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f7276d7 I am free,' he said suddenly. And his joy changed, on the spot, to a crushing sense of anguish. Jean-Paul Sartre
c6f6d46 Have the courage to read this book, for in the first place it will make you ashamed, and shame, as Marx said, is a revolutionary sentiment. Jean-Paul Sartre
657db26 Baslangic olmadigi gibi, son da yoktur. Bir kadin, bir dost, bir kent bir kerede terk edilemez. Hepsi birbirine benzer zaten. sartre Jean-Paul Sartre
ed25403 A little more and I would have fallen into the mirror trap. I avoided it, but only to fall into the window trap: with nothing to do, my arms dangling, I go over to the window. Jean-Paul Sartre
078c27d We have to deal with human reality as a being which is what it is not and which is not what it is. Jean-Paul Sartre
d2baaca She is dearer to me than life. But her suffering comes from within, and only she can rid herself of it. For she is free. Jean-Paul Sartre
99a6146 An existant can never justify the existence of another existant. Jean-Paul Sartre
c2fe0a6 I want no secrets or soul-states, nothing ineffable; I am neither virgin nor priest enough to play with the inner life. Jean-Paul Sartre
0152264 Time gnaws and wears away; it separates; it flies. And by virtue of separation--by separating man from his pain or from the object of his pain--time cures. Jean-Paul Sartre
3e34942 The true sea is cold and black, full of animals... Jean Paul Sartre
f199447 Wait a minute, there's a snag somewhere; something disagreeable. Why, now, should it be disagreeable?...Ah,I see; it's life without a break. Jean-Paul Sartre
a73a5ed he is betrayed by the cynical sparkle of her eyes, by her sophisticated look. Real ladies do not know the price of things, they like adorable follies; their eyes are like beautiful, hothouse flowers. ladies sartre Jean-Paul Sartre
f9e8b97 the humanist philosopher who bends over his brothers like an elder brother who is conscious of his responsibilities; the humanist who loves men as they are, the one who loves them as they ought to be, the one who wants to save them with their consent, and the one who will save them in spite of themselves, the one who wants to create myths, and the one who is satisfied with the old myths, the one who loves man for his death, the one who love.. Jean-Paul Sartre
cd08e8f n hw'l lshbb yudhshwnny: fhm yrwwn, dh yHtswn qhwthm, qSS wDH@ wmHtml@ lwqw`. wdh suy'lw `m f`lw lbrH@, l yDTrbwn bl nhm yujybwnk bklmtyn. lw knt mknhm, ltl`thmt. wmn lHq 'n lys thmW@ b`d mn yhtm bkyfyW@ 'st`mly lwqty. n mn y`sh wHyd, l y`rf Ht~ m`n~ 'n yrwy. fHtml wqw` l'Hdth ykhtfy fy lwqt nfsh ldhy ykhtfy fyh l'Sdq>>. *** Jean-Paul Sartre
5fa1e83 The first crime was mine: I committed it when I made man mortal. Once I had done that, what was left for you, poor human murderers, to do? To kill your victims? But they already had the seed of death in them; all you could do was to hasten its fruition by a year or two. murder the-flies zeus Jean-Paul Sartre
8e5af09 INEZ: know the way the catch larks - with a mirror? I'm your lark-mirror,my dear, and you can't escape me...There isn't any pimple, not a trace of one. So what about it? Suppose the mirror started telling lies? Or suppose I covered my eyes - as he is doing - and refused to look at you, all that loveliness of yours would be wasted on the desert air. No, don't be afraid, I can't help looking at you. I shan't turn my eyes away. And.. Jean-Paul Sartre
6938b9e I am not quite sure of being a man: I never found it very difficult. It seemed to me that you had only to let yourself alone. Jean-Paul Sartre
5902993 And every man ought to say to himself, "Am I really the kind of man who has the right to act in such a way that humanity might guide itself by my actions?" And if he does not say that to himself, he is masking his anguish. There is no question here of the kind of anguish which would lead to quietism, to inaction. It is a matter of a simple sort of anguish that anybody who has had responsibilities is familiar with." Jean-Paul Sartre
5802a36 Faire souffrir c'est posseder et creer tout autant que detruire. souffrir Jean-Paul Sartre
2c56182 they dam up the future. As long as you stay between these walls, whatever happens must happen to the right or the left of the stove...Thus these objects serve at least to fix the limits of probability. Jean-Paul Sartre
658cd30 No, my child, these things are impossible. It would have been better if she had recognize the truth courageously. She would have suffered once, then time would have erased with its sponge. There is nothing like looking things in the face, believe me. Jean-Paul Sartre
f46f891 You complain because things don't arrange themselves around you like a bouquet of flowers, without your taking the slightest trouble to do anything. But I have never asked as much: I wanted action. You know, when we played adventurer and adventuress: you were the one who had adventures, I was the one who made them happen. Jean-Paul Sartre
0cb2940 wlHq 'n qtl m`nwyt 'm@ l yt't~ 'wl btHTym m`nwyth wnm ykwn bnHTT 'khlqh Jean-Paul Sartre
f1ec122 Could hell be described as too much of anything without a break? Are variety, moderation and balance instruments we use to keep us from boiling in any inferno of excess,' whether it be cheesecake or ravenous sex? Jean-Paul Sartre
