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1bf683c No hay felicidad como esta dicha: mananas apacibles, la luz del rio, el fin de semana por delante. Vivian una vida rusa, una vida fecunda, entrelazada, en la que un infortunio de uno de los miembros, un fracaso, una enfermedad, romperia el equilibrio de todos. Aquella vida era como una prenda de vestir. Su belleza estaba fuera, su calor dentro>> James Salter
8a17596 The freedom she meant was self-conquest. It was not a natural state. It was meant only for those who would risk everything for it, who were aware that without it life is only appetites until the teeth are gone. James Salter
95e911d When Vivian began to recover they brought her a fluted glass vase with an arrangement of lilies and yellow roses from the flower shop on Eighteenth Street owned by an elegant man Arthur had once been involved with, Christos, who was friends with both of them. He, too, loved the theater and everything about it. Later he opened a restaurant. James Salter
cb2949e He had never been particularly young, or to put it another way, he had been young for a long time and now was at his true age, old enough for civilized comfrots and not too old for the primal ones. James Salter
0679c23 One feels pan of a vast servitude, anonymous and unending, all of it vanishing unexpectedly with the passing image of Madame Picquet behind the glass of her office, that faintly vulgar, thrilling profile. As I think of it, there's an ache in my chest. I cannot control these dreams in which she seems to lie in my future like a whole season of extravagant meals if only I knew how to arrange it. James Salter
ec1194c It was among the knowledgeable others that one hoped to be talked about and admired. It was not impossible--the world of squadrons is small. The years would bow to you; you would be remembered, your name like a thoroughbred's, a horse that ran and won. James Salter
614b236 He wanted one thing, the possibility of one thing: to be famous. He wanted to be central to the human family, why else is there to long for, to hope? ...He had nothing. He had only the carefully laid out luggage of bourgeois life, his scalp beginning to show beneath the hair, his immaculate hands. And the knowledge; yes, he had knowledge...But knowledge does not protect one. Life is contemptuous of knowledge; it forces it to sit in the ante.. James Salter
a33c194 The fast was ended. Like the story he had read to them so many times, of the poor couple who were given three wishes and wasted them, he had not wanted enough. He saw that clearly. When all was said, he had wanted one thing, it was far too small: he had wanted them to grow up in the happiest of homes. One of the last great realizations is that life will not be what you dreamed. James Salter
c1366ed He longs for the one line to give them that they will always remember, that will embrace everything, that will point the way, but he cannot find the line, he cannot recognize it. It is more precious, he knows, than anything else they might own, but he does not have it. James Salter
31f5117 Life is contemptuous of knowledge; it forces it to sit in the anterooms, to wait outside. Passion, energy, lies: these are what life admires. Still, anything can be endured if all humanity is watching. The martyrs prove it. We live in the attention of others. We turn to it as flowers to the sun. James Salter
7fc18f8 We preserve ourselves as if that were important, and always at the expense of others. We hoard ourselves. We succeed if they fail, we are wise if they are foolish, and we go onward, clutching, until there is no one--we are left with no companion save God. In James Salter
f1b5283 Certains visages vous subjuguent, on s'en detourne avec le sentiment de renoncer meme a respirer. Demain, j'aurai oublie tout ca, se dit-il. Le matin, tout est different, les choses deviennent reelles. visage James Salter
841d07a What the joys of music were to others, words on a page were to him. James Salter
b646f7d Miyata was fluent and intelligent. Nothing was beyond his curiosity. He seemed to be above the confusion of life, as if he had been commissioned to spend his own in undisturbed judgement of the world about him, protected always by a mandate from the gods. They spoke briefly of Korea and then of the past war with the United States. Miyata had been in Japan for its entire duration and must have been deeply affected, but when he talked about i.. James Salter
650efb9 He no longer lives in years; he is down to seasons. Finally it will become single nights, each one perilous as a lunar journey. He James Salter
adf6d5b He unrolls names like a splendid carpet. James Salter
b8827ff Events need their invitation, dissolutions their start. James Salter
fd58f14 It was all leaving her in slow, imperceptible movements, like the tide when one's back is turned: everyone, everything she had known. So all of grief and happiness, far from being buried with one, vanished beforehand except for scattered pieces. She lived among forgotten episodes, unknown faces bereft of names, closed off from the very world she had created; that was how it came to be. But I must show nothing of that, she thought. Her child.. James Salter
a940141 Babel werd nooit moe zijn verhalen te herschrijven. Hij zei dat er in een volzin ergens een soort hefboompje zat waarop je de hand kon leggen om er een heel kleine, maar precies goede draai mee te geven, niet te veel, niet te weinig, waarna alles op zijn plaats viel. James Salter
0f10ec2 The classic decision is always the same, whether to retreat or go on. There comes a time when it is easier to continue upward, when the summit, in fact, is the only way out. At such a moment one must still have strength. James Salter
171a2d2 Pero el conocimiento no te protege. La vida desprecia el conocimiento, lo obliga a esperar sentado en la antesala, a esperar fuera. Pasion, energia, mentiras: eso es lo que la vida admira. No obstante, todo es soportable si la humanidad entera observa. Lo demuestran los martires. Vivimos dentro de la atencion ajena. Nos volvemos hacia ella como flores hacia el sol. No hay una vida completa. Hay solo fragmentos. Hemos nacido para no tener na.. James Salter
