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baf86f9 One always has riches when one has a book to read. Jacqueline Winspear
b4e636c Maisie bit her lip. She had learned that sometimes it was best to let words die of their own accord, rather than fight them. words silence wisdom Jacqueline Winspear
332d1f9 we saw a lion take down a gazelle - I mean at close quarters. It quite took my breath away. It was as if something happened to the gazelle at the moment of capture, something awe-inspiringly terrible and wonderful at the same time - as if, in knowing the gazelle was to die a dreadful death, ripped apart by the jaws of the lion, the Creator had given the captive a reprieve by taking her soul before she was dead, so that no pain would be felt.. Jacqueline Winspear
b281040 But for Maisie the case notes would not be filed away until those whole lives were touched by her investigation had reached a certain peace with her findings, with themselves, and with one another - as far as that might be possible. Jacqueline Winspear
c18e3bf Maisie] "Tell me, Dr. Dene, if you were to name one thing that made the difference between those who get well quickly and those who don't, what would it be?" [Dr. Dene] "...In my opinion, acceptance has to come first. Some people don't accept what has happened. They think, 'Oh, if only I hadn't...' or... 'If only I'd known...' They are stuck at the point that caused the injury. "...I would say that it's threefold: One is accepting what has .. Jacqueline Winspear
490fa93 Solitude was her soul's hermitage. Jacqueline Winspear
1cf5bcb in a Jacqueline Winspear
d2f4b0c In learning about the myths and legends of old, we learn something of ourselves. Stories, Maisie, are never just stories. They contain fundamental truths about the human condition. Jacqueline Winspear
13e13ba Perhaps we shouldn't try to answer the questions now - let's just note them down. Maurice always said the power in a question is not in the answer, it's in the way the imagination gets busy when the question is at work. questions-and-answers Jacqueline Winspear
40e28d1 The story takes up space as a knot in a piece of wood. If the knot is removed, a hole remains. We must ask ourselves, how will this hole that we have opened be filled? The hole, Maisie, is our responsibility. Jacqueline Winspear
3de817e Never follow a story with a question, Maisie, not immediately. And remember to acknowledge the storyteller, for in some way even the messenger is affected by the story he brings. jacqueline winspear
4c6868b That was it. ... A simple line, an aphorism, that seemed to suggest the selling of manure. But it had a meaning that went so much deeper, alluding to the fact that where you find filth - where you find dirt; where you find the detritus of life - you'll also discover someone making a profit. Much money can be made from the most dirty jobs. . That was another one. And it occurred to her that in her lifetime she had seen nothing more filthy t.. maisie-dobbs profiteering war Jacqueline Winspear
9e8f444 In a time of war the supply and movement of money becomes even more crucial than ever. Money is a powerful tool, and wars are about powerful men and how they use the tools at their disposal. The military is involved in a number of ways. war power Jacqueline Winspear
b51a06a only when we have a respect for time will we have learned something of the art of living. Jacqueline Winspear
fdd21b8 Pay attention to the reactions of your body. It is the wisdom of the self speaking to you. Be aware of concern, of anticipation, of all the feelings that come from the self. They manifest in the body. Jacqueline Winspear
8a8f3f1 If her soul were a room, it was as if a light were now shinning in a corner that had been dark. Jacqueline Winspear
eb23719 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: "A man can stand anything, except a succession of ordinary days." When she" Jacqueline Winspear
2cf6afb She might not be completely at peace with the past, but rubbed along with it because it was part of who she had become. Jacqueline Winspear
8938493 But you just know when someone's there, don't you? You can feel them in the house, as if--oh, I don't know, I'm an old woman rambling--but it's as if your heart knows that their heart is beating somewhere and everything's all right. Jacqueline Winspear
3e96d58 May I not sit in judgment. May I be open to hearing and accepting the truth of what I am told. May my decisions be for the good of all concerned. May my work bring peace . . . Charlotte Jacqueline Winspear
36c0e68 on by whatever it is he's Jacqueline Winspear
49bb933 Fear can be used in all sorts of ways to control people, and that's what he's done." They took a few" Jacqueline Winspear
da9b1b6 The truth always finds a way, Maisie, in some manner or form. You cannot deliberately change the course of the river without causing a flood or drought somewhere else. Jacqueline Winspear
