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4ee1ef7 Le monde sent la mort Georges Bataille
568ee6e Assim, a via de criacao de um elemento soberano (ou sagrado) -- de um personagem institucional ou de uma vitima oferecida a consumacao -- e uma negacao de um desses interditos cuja observacao geral faz de nos seres humanos em vez de animais. Isso quer dizer que a soberania, na medida em que a humanidade se esforca em direcao a ela, exige que nos situemos "acima da essencia" que a constitui. Isso quer dizer tambem que a comunicacao so pode o.. Georges Bataille
f4ae469 We have in fact only two certainties in this world--that we are not everything and that we will die. To be conscious of not being everything, as one is of being mortal, is nothing. But if we are without a narcotic, an unbreathable void reveals itself. I wanted to be everything, so that falling into this void, I might summon my courage and say to myself: "I am ashamed of having wanted to be everything, for I see now that it was to sleep." Fr.. Georges Bataille
ad3bf5d The fascination of sleep, which pits the lure of the void against the obstinacy of an impotent will, is an obstacle that life has perhaps never surmounted. Georges Bataille
0b68da3 Our only real pleasure is to squander our resources to no purpose, just as if a wound were bleeding away inside us; we always want to be sure of the uselessness or the ruinousness of our extravagance. We want to feel as remote from the world as we can. As remote as we can: that is hardly strong enough; we want a world turned upside down and inside out. The truth of eroticism is treason. De Sade's system is the ruinous form of eroticism. Mo.. Georges Bataille
057ba61 The certainty of incoherence in reading, the inevitable crumbling of the soundest constructions, is the deep truth of books. Since appearance constitutes a limit, what truly exists is a dissolution into common opacity rather than a development of lucid thinking. The apparent unchangingness of books is deceptive: each book is also the sum of the misunderstandings it occasions. Georges Bataille
53735ad Man always becomes other. Man is the animal who continually differs from himself. mankind man differentiation Georges Bataille
e022b66 je saisis en sombrant que la seule verite de l'homme, enfin entrevue, est d'etre une supplication sans reponse. Georges Bataille
86fbed4 In the violence of overcoming, in the disorder of my laughter and my sobbing, in the excess of raptures that shatter me, I seize on the similarity between a horror and a voluptuousness that goes beyond me, between an ultimate pain and an unbearable joy! Georges Bataille
49bdc31 Laughing at the universe liberated my life. I escape its weight by laughing. I refuse any intellectual translations of this laughter, since my slavery would commence from that point on. laughter liberation Georges Bataille
3a2a59f In any case, Klossowski, mentioned again during Acephale's sessional meeting of 25 July 1938, would later return to his opposition between Nietzsche and Bataille in a lecture given in 1941 at the end of a retreat in a Dominican monastery, 'Le Corps du neant', later printed in the first edition of his book Sade my Neighbour (1947) and which Bataille later told him he 'does not like'. Here Klossowski recapitulated the two stages in the evolut.. Georges Bataille
6b62281 To others, the universe seems decent because decent people have gelded eyes. That is why they fear lewdness. They are never frightened by the crowing of a rooster or when strolling under a starry heaven. In general, people savour the "pleasures of the flesh" only on condition that they be insipid." Georges Bataille
27366e7 She was crying, with wild entreaty, the way one vomits. Georges Bataille
9547a11 There is, in every man, an animal...imprisoned, like a galley slave, and there is a gate, and if we open the gate, the animal will rush out, like the slave finding his way to escape. Georges Bataille
afadbd9 L'image la plus simple de la vie organique unie a la rotation est la maree. Du mouvement de la mer, coit uniforme de la terre avec la lune, procede le coit polymorphe et organique de la terre et du soleil. Mais la premiere forme de l'amour solaire est un nuage qui s'eleve au-dessus de l'element liquide. Le nuage erotique devient parfois orage et reombe vers la terre sous forme de pluie pendant que la foudre defonce les couches de l'atmosphe.. Georges Bataille
90be912 These moments of intoxication, when we defy everything, when, the anchor raised, we go merrily toward the abyss, with no more thought for the inevitable fall than for the limits given in the beginning, are the only ones when we are completely free of the ground (of laws) ... Nothing exists that doesn't have this senseless sense - common to flames, dreams, uncontrollable laughter - in those moments when consumption accelerates, beyond the de.. Georges Bataille
a408613 If I want to realize totality in my consciousness, I have to relate myself to an immense, ludicrous, and painful convulsion of all of humanity. Georges Bataille
58377fa out of despair I decided to follow this horror through. I stared down at what I was already grasping in my hand, like an ape; I wrapped myself in the dust and took off my trousers. Interwoven joy and terror strangled me within. I strangled and I gasped from pleasure. The more those pictures terrified me, the more intense was my excitement at the sight of them. After days of accumulating alarms, tensions, suffocations, I was beyond withstand.. Georges Bataille
e35df28 the word silence is still a sound, to speak is in itself to imagine knowing; and to no longer know, it would be necessary to no longer speak Georges Bataille
7d6c8a1 being aware that the sacred quality hidden in the experience of eroticism is something impossible for language to reach (this is also due to the impossibility of experiencing of re-experiencing anything through language), Bataille still expresses it in words. (Mishima on Bataille) mishima metaphysics Georges Bataille
bfa4cb1 Ot samo sebe si se razbira, che razvitieto na erotizma s ne e v'nshno za oblastta na , no t'kmo khristiianstvoto, protivopostaviaiki se na erotizma, e os'dilo povecheto religii. V niakak'v smis'l khristiianskata religiia e mozhe bi nai-nereligioznata. religion erotism Georges Bataille