d24c031 Lines that seemed unconnected gradually becomes part of a confession that had at its center rooms in the burning heat of August, where something has taken place, clearly sexual, but it is also the vacant streets of rural Texas, roads, forgotten friends, the slap of hands of rifle slings and forked pennants limp at parades. There are condoms, sun-faded cars, soiled menus with misspellings, a kind of pyre on which he had laid his life. That w.. James Salter
b206478 I am going to describe her life from the inside outward, from its core, the house as well, rooms in which life was gathered, rooms in which the morning sunlight, the floors spread with Oriental rugs that had been her mother-in-law's, apricot, rough and tan, rugs which though worn seemed to drink the sun, to collect its warmth; books, potpourris, cushions in colors of Matisse, objects glistening like evidence, many which might had they been .. James Salter
2bfa834 He knew all the constellations. He had seen them rise in darkness over heartbreaking coasts. James Salter
ad09a6f The need to fear such things was ended James Salter
3da9ca9 Gertrude Stein, when asked why she wrote, replied 'For praise..' Lorca said he wrote to be loved. Faulkner said a writer wrote for glory. I may at times have written for those reasons, it's hard to know. Overall I write because I see the world in a certain way that no dialogue or series of them can begin to describe, that no book can fully render, though the greatest books thrill in their attempt. James Salter
7d4e8e9 There were other houses that always brought images of an orderly life, kitchens with plain sideboards, old windows, the comforts of marriage in their common form, which at times surpassed everything--breakfast in the morning, conversations, late hours, and nothing that suggested excess or decay. James Salter
e574f8d Dingen die je geschreven hebt, rijpen niet met je mee, zo lijkt me althans. De waarheid ervan kan bepaald zijn door de tijd, maar er bestaat niet zoiets als bij de tijd zijn wanneer de tijd voorbij is. Boeken blijven bestaan buiten de tijd om of ze houden op te bestaan. Dat is zoals het gaat in de literatuur. Boeken markeren een periode of een plaats, en geleidelijk worden ze die tijd en plaats'. James Salter
c408aa8 Mentre sedevano vicini o mangiavano o camminavano, lui condivideva liberamente con lei i suoi pensieri e le sue idee sulla vita, la storia, l'arte. Le parlava di ogni cosa. Sapeva che lei non si interessava a quegli argomenti, pero capiva e col tempo avrebbe imparato. Lui non l'amava soltanto per quello che era, ma per quello che poteva essere, e l'idea che potesse essere diversa non gli passava per la testa, oppure non gliene importava. Pe.. James Salter
377ee57 I cannot think of it without sadness. I think of the day-long, intimate hours in her apartment with the same record playing over and over, phrases from it like some sort of oath I will know til the day I die. James Salter
1e3dc22 at a luncheon, I sat next to a green-eyed young woman, a poet, who declared loftily that you learned nothing from books, it was life you learned from, passion, experience. The host, a fine old man in seventies, heard her and disagreed. His hair was white. His voice that the faint shrillness of age. "No, everything I've ever learned,", he said, "has come from books. I'd be in the darkness without them." James Salter
69f26fe Vamos alla, arriesguemos nuestras vidas. Porque si tienen algun valor, es precisamente que no tienen ninguno. James Salter
801f6f4 Los poetas, los escritores, los sabios y las voces de su tiempo, forman un coro, el himno que comparten es el mismo: los grandes y pequenos se unen, lo hermoso vive, lo demas muere, y todo es absurdo excepto el honor, el amor y lo poco que el corazon conoce. James Salter
530fa0a La luz, la divinidad, la pose absoluta, donde por la manana, en camas revueltas, en susurros, se te presenta la vida. James Salter
a6413bf As I think of it, there's an ache in my chest. I cannot control these dreams in which she seems to lie in my future like a whole season of extravagant meals if only I knew how to arrange it. James Salter
b041f04 Tus besos me destierran James Salter
9fc77f5 And all of this, dependent, closely woven, all of it is deceiving. There are really two kinds of life. There is, as Viri says, the one people believe you are living, and there is the other. It is this other which causes the trouble, this other we long to see. James Salter
77ab450 Er komt een tijd dat je alleen bent," schreef Celine lang voordat het hem echt overkwam, "als je aan het eind bent gekomen van alles wat je overkomen kan. Het is het einde van de wereld, zelfs verdriet, je eigen verdriet, geeft geen antwoord meer en je moet op je schreden terugkeren, je weer onder de mensen begeven, het maakt niet uit wie." James Salter
09f52ff whom we do not believe. Who we know does not exist. James Salter
2cc8624 The dead bring us to life, vivify us, give us scale. We are the unjoined part of them and at their graves we stand at our own. In Ruby Park Cemetery, in the once-famous silver lands of Colorado, the graves are unmarked. There is a single column of marble above a miner's daughter who died at the age of seventeen. The town of Irwin drew thousands of people in the 1870s, some from as far away as England and Scotland. The cemetery is abandoned... James Salter
3a02533 Gevoel van moed. Groot verlangen verder te leven. James Salter
7740c3f suddenly felt frightened. He was reaching that age, he was at the edge of it, when the world becomes suddenly more beautiful, when it reveals itself in a special way, in every detail, roof and wall, in the leaves of trees fluttering faintly before a rain. The world was opening itself, as if to allow, now that life was shortening, one long, passionate look, and all that had been withheld would finally be given. James Salter
2183ef2 Of Bryan, it might be said that he was candid about his wife and uncomplaining. He treated her offhandedly, as he might treat bad weather. James Salter
60658cf Every glance made him need another. love glance infatuation looking James Salter
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