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a18ab2e She'd know. Ain't nobody more psychic than a wife. J.D. Robb
32a8e5a Cut it out." She gave Peabody a shove. "You're making my eye twitch." "We're just sitting here." "I know sex giggles when I hear them." "I wasn't giggling." "Not you. Him." McNab just grinned at her. "Those were manly chuckles." "You're cops. Be cops." J.D. Robb
3da768c When someone believes they're smarter, more talented, just plain more right than anyone else, and they harbor this kind of need, they're very, very dangerous. J.D. Robb
4fef747 Winning can be addictive," Mira agreed. "So can murder." J.D. Robb
53105b4 And oddly, she realized, it wasn't small talk when it was with a friend. It was just . . . talk. J.D. Robb
58264c3 One might be a coincidence." Hands on her hips, she turned back. "Put them together it's a pattern." J.D. Robb
8f81a36 You have to believe the lie to live it, to make others see you the way you need to be seen. J.D. Robb
986ce0b Now you're thinking. I'll drive." "No. I'd appreciate the other set of eyes, and the scary brain, but if I'm hung up I need you here to start briefing the team." Those fabulous eyes stared right through her. "You want me to brief a room of cops? That's appalling, Eve, on so many levels." "Nobody knows how to run a meeting as well as you. I'll try to be back, but I have to follow this out." "I'm definitely going to want the costumes. I may h.. J.D. Robb
0ca2552 Strap on one of the weapons you're not supposed to carry. "Darling Eve." He leaned over, kissed her. "I always have one of the weapons I'm not supposed to carry. You're not to worry about me." "That's the same bullshit as me telling you not to worry about me." "Fair enough. So you'll take care of my cop, and I'll take care of your criminal. Reformed." "Semi-reformed. Since you break the law every time you go out packing." She hissed out a .. J.D. Robb
d42426d Don't you swat away my concerns like they're gnats around your ears." He got to his feet as well. "Don't you dare make light of them, Eve, or what it is to me to sit and wait." J.D. Robb
1ec2ab4 Maybe I'm like the vehicle," Eve decided. "Keep it ordinary on the outside, so nobody notices all the hardware inside." J.D. Robb
2765079 People seemed to have this unstoppable need to give and receive stuff they could easily afford to go out and get for themselves anyway. J.D. Robb
93d5c58 Sit down," she ordered Peabody. "I prefer to stand." "And I prefer to give you a good boot in the ass, but I'm restraining myself." Eve reached up, fisted her hands in her own hair and yanked until the pain cleared most of the rage. "Okay, stand. You couldn't sit with that stick up your butt, anyway. One you shove up it every time Subject Monroe, Charles, is mentioned. You want to be filled in, you want to be briefed? Fine. Here it is." She.. J.D. Robb
6065804 That was another thing about partners, she decided. They knew what would make you laugh, often before you did. J.D. Robb
1a2c460 He's enthusiastic," Eve commented. "Yeah, but if you're not excited about your work, life's crap." J.D. Robb
f14521f I hope I helped, but I have to tell you this sort of thing is a lot more exciting, and a lot less emotionally wearing, in a book than it is in real life." "You got that right." J.D. Robb
93d9163 It was ugly and awful that I said it. That I could say it. I wish I hadn't. Oh Jesus, Roarke, I wish I hadn't said it." "We've both said things at one time or another we wish we hadn't. We can put that aside." He tossed the towel on a bench. "As to the rest..." "I was wrong." His brows shot up. "Either Christmas has come early, or this should be made another national holiday." J.D. Robb
c469231 A lot of the general population are wrong. J.D. Robb
3427d85 He'd wanted her. Out of all the women in the world, he'd wanted her. Wanted, hell, she thought grinning now. Pursued, demanded. Taken. And while she could admit all of that was exciting, he'd gone one step further. relationships self-esteem J.D. Robb
3b37cc3 She curled up beside him, realizing they both needed this space of intimacy as much as they'd needdd the reassurance and release. Her world had been rocked. She only understood how violent the shake had been now that it was stead again. J.D. Robb
54307f5 Breath is life. You are not the pebble washed to shore by the wave, but the fish that swims in the wave. Breathe in to fill, to draw in the light. Slow," he told her, "with awareness. Breathe out to empty. And pause, hold in that space between. Now in to fill." J.D. Robb
8a213cd You're courageous enough to do something that in some part of your heart you see as cowardly. J.D. Robb
25334cb I couldn't find my balance until I stood out there in the mist of the morning and saw you. Simple as that for me, it seems. There she is, so my life's where it should be, whatever's going on around it. J.D. Robb
c32244e is a series of promises." When she'd realized that--marriage equaled promises--she hadn't feared it. As much. "Maybe you can't keep them all. The whole till-death-do-us-part business. Maybe you can't keep that one. Life can be long, and people change, circumstances change, so okay. You realize you don't really want this life or this person, or the person you made the promises to isn't who you thought, or they've changed in a way you can't a.. J.D. Robb
5d407d1 Peabody pursed her lips. "You're really mean today." "Yes. Yes, I am." Eve took a deep gulp of hideous air, and smiled. "I feel good about that." -- humour J.D. Robb
fa2fb04 Traffic was a bitch, but, then again, Eve thought, so was she. J.D. Robb