3508d14 everyone has a capacity for evil. And we've all seen it, and done it, even if we think we haven't--there's the slight in conversation that wounds another person, the words we know will cause pain to a loved one but we utter them anyway, and the unkindness that could have been avoided. But then there are people in another league, if you will, people who are capable of so much more, who harbor an evil so deep it scars all our souls. That kind.. Jacqueline Winspear
2067b38 Theirs was a laughter fueled not by pressure from others, nor by alcohol or the whims of a partying crowd, but by a certain optimism that, even in the midst of the difficult times in which they lived, they had grasped a sense of possibility before it slipped through their fingers. Jacqueline Winspear
069dd70 She had learned, long ago and in the intervening years when she was apart from all she loved, that to endure the most troubling times she had to break down time itself--one carefully crafted stitch after the other. If consideration of what the next hour might hold had been too difficult, then she thought only of another half and hour. time grief Jacqueline Winspear
adb5f94 She understood loss, understood how it could leach into every fiber of one's being; how it could dull the shine on a sunny day, and how it could replace happiness with doubt, giving rise to a lingering fear that good fortune might be snatched back at any time. grief loss Jacqueline Winspear
c2418f6 Now that's discrimination--when you look down your nose at the very men who fought to make sure you could still go to work in your tidy, warm office. That's the trouble with people--they cherish their comforts, but they don't want to know where they come from. Jacqueline Winspear
8a6d49c Their love was thus seeded in the rich soil of mutual understanding. understanding love Jacqueline Winspear
79212c2 I see how the gaping abyss between those who have much and those who have nothing can cause dangerous fractures in society. I see how power corrupts, how the people are manipulated and kept in their place. I Jacqueline Winspear
71ddcd0 intimacy that can be had, even in a crowded room, when two people want only Jacqueline Winspear
3b60247 work in tandem--and that means we pedal in different directions, most Jacqueline Winspear
ccfb8d9 With the hindsight of the worldly experience she had since acquired, it was clear to Maisie that Dame Constance had suffered fools, if not gladly, then with gracious ease. Jacqueline Winspear
850a392 My child, when a mountain appears on the journey, we try to go to the left, then to the right; we try to find the easy way to navigate our way back to the easier path." He paused. "But the mountain is there to be crossed. It is on that pilgrimage, as we climb higher, that we are forced to shed the layers upon layers we have carried for so long. Then we find that our load is lighter and we have come to know something of ourselves in the peri.. Jacqueline Winspear
c221a54 Maisie]:...going out for luncheon with a gentleman is definitely not the same as going out to dine in the evening. [Billy]: You get more grub at dinner, for a start - Jacqueline Winspear
14692f4 Use your training, Maisie, your heart, your intuition, and your love for your father to forge a new, even stronger, bond. Jacqueline Winspear
8e7b8f4 And I saw the eyes of the gazelle again in France [during WWI], and it struck me that perhaps a heartsick God had looked down and taken up a soul, leaving only the shell of a man." [of those who developed PTSD and/or "war neuroses"]... [In becoming a psychiatrist] I was really trying to create the conditions whereby a soul might be persuaded to join a man's body once a again, thus making him whole." Jacqueline Winspear
98f6a51 Don't mind me askin', Miss - and I know it ain't none of my business, like - but why don't you take 'im up on the offer of a dinner? I mean, gettin' the odd dinner fer nuffin'ain't such a bad thing. Jacqueline Winspear
14dc1b5 As friends they knew each other's history, knew the twists and turns that had brought them to this place in the world. And they understood each other's fears and frailties; nothing had to be explained. Now, Jacqueline Winspear
60b5fca when greeted, in case the ghostly specter Jacqueline Winspear
46e0534 May I not sit in judgment. May I be open to hearing and accepting the truth of what I am told. May my decisions be for the good of all concerned. May my work bring peace. . . . Jacqueline Winspear
db0f204 Memories streamed over her, and she sat up, images converging in her mind's eye, the sneaker wave of grief catching her in its riptide pull once again, leaving her washed ashore, bereft, with two deep desires: to sleep forever, or to live life for them both. "Oh," Jacqueline Winspear
c029457 Come, take what you will, be nourished and know that you can bear what might be on your horizon, the good and the ill." Now," Jacqueline Winspear
cd969f4 He's what my old mum would call a bombastic little nit of a man. Jacqueline Winspear
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