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2dea0c8 I slip Anny's letter back into my despatch case: she has done what she could; I cannot reach the woman who took it in her hands, folded and put it in the envelope. Is it possible even to think of someone in the past? As long as we loved each other, we never allowed the meanest of our instants, the smallest grief, to be detached and forgotten, left behind. Sounds, smells, nuances of light, even the thoughts we never told each other; we carri.. Jean-Paul Sartre
a7f12bb Moi, je ne tiens pas les rancunes et j'avoue tout, complaisamment : pour l'autocritique, je suis doue, a la condition qu'on ne pretende pas me l'imposer. Jean-Paul Sartre
6ce55f1 Not only is man what he conceives himself to be, but he is also only what he wills himself to be after this thrust toward existence. Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself. Such Jean-Paul Sartre
12a05ca The idea is still there, unnameable. It waits, peacefully. Now it seems to say: "Yes? Is that what you wanted? Well, that's exactly what you've never had (remember you fooled yourself with words, you called the glitter of travel, the love of women, quarrels, and trinkets adventure) and this is what you'll never have--and no one other than yourself." But Why? WHY?" Jean-Paul Sartre
13a1940 I see the future. It is there, poised over the street, hardly more dim than the present. What advantage will accrue from its realisation? The old woman stumps further and further away, she stops, pulls at a grey lock of hair which escapes from her handkerchief. She walks, she was there, now she is here... I don't know where I am any more: do i see her motions, or do I foresee them? I can no longer distinguish present from future and yet it .. Jean-Paul Sartre
ef7f99a There's the story of a person who does this, does that, but it isn't I, I have nothing in common with him. He travels through countries I know no more about than if I had never been there. Sometimes, in my story, it happens that I pronounce these fine names you read in atlases, Aranjuez or Canterbury. New images are born in me, images such as people create from books who have never travelled. My words are dreams, that is all. Jean-Paul Sartre
dca0fcb I don't know where to go, I stay planted in front of the cardboard chef. I don't need to turn around to know they are watching me through the windows: they are watching my back with surprise and disgust; they thought I was like them, that I was a man, and I deceived them. I suddenly lost the appearance of a man and they saw a crab running backwards out of this human room. Now the unmasked intruder has fled: the show goes on. Jean-Paul Sartre
d05d138 In the distance. Above my head; above my head; and this instant which I cannot leave, which locks me in and limits me on every side, this instant I am made of will be no more than a confused dream. Jean-Paul Sartre
079ac24 But faced with this great wrinkled paw, neither ignorance nor knowledge was important: the world of explanations and reasons is not the world of existence. Jean-Paul Sartre
34492c1 These young people amaze me; drinking their coffee, they tell clear, plausible stories. If you ask them what they did yesterday, they don't get flustered; they tell you all about it in a few words. If I were in their place, I'd start stammering. It's true that for a long time now nobody has bothered how I spend my time. When you live alone, you even forget what it is to tell a story : plausibility disappears at the same time as friends. existentialism solitude Jean-Paul Sartre
c584476 Every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness and dies by chance. I leaned back and closed my eyes. But the images, forewarned, immediately leaped up and filled my closed eyes with existences: existence is a fullness which man can never abandon. Strange Jean-Paul Sartre
315794c Peut-on juger une vie sur un seul acte ? Jean-Paul Sartre
1ea4613 Freedom is what we do with what is done to us Jean-Paul Sartre
d9ec681 When a man gets drunk he gets sentimental. That's what I wanted to avoid. freedom french-literature jean-paul-sartre philosophy the-age-of-reason the-roads-to-freedom Jean-Paul Sartre
bebca12 I get up. I move through this pale light; I see it change beneath my hands and on the sleeves of my coat: I cannot describe how much it disgusts me. Jean-Paul Sartre
4845a62 The distance between the being and the conscience is the nothing Jean-Paul Sartre
81365fa This is what fools people: a man is always a teller of tales, he lives surrounded by his stories and the stories of others, he sees everything that happens to him through them; and he tries to live his own life as if he were telling a story. But you have to choose: live or tell. Jean-Paul Sartre
06f5504 What a torment it is not to be rich! It gets one into such abject situations. Jean-Paul Sartre
d42cb39 solo el perro o el caballo podrian emitir un juicio de conjunto sobre el hombre y declarar que el hombre es asombroso, lo que ellos no se preocupan de hacer, por lo menos que yo sepa. Pero no se puede admitir que un hombre pueda formular un juicio sobre el hombre. humanismo humor Jean-Paul Sartre
f10b5bb THE HOLE The hole is something which longs to be filled. The small child is drawn as if by magic to holes. He can not restrain himself from putting in his finger or his whole arm. He makes a symbolic sacrifice of his body to cause the void to disappear and a plenitude of being to exist. The fundamental tendency of human beings to stop up holes persists throughout life, symbolically and in reality. And only from this standpoint can we unders.. Jean-Paul Sartre
0894b6b My existence began to worry me seriously. Was I not a simple spectre? jean-paul-sartre nausea philosophy Jean-Paul Sartre
