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34e8802 Perhaps it is true that the world is made new again every day but our minds are not. The clamp that holds me will not let me go. Jeanette Winterson
7031451 All the familiar things were getting different meanings. Jeanette Winterson
afc26d2 Only humans can know what it means to strip a human being of being human. Jeanette Winterson
4596cf5 Ne sachant quoi lire ni dans quel ordre, j'ai suivi l'alphabet. Dieu merci, elle s'appelait Austen... Jeanette Winterson
2451d20 I had thought about everything carefully before I had agreed to him. I had made every preparation, every calculation, except for those two essentials that could not be calculated; his heart and mine. Jeanette Winterson
75ac1a8 I am an ambitious writer - I don't see the point of being anything, no, not anything at all, if you have no ambition for it. Jeanette Winterson
1e4c4ab At bed-time I went into my room and put out the light. I didn't get undressed. I lay on my bed and looked out of the window at the stars. I read in a book that the stars can take you anywhere. I've never wanted to be an astronaut because of the helmets. If I were up there on the moon, or by the Milky Way, I'd want to feel the stars round my head. I'd want them in my hair the way they are in paintings of the gods. I'd want my whole body to f.. Jeanette Winterson
e16e1f3 And the people I have hurt, the mistakes I have made, the damage to myself and others, wasn't poor judgement; it was the place where love had hardened into loss. Jeanette Winterson
78bf650 I was not so sure but too tired and too relieved to go further that night. To reach one another again had been far enough. Jeanette Winterson
d958135 Hardship is a man-made device because man cannot exist without passion. Religion is somewhere between fear and sex. Jeanette Winterson
2147c18 I have sometimes sacrificed freedom in order to belong, but more often I have given up all hope of belonging. freedom Jeanette Winterson
9bb57ef My mother has often been labelled as strange but that's because she says things that people can't possibly believe. Mostly she's right. Jeanette Winterson
8b3b44d Mrs. Winterson didn't want her body resurrected because she had never, ever loved it, not even for a single minute of a single day But although she believed in End Time, she felt that the bodily resurrection was unscientific. When I asked her about this she told me she had seen Pathe newsreels of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and she knew all about Robert Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project. She had lived through the war. Her brother had been i.. jeanette-winterson Jeanette Winterson
88c3e60 Mrs. Winterson did not have a soothing personality. Ask for reassurance and it would never come. I never asked her if she loved me. She loved me on those days when she was able to love. I really believe that is the best she could do. parental-love Jeanette Winterson
a591d53 When you are a solitary kid you find an imaginary friend. Jeanette Winterson
d1cf93f Manchester is in the south of the north of England. Its spirit has a contrariness in it -- a south and north bound up together -- at once untamed and unmetropolitan; at the same time, connected and wordly. Jeanette Winterson
6862eae I want someone who will destroy and be destroyed by me. jeanette winterson
4306c9f I sat at the back, listening to the music or mumbling through the service. I'm never tempted by God but I like his trappings. Jeanette Winterson
917af03 It was very bad for me that my deafness happened at around the same time as I discovered my clitoris. Jeanette Winterson
fc2df99 St. Paul said it is better to marry than to burn, but my mother taught me it is better to burn than to marry. Jeanette Winterson
9497481 If someone liked me, I waited until she was off guard, and then I told her I didn't want to be her friend any more. I watched the confusion and upset. The tears. Then I ran off, triumphantly in control, and very fast the triumph and the control leaked away, and then I cried and cried, because I had put myself on the outside again, on the doorstep again, where I didn't want to be. Jeanette Winterson
b75ea13 The unknownness of my needs frightens me. I do not know how huge they are, or how high they are, I only know that they are not being met. Jeanette Winterson
68faf0d Yes. Just pass me my leg will you? It's on top of the wardrobe where he threw it, and I think my right arm is leaning over by the wall. My head is in the gas oven but it will probably be all right, I'm told that green colour wears off. Unfortunately I threw my heart to the dogs. Never mind. No one will notice how much is missing from the inside, will they? Jeanette Winterson
fe2b190 My mother had painted the white roses red and now she claimed they grew that way. Jeanette Winterson
10e3174 There is talk in the village that there is more in these sewers than sewerage. Yes, I say, Yes. But not only these sewers. There is more in your heart than can be spoken. More in your eyes than you will tell. More in the mind of you than anyone can know. More in the night than darkness. More in the river than can be dredged. What more ? The hate, envy, malice, greed, stupidity and evil that lie under the floor of everything. If I have secre.. Jeanette Winterson
8150fdb When I was born, my mother dressed me as a boy because she could not afford to feed any more daughters. By the mystic laws of gender and economics, it ruins a peasant to place half a bowl of figs in front of his daughter, while