness that her voice shrank in her throat. The periods of the song warbled through the room. Her whole body seemed ablaze . The drunken , singing head shook with some delirious impulse that seemed to be destroy ing her. What insanity! She was weeping, in her wild nakedness, as she approached my bed, which to me was a death bed. She fell on her knees, she fell down in front of me and hid ..
Georges Bataille |
My life only has a meaning insofar as I lack one: oh, but let me be mad! Make something of all this he who is able to, understand it he who is dying, and there the living self is, knowing not why, its teeth chattering in the lashing wind: the immensity, the night engulfs it and, all on purpose, that living self is there just in order ... 'not to know'. But as for GOD? What have you got to say, Monsieur Rhetorician? And you, Monsieur Godfear..
Georges Bataille |
atidebduutiiyy kbitaa aamaar paaglaami aar aamaar bhyy oder aache brro-brro mraa cok aar jbrer abiclit caauni ei cokhguloyy yaa dekhaa yaayy taa brhmaanndder asaartaa aamaar cokh dutto andh aakaash aamaar durbhedy raate asmbhaabytaa keNde otthe sbkichu curmaar hyye yaayy kaali-cokher pnyjikaa culbhul kbir amrtb kbitaa medbhultaar gorshaan bidaayy ddhemni dhopaani bidaayy misstti-mraa ngn trunniir mtn saajgoj bidaayy mithyaa ble mithyaa ghum..
Georges Bataille |
if I did not love death my suffering my desire for you would kill me your absence your distress make me nauseous it's time for me to love death it's time to bite its hands
Georges Bataille |
I entered into this darkness where, ever since, I plunge deeper every hour and lose myself a little more.
Georges Bataille |
you will recognize happines when you see it die
Georges Bataille |
I remain in intolerable non-knowledge, which has no other way out than ecstasy itself.
Georges Bataille |
Entirety exists within me as exuberance ... in empty longing ... in ... the desire to burn with desire.
Georges Bataille |
The total person is first disclosed ... in areas of life that are lived frivolously.
Georges Bataille |
An intention that rejects what has no meaning in fact is a rejection of the entirety of being.
Georges Bataille |
If I give up the viewpoint of action, my perfect nakedness is revealed to me.
Georges Bataille |
Human entirety can only be what it is when giving up the addiction to others' ends.
Georges Bataille |
To choose evil is to choose freedom--"freedom, emancipation from all restraint."
Georges Bataille |
There is no better way to know death than to link it with some licentious image.
Georges Bataille |