557bfac Tutku, onu hisseden icin bedenlerin arzusundan daha siddetli bir anlam tasiyabilir. Beraberinde mutluluk umutlarini getirmesine ragmen tutkunun kargasa ve rahatsizliga neden oldugunu hicbir zaman unutmamaliyiz. Mutlu tutku bile o kadar siddetli bir karisikliga neden olur ki mutluluk haz duyulmasini saglamadan once cok buyuk oldugu icin karsitina, yani aciya benzer. Tutkunun ozu, iki varligin sureksizligini mukemmel sureklilige donusturmekti.. Georges Bataille
2e215de La poesia, en un primer impulso, destruye los objetos que aprehende, los restituye, mediante esa destruccion, a la inasible fluidez de la existencia del poeta, y a ese precio espera encontrar la identidad del mundo y del hombre. Pero al mismo tiempo que realiza un desasimiento, intenta asir (captar) ese desasimiento. Y lo unico que le es dado hacer es sustituir el desasimiento a las cosas asidas (captadas) de la vida reducida: no puede evit.. poetry Georges Bataille
15f72f2 TO WHOM LIFE IS AN EXPERIENCE TO BE CARRIED AS FAR AS POSSIBLE... I have not meant to express my thought but to help you clarify what you yourself think... sleep reason religion monsters Georges Bataille
dd508f7 I have in my mind an obscenity so great that I could vomit the most dreadful words and it wouldn't be enough! Georges Bataille
e8c4193 What seems to be unspeakable weakness can sometimes be just distaste for the generally accepted morality. Georges Bataille
1dee241 Lo serio, la muerte y el dolor fundan la verdad obtusa. Pero lo serio de la muerte y el dolor es la servidumbre del pensamiento. Georges Bataille
f822cb7 One day or another, it is true, dust, supposing it persists, will probably begin to gain the upper hand over domestics, invading the immense ruins of abandoned buildings, deserted dockyards; and, at that distant epoch, nothing will remain to ward off night-terrors, for lack of which we have become such great book-keepers... Georges Bataille
3f7a9e5 Poetry leads to the same place as all forms of eroticism -- to the blending and fusion of separate objects. It leads us to eternity, it leads us to death, and through death to continuity. Poetry is eternity; the sun matched with the sea. Georges Bataille
6a00cd8 Literature is communication. Communication requires loyalty. A rigorous morality results from complicity in the knowledge of Evil, which is the basis of intense communication. Georges Bataille
121d680 These studies are the result of my attempt to extract the essence of literature. Literature is either the essential or nothing. I believe that the Evil--an acute form of Evil--which it expresses, has a sovereign value for us. But this concept does not exclude morality: on the contrary, it demands a 'hypermorality.' literature morality evil Georges Bataille
1b7c919 I felt as if I were living only in order to be more aware that I was dead. Georges Bataille
81e7a9b El tiempo no significa mas que la huida de los objetos que parecian verdaderos. Georges Bataille
4b32ce4 An immense industrial network cannot be managed in the same way that one changes a tire... It expresses a circuit of cosmic energy on which it depends, which it cannot limit, and whose laws it cannot ignore without consequences. industry Georges Bataille
3e3446b Under the present conditions, everything conspires to obscure the basic movement that tends to restore wealth to its function, to gift-giving, to squandering without reciprocation. non-recriprocation squandering the-accursed-share the-gift excess Georges Bataille
bbd8024 If ultimately there was a tantalizing rectitude about her, she was none the less cunning: her exceeding gentleness, howbeit mitigated sometimes by the disturbing oppressiveness that foretells a storm in the air, left me utterly blind. Georges Bataille
56fe13d I equate love (bodies touching indecently) to the limitlessness of being - to nausea, to the sun, and to death. short-story Georges Bataille
29d5207 Charles Baudelaire's refusal was the most profound form of refusal, for it was in no way the assertion of an opposite principle. It only expressed that which was indefensible and impossible in the poet's obstructed state of mind. Georges Bataille
3327e42 Observing her, I saw that she was made up, that she was in an evening gown, that mourning indecently emphasized her beauty. Georges Bataille
eeadde2 A la rigueur, je suis heureux qu'on ait a rire de ma tristesse : seul m'entend celui dont le coeur est blesse d'une incurable blessure, telle que jamais nul n'en voulut guerir... Georges Bataille
c9f5834 La evocacion tiene sobre la experiencia la ventaja de una riqueza y de una facilidad infinita pero aparta de la experiencia (esencialmente paralizada). Sin la exuberancia de la evocacion, la experiencia seria razonable. Comienza a partir de mi locura, si la impotencia de la evocacion me asquea. La poesia abre la noche al exceso del deseo. La noche que han dejado los estragos de la poesia es en mi la medida de un rechazo --de mi loca volunta.. libertad poesía Georges Bataille
4ab6f0a From incoherent barkings of desire, man can advance to distinct speech now that, labelling the object with a name, he is able to make an implicit connection between the material it is made of and the work required to get it from the old state to the new in which it is ready for use. Thenceforth language firmly anchors the object in the stream of time. Georges Bataille
38ad1ef My stupidity gave its blessing to succouring nature, on her knees before God. What I am (my drunken laughter and happiness) is nonetheless at stake, handed over to chance, thrown out into the night, chased away like a dog. The wind of truth responded like a slap to piety's extended cheek. The heart is human to the extent that it rebels (this means: to be a man is 'not to bow down before the law'). A poet doesn't justify -- he doesn't accept.. poetry philosophy Georges Bataille
2926801 Twenty years later, the boy who used to stick himself with pens was standing under the sky in a foreign street where he had never been, waiting for some unknown, impossible event. There were stars: an infinity of stars. It was absurd - absurd enough to make you scream; but it was a hostile absurdity. Georges Bataille
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