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e2c02b3 People want Inaros to be a hero, and so what he does, they interpret as heroism." "Even" James S.A. Corey
4b86e9a What kind of half-assed apocalypse are they running down there? James S.A. Corey
a9a9913 I told you so could be an important message, but the burden of innocent death, of the chaos of a failing civilization might also be too much for one man to carry. Or James S.A. Corey
ebe2cf1 What bothers you?" Nadia asked. Michio nodded at the wall. "All this. Doing what I'm about to do." "You don't think it's right?" "I don't know if that matters. I mean, Marco does what he thinks is right. And Dawes. And Earth. All of them do what they think is right, and tell themselves that they're moral people with the strength to do the necessary things, however terrible they seem at the time. Every atrocity that has been done to us had s.. James S.A. Corey
74cfdcd You know what I hate about you?" "My hat?" "That too," Holden said. "But mostly it's that I hate everything you say, but you're not always wrong." James S.A. Corey
e94155d And the moral high ground is a lovely place," Marwick said, as if he were agreeing. "It won't stop a missile, though. It" James S.A. Corey
412f312 We don't want to get in a gunfight," Holden warned Amos as they began moving again. "Yeah," Amos said. "But if we're in one anyway, it'll be nice to have guns." James S.A. Corey
ace2a32 Some things were secret even after you told them. James S.A. Corey
8643bb2 Nothing lasted forever. Not peace. Not war. Nothing. war James S.A. Corey
6bd4d90 I think we need to leave now," Holden said, fear making the words come fast. "Like now now. Not later now." James S.A. Corey
56d1abb God save us all from good-looking men. men James S.A. Corey
c59f1c0 He was covered in blood. He was pretty sure it was all Butch's, but not a hundred percent. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, he missed things like getting shot. He James S.A. Corey
e62842c People. No matter where he went, no matter what he did, it was all still people. Kelsey James S.A. Corey
5a5e002 They say revenge is empty." "This is my first try at it," Holden said. "Forgive me if my opinions on it are fairly unformed." James S.A. Corey
14d83b1 Catastrophe was just one part of what always happened. It was a prelude to what came next. James S.A. Corey
88ca8d0 Sex, in Michio's experience, was like music. Or language. It could express anything. Now it was rage and sorrow and need. James S.A. Corey
a753611 The long-haul transport was named the Lazy Songbird, but its birdlike qualities began and ended at the white letters painted on its side. From the outside, it looked like a giant garbage can with a drive cone on one end and a tiny ops deck on the other. From the inside, it looked like the inside of a giant garbage can except that it was divided into twelve decks, fifty people to a deck. James S.A. Corey
7512479 An unshakable faith in humanity." "It's true," he said, shaking his head. Or maybe nuzzling a little. "Against all evidence, I keep thinking the assholes are outliers." James S.A. Corey
2b76759 Seemed like a fact of the universe that the closer you got to anything, the worse it looked. Take James S.A. Corey
2cd4d4d Seemed like a fact of the universe that the closer you got to anything, the worse it looked. Take the most beautiful person in the solar system, zoom in on them at the right magnification and they were an apocalyptic cratered landscape crawling with horrors. That's James S.A. Corey
63f68ad He hadn't done anything wrong, but the sense of being threatened and the experience of guilt were so closely related that it was hard to feel one without the other. When James S.A. Corey
ee049c2 Excuse me, ma'am. Did you just instruct me to spy on Admiral Nguyen?" "No, I just asked for a comprehensive audit of all network traffic, and I don't give a fuck about any results besides Nguyen's office." "Of course. My mistake." The" James S.A. Corey
a831ca7 Humanity had come as far as it had in a haze of war, sickness, violence, and genocide. History was drenched in blood. But it also had cooperation and kindness, generosity, intermarriage. The one didn't come without the other, James S.A. Corey
a093e09 Petyr had been talking about mathematics again, boring everyone, when her mother looked up from her plate with a smile and announced that Julie had written a letter to say she'd quit the family. Clarissa's mouth had dropped open. It was like saying that the sun had decided to become a politician or that four had decided to be eight. It wasn't quite incomprehensible, but it lived on the edge. James S.A. Corey
722b8aa I see," Avasarala said. "And what's your plan?" Holden barked out a laugh with no humor in it. "Plan? My plan is to die in a ball of superheated plasma." James S.A. Corey
8fc73e5 It's weird as tits on a bishop, but who knows if it means anything? They're James S.A. Corey
a8d71d1 Structures are never monolithic. James S.A. Corey
74412c8 Don't," Naomi said, letting him go, "pull your gun on anyone." "They have guns." "Guns plural. You have gun singular, which is why you will keep yours in your holster, or you'll do this by yourself." That's" James S.A. Corey
3106422 Great men, they're not like you or me. They have other needs. Other rhythms. It's what sets them apart. But sometimes they go so far into the void we lose sight of them. They lose sight of us. James S.A. Corey
33f2056 The millions of skin-bound complications of salt water and minerals that were human bodies scattered throughout the Belt still needed food and air and clean water, energy and shelter. James S.A. Corey
6705b84 The whole voting thing had seemed like such a good idea when he'd first brought it up. After losing his first vote, not so much. They'd all be dead in two days, so at least it probably wouldn't happen again. "If" James S.A. Corey
3e069f4 Against all evidence, I keep thinking the assholes are outliers." She" James S.A. Corey
6394153 You think somebody built those towers and structures and then just left? This whole planet is a murder scene. An empty apartment with warm food on the table and all the clothes still in the closets. This is some Croatoan shit." "The" -- James S.A. Corey
1bb825d I'm an engineer," Gareth said, spitting out the word so violently it gave him a degree of spin. "Did eight years on Tycho Station! I'm not going to get used like a fucking technician." James S.A. Corey
f823736 You couldn't have come this far through so many dangers if there weren't a reason for you to be here. The same beautiful bullshit that everyone told themselves. That they were special. That they mattered. That some vast intelligence behind the curtains of reality cared what happened to them. And in all the history of the species, they'd all died anyway. James S.A. Corey
eea3a8e She was grinning like the universe had given her a kiss. James S.A. Corey
b4cd72a Clanking softly through the massive space, that was the thing that haunted him. Not his sins, not even the people he'd killed, but the thought that if he'd killed just one or two more it might have been enough. James S.A. Corey
fc97d18 The word had a depth to it. Late. It was late. All the chances to make things right had somehow passed him. The system was at war, and no one was even sure why. Miller himself was turning fifty years old the next June. It was late. Late to start again. Late to realize how many years he'd spent running down the wrong road. James S.A. Corey
c3be0d0 You look old, Fred." "I feel old. But it's better than the alternative." James S.A. Corey
1158b62 Seemed like a fact of the universe that the closer you got to anything, the worse it looked. Take the most beautiful person in the solar system, zoom in on them at the right magnification and they were an apocalyptic cratered landscape crawling with horrors. James S.A. Corey
ddbdec1 It wouldn't be the first unfamiliar finger up his ass. finger James S.A. Corey
3139f90 The , registered to Captain Eric Khan out of Pallas, was still just goods and people heading into the frontier to stake a claim. Fewer horses, maybe, but more fusion reactors. James S.A. Corey
e8fb1a8 Drinking coffee was one of the activities that didn't make the transition to microgravity well, but at half a g, it was fine. James S.A. Corey
310b033 Computers, it seemed, could be programmed to do almost anything but sense when someone was up to no good. James S.A. Corey