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b19f1dd when we make these distinctions, we're really creating them more than describing anything that's already there. We're seeing a very broad realignment James S.A. Corey
cd6fe4c Prologue: Maneo M James S.A. Corey
9449d23 I was afraid you were in trouble for a second, Your Highnessness," Han said, but the barb sounded hollow and unconvincing. Leia looked up at him, and the softness in her face told him that she'd heard the relief in his voice. He might just as well have said I thought I'd lost you. "No such luck," she said softly. He was surprised by the power of his urge to sweep her into his arms and kiss her. For a moment, there was something else in her .. leia-organa James S.A. Corey
1259100 Han thought again of mystical energy fields and said a quiet thank-you to whoever or whatever might be looking out for them James S.A. Corey
cb2861f I'm an engineer, not a damned hairstylist," Naomi said," James S.A. Corey
4c5b70a You get in its way, you get paved over. If you can find a way to live in the cracks, you can thrive anywhere. There were always cracks. James S.A. Corey
94e3859 Holden was imagining what several hundred rounds of Teflon-coated tungsten steel going five thousand meters per second would do to human bodies when Alex threw down the throttle and a roomful of elephants swan dived onto his chest. James S.A. Corey
dfe830f Dammit," Holden said after he'd killed the connection. "You ever get the sense that the universe is out to get you?" "Sometimes I get the sense that the universe is out to get you," Amos said with a grin. "It's fun to watch." James S.A. Corey
5e35067 The fact had become as invisible to him as someone on Earth thinking about being held to a spinning celestial object by nothing more than mass, shielded from the fusion reaction of the sun by only distance and air. fact space sun James S.A. Corey
5b89960 The lights shifted into and out of his field of view. He wondered if that was what it would be like to look at stars. He'd never looked up at a sky. The thought inspired a certain vertigo. A sense of terror of the infinite that was almost pleasant. "There" James S.A. Corey
16d5b0a Basic problem solving. If you don't have the data you need, play with the data you have, see if something comes out of it. She'd James S.A. Corey
031ec94 Your fancy alien train is broken?" "My fancy alien material transfer system has been sitting unused for over a billion years and half the planet just exploded. Your ship was built less than a decade ago and you can barely keep the coffee pot running." "You are a sad, bitter little man." coffee-pot spaceship coffee train technology James S.A. Corey
d471e56 All of nature was a record of crisis and destruction and adaptation and flourishing and being knocked back down again. What had happened on New Terra was singular and concrete, but the pattern it was part of seemed to apply everywhere and maybe always. nature life pattern crisis destruction James S.A. Corey
5228466 Let me get this straight," he said. "You'll give me all the kingdoms of the Earth if I just bow down and do one act of worship for you?" Dresden" James S.A. Corey
46c6d0e You've worked with George R. R. Martin a lot in the past. What kind of advice did he have for this project? Yes, I've done a number of projects with him in one incarnation or another. In this case, he was mostly just encouraging. He likes old-fashioned space opera, and he followed my progress on the book with great interest. He was also the first to read the final version. He was very complimentary. He said at one point that it was the best.. James S.A. Corey
ff4bbb4 It throbbed with an inhuman power, tidal and deep and painful. Look at this too long, Elvi thought, and I will lose my mind in it. She took a step toward it, feeling the structures in the blackness respond to her. She felt as if she could see the spaces between molecules in the air, like atoms themselves had become a thin fog, and for the first time she could see the true shape of reality looming up just beyond her reach. reality maddness atoms molecules black power James S.A. Corey
676e241 I don't see anything," Miller said. "What's it look like?" "The eye of an angry God?" Elvi said. "Oh," Miller said. The heavy plates of his robotic body clicked and hissed against each other as he shifted. "Yeah, well that's probably it, then. Good work." god detective-work eye angry James S.A. Corey
b02821c But it is only a machine. It doesn't think. It follows instructions. If we learn how to alter that programming, then we become the architects of that change. James S.A. Corey
1520509 Or was that fatalism another good move in design space? Did the universe evolve eyes and wings and sense organs and bitter amusement at the prospect of death all the same way? universe death fatalism organs design wings eyes James S.A. Corey
4622cb1 The closest analogy, the one her brain reached for and rejected and reached for again, was splashing into a lake. It was cold, but not cold. There was a smell, rich and loamy. The smell of growth and decay. She was aware of her body, the skin, the sinew, the curl of her gut. She was aware of the nerves that were firing in her brain as she became aware of the nerves firing in her brain. She unmade herself and watched herself being unmade. Al.. analogy transcendence awareness James S.A. Corey