57b8f6c je prenais tout au serieux, comme si j'avais ete immortel. jean-paul sartre
63d4a70 I go to the window, I spot a fly under the curtain, I corner it in a muslin trap and move a murderous forefinger toward it. This moment is not in the program, it's something apart, timeless, incomparable, motionless, nothing will come of it this evening or later . . . Mankind is asleep. . . . Alone and without a future in a stagnant moment, a child is asking murder for strong sensations. Since I'm refused a man's destiny, I'll be the destin.. Jean-Paul Sartre
38bfce7 Men get the war they deserve. Jean-Paul Sartre
20c235d L'existentialiste, au contraire, pense qu'il est tres genant que Dieu n'existe pas, car avec lui disparait toute possibilite de trouver des valeurs dans un ciel intelligible; il ne peut plus y avoir de bien a priori, puisqu'il n'y a pas de conscience infinie et parfaite pour le penser; il n'est ecrit nulle part que le bien existe, qu'il faut etre honnete, qu'il ne faut pas mentir, puisque precisement nous sommes sur un plan ou il y a seulem.. sartre Jean-Paul Sartre
0167225 All of a sudden something breaks off sharply. The adventure is over, time resumes its daily routine. I turn; behind me, this beautiful melodious form sinks entirely into the past. It grows smaller, contracts as it declines, and now the end makes one with the beginning. Jean-Paul Sartre
9e860d9 I murmur: "It's a seat," a little like an exorcism. But the word stays on my lips: it refuses to go and put itself on the thing. It stays what it is, with its red plush, thousands of little red paws in the air, all still, little dead paws. This enormous belly turned upward, bleeding, inflated--bloated with all its dead paws, this belly floating in this car, in this grey sky, is not a seat. It could just as well be a dead donkey tossed about.. existence seat Jean-Paul Sartre
b8b8928 mn hngmy azdm kh hmh jhnyn azd bshnd,t hngmy kh yk nfr syr dr jhn st, azdy wjwd ndrd Jean-Paul Sartre
a0f4ae2 Me gustaria tanto abandonarme, olvidarme, dormir. Pero no puedo, me sofoco: la existencia me penetra por todas partes, por los ojos, por la nariz, por la boca... Y de golpe, de un solo golpe, el velo se desgarra, he comprendido, he visto. Jean-Paul Sartre
e8acaca This sun and blue sky were only a snare. This is the hundredth time I've let myself be caught. My memories are like coins in the devil's purse: when you open it you find only dead leaves. Jean-Paul Sartre
4b4e585 Dans les eglises, a la clarte des cierges, un homme boit du vin devant des femmes a genoux. Jean-Paul Sartre
0b46b5a This instant which I cannot leave, which locks me in and limits me on every side, this instant I am made of will be no more than a confused dream. truth Jean-Paul Sartre
b8ffb24 Estoy solo en medio de estas voces alegres y razonables. Todos estos tipos se pasan el tiempo explicandose, reconociendo con felicidad que comparten las mismas opiniones. !Que importancia conceden, Dios mio, al hecho de pensar todos juntos las mismas cosas!. Jean Paul Sartre
e26911f After all, she is lucky. I have been much too calm these past three years. I can receive nothing more from these tragic solitudes than a little empty purity. I leave. purity sartre solitude Jean-Paul Sartre
6586ba2 I thought I saw Anny smiling. I try to refresh my memory: I need to feel all the tenderness that Anny inspires; it is there, this tenderness, it is near me, only asking to be born. But the smile does not return: it is finished. I remain dry and empty. jean-paul sartre Jean-Paul Sartre
dddcc28 Je ne peux plus rien d'autre. Je ne les entends plus, tu sais. C'est sans doute qu'ils en ont fini avec moi. Fini: l'affaire est classee, je ne suis plus rien sur terre, meme plus un lache. Ines, nous voila seuls: il n'y a plus que vous deux pour penser a moi. Elle ne compte pas. Mais toi, toi qui me hais, si tu me crois, tu me sauves. Jean-Paul Sartre
2b66035 If God does not exist, are we provided with any values or commands that could legitimise our behaviour. Jean-Paul Sartre
b5344ac Never were we freer than under the German Occupation. Jean-Paul Sartre
f1610da J'avais deux raisons de respecter mon instituteur : il me voulait du bien, il avait l'haleine forte. Les grandes personnes doivent etre laides, ridees, incommodes; quand elles me prenaient dans leurs bras, il ne me deplaisait pas d'avoir un leger degout a surmonter : c'etait la preuve que la vertu n'etait pas facile. Il y avait des joies simples, triviales : courir, sauter, manger des gateaux, embrasser la peau douce et parfumee de ma mere;.. Jean-Paul Sartre
4db3c60 Voici ce que j'ai pense : pour que l'evenement le plus banal devienne une aventure, il faut et il suffit qu'on se mette a la raconter. C'est ce qui dupe les gens : un homme, c'est toujours un conteur d'histoires, il vit entoure de ses histoires et des histoires d'autrui, il voit tout ce qui lui arrive a travers elles ; et il cherche a vivre sa vie comme s'il la racontait. Mais il faut choisir : vivre ou raconter. Jean-Paul Sartre
b66f356 You don't put your past in your pocket; you have to have a house. I have only my body: a man entirely alone, with his lonely body, cannot indulge in memories; they pass through him. I shouldn't complain: all I wanted was to be free. Jean-Paul Sartre
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