256a1f0 I was there, standing in front of a window whose panes had a definite refraction index. But what feeble barriers! I suppose it is out of laziness that the world is the same day after day. Today it seemed to want to change. And then, anything, anything could happen. sartre Jean-Paul Sartre
a3360ae Dans mes mains, par exemple, il y a quelque chose de neuf, une certaine facon de prendre ma pipe ou ma fourchette. Ou bien c'est la fourchette qui a, maintenant, une certaine facon de se faire prendre, je ne sais pas. Jean-Paul Sartre
16209b3 He takes a few dazed steps, the waiters turn out the lights and he slips into unconsciousness: when this man is lonely he sleeps. lonely nausea Jean-Paul Sartre
9f501ad man is a useless passion. Jean-Paul Sartre
d9306d2 Je n'ai pas reve cet heroisme. Je l'ai choisi. On est ce qu'on veut. Jean-Paul Sartre
0923e34 And you know what wickedness is, and shame, and fear. There were days when you peered into yourself, into the secret places of your heart, and what you saw there made you faint with horror. Jean-Paul Sartre
1dfb63b Lucien thought with bitter pleasure that his parents found him looking fine. "I don't exist." He closed his eyes and let himself drift: existence is an illusion because I know I don t exist, all I have to do is plug my ears and not think about anything and I'll become nothingness." Jean-Paul Sartre
e6a954e Es el reflejo de mi rostro. A menudo en estos dias perdidos, me quedo contemplandolo. No comprendo nada de este rostro. Los de los demas tienen un sentido. El mio, no. Jean Paul Sartre
2b2764f mn tqw ndrm, shyd frzndn m btqw shwnd, bhshrT ankhh m anqdr khwn jry khnym t Hq dshtn fDylt r bh anh bdhym. Jean-Paul Sartre
cfda44f For the moment they wanted to live with the least expenditure, economize words, gestures, thoughts, float: they had only one day in which to smooth out their wrinkles, their crow's feet, the bitter lines made by a hard week's work. One day only. Jean-Paul Sartre
66518d7 J'existe. C'est doux, si doux, si lent. Et leger: on dirait que ca tient en l'air tout seul. Ca remue. Ce sont des effleurements partout qui fondent et s'evanouissent. Tout doux, tout doux. Jean Paul Sartre
313e07d Creo que soy yo quien ha cambiado; es la solucion mas simple. Tambien la mas desagradable. Pero debo reconocer que estoy sujeto a estas subitas transformaciones. Lo que ocurre es que rara vez pienso, entonces, sin darme cuenta, se acumula en mi una multitud de pequenas metamorfosis, y un buen dia se produce una verdadera revolucion. Es lo que ha dado a mi vida este aspecto desconcertante, incoherente. Jean-Paul Sartre
c49d91c What men have in common is not a "nature" but a condition, that is, an ensemble of limits and restrictions: the inevitability of death, the necessity of working for a living, of living in a world already inhabited by other men." Jean-Paul Sartre
85bfab3 Can you justify your existence then? Jean-Paul Sartre
945921e Perhaps it is impossible to understand one's own face ... People who live in society have learned how to see themselves in mirrors as they appear to their friends. I have no friends. Is that why my flesh is so naked? You might say -- yes you might say, nature without humanity. jean-paul mirror nausea sartre Jean-Paul Sartre
118fbc3 I lean all my weight on the porcelain ledge, I draw my face closer until it touches the mirror. The eyes, nose, and mouth disappear. Nothing is left. Brown wrinkles show on each side of the feverish swelled lips, crevices, mole holes. A silky, white down covers the great slopes of the cheeks, two hairs protrude from the nostrils: it is a geological embossed map. And, in spite of everything, this lunar world is familiar to me. I cannot say I.. jean-paul map nausea sartre Jean-Paul Sartre
9e4de35 I'm going to leave, I'm going to take my train. But behind the existence which falls from one present to the other, without a past, without a future, behind these sounds which decompose from day to day, peel off and slip towards death, the melody stays the same, young and firm, like a pitiless witness. Jean-Paul Sartre
d9dc530 the diversity of things, their individuality, were only an appearance, a veneer. This veneer had melted, leaving soft, monstrous masses, all in disorder--naked, in a frightful, obscene nakedness. I kept myself from making the slightest movement, but I didn't need to move in order to Jean-Paul Sartre
afffe62 Din clipa in care libertatea a facut explozie in sufletul unui om, zeii nu mai pot face nimic impotriva lui. Asta-i o treaba omeneasca, si numai ceilalti oameni - numai ei - au caderea sa-l lase in libertate sau sa-l stringa de git. Jean-Paul Sartre
ddb565a Le bronze... (Il le caresse.) Eh bien, voici le moment. Le bronze est la, je le contemple et je comprends que je suis en enfer. Je vous dis que tout etait prevu. Ils avaient prevu que je me tiendrais devant cette cheminee, pressant ma main sur ce bronze, avec tous ces regards sur moi. Tous ces regards qui me mangent... (ll se retourne brusquement.) Ha! vous n'etes que deux? Je vous croyais beaucoup plus nombreuses. (Il rit.) Alors, c'est ca.. Jean-Paul Sartre
be63070 lHqyq@ hy 'n lt`dhyb ykhlq ljldyn Jean-Paul Sartre
4030f6c La patronne etait la, j'ai du la baiser, mais c'etait bien par politesse. Jean-Paul Sartre
64a622d Mais comme mes regards tombaient sur le bloc de feuilles blanches, je fus saisi par son aspect et je restai, la plume en l'air, a contempler ce papier eblouissant : comme il etait dur et voyant, comme il etait present. Il n'y avait rien en lui que du present. Les lettres que je venais d'y tracer n'etaient pas encore seches et deja elles ne m'appartenaient plus. Jean-Paul Sartre
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