6b47771 What are you smiling at?" she snapped at Roarke. "I'm a man, and I'm sitting here having coffee and cookies while two beautiful women snarl at each other. Being a man I'm required to wonder--perhaps imagine--whether there will soon be physical contact. Clothing may be ripped away. Why wouldn't I smile?" "Not perfect," Eve muttered. "Shut up for five seconds," she ordered Nadine, "before we're in his head naked, oiled up, and rolling around .. J.D. Robb
e405077 There's one more reason I opted against sleeping with Julian." "Okay." "He's not like Roarke, but he gives the illusion of being a lot like him when he's in the mode. So the idea of sleeping with him felt disloyal--and just, well, icky." Eve started to laugh it off, then realized Nadine was perfectly serious. "Really?" "Yes, really." "All right, not completely understood, but appreciated anyway." "I hear he bangs like a turbohammer." "I tho.. J.D. Robb
d58d47e Very low. It's going to be one of the cast or crew, one of the people who worked with her, one of the people she pushed, insulted, threatened." "Who pushed back." He got to his feet. "Celebrity murders," he muttered. "They'll probably make another goddamn vid." At Eve's stunned, slightly horrified expression, he smiled. "You could make book on it," he said. "Keep me updated. And don't be late for the media conference." "Shit," Eve said when.. J.D. Robb
d71150f The sudden power and punch of the kiss rocked her back on her heels, and made her wonder if little beams of sunlight were shooting out of her fingertips. J.D. Robb
9894557 Parenthood always has its individual structure. And it's a risky business. You do your best. J.D. Robb
b0f8c54 I wouldn't change a moment of the time, good or bad, we've had together since I first turned and locked eyes on you. What a jolt that was through me. I've never recovered. - Roarke love touching J.D. Robb
6803940 Eve leaned in again. "I am a ranking officer. If you call me a bitch, you'd better damn well put Lieutenant in front of it." J.D. Robb
1fd18e4 She set the tray down on the table in the sitting area -- which instantly perked up Galahad's ears. Roarke simply pointed a warning finger that had the cat shooting up a leg to wash as if a morning ablution had been his only intention. galahad J.D. Robb
10067b4 I'm so proud of you, and so amused at your discomfort in being recognized for you dedication and skill." "Amused? Here's another funny for you. You're getting a medal, too." He dropped her hand. "What? I'm a civilian, as you continually remind me." "The Civilian Medal of Merit, and they don't given them out like candy, pal, especially to shady characters." "I don't think it's appropriate." She loved it, just loved when he turned all dignifi.. J.D. Robb
8b2362b There was the answer to why people got tangled with people. Because when you were down, when you were wallowing, someone you mattered to would ask if you were okay. friendship love J.D. Robb
94d520c Would you be shedding tears for McNab's dead body if he'd been screwing around on you?" Peabody pursed her lips. "Well, since I'd've been the one who killed him, I'd probably be shedding tears for me because you'd be arresting me. And that would really make me sad." in-death peabody hilarious J.D. Robb
bb11843 The person I'm most thankful for this Thanksgiving is Lieutenant Eve Dallas. She kept me safe when I was scared and I was sad. She took me to her house with Roarke and Summerset and Galahad so nobody could hurt me, not even the bad people who killed my family and my friend. She told me the truth. She promised me she would find the bad people and make sure they were punished. And Roarke said she would never stop until she did that. He told .. J.D. Robb
b630515 Christ Jesus Eve. The girl's shattered like glass, and it'll take a blood miracle to put her together again. And you're standing here talking about fucking games?" She met fire with ice. "Obviously your heartstrings are playing a tune." "It might be because I have them," he shot back. "Because I'm not so caught up trying to win some shagging game that I consider a young woman a logical choice. She's still alive, Lieutenant. She's not on you.. J.D. Robb
3baec90 I keep thinking, well, this'll settle down. It's bound to level off and settle down. But it doesn't. Even when things are just going smooth and we're, I can look at you, and I've got no breath left." "Every minute with you, I'm alive. I never knew before there were pieces of me unborn, just waiting for you. I'm alive with you, Eve" She sighted, touched his cheek. "We'd better get out of here. We're getting mush all over the p.. romance humor J.D. Robb
d07e9dd I read her file." Voice strong and steady again, Peabody shifted back. "I know who she was, what she was. Now I know she left you with an animal. It's good she's dead." Stunned, Eve turned her head, stared. "That's not very Free-Ager." "Fuck that." Peabody's eyes flashed like supernovas. "Fuck tolerance and understanding. Yeah, you'd have put her in a cage for the rest of her pathetic, evil life. But maybe sometime during her rot, she'd hav.. J.D. Robb
152947c I married a cop." "I told you not to." Now he laughed, and kissed her again where her brow had furrowed. "And would I listen? I'm damn good at being married to a cop." J.D. Robb
d4b3a99 Eve didn't get it, just didn't get it. Who the hell decided everyone was supposed to go mad with romance and gift buying on some random day in February? Hadn't everybody just gone mad with good cheer and gift buying in December? ....... When would it end? J.D. Robb
e1c1ceb Bad guys, in their various forms, on their various levels, didn't take time off. J.D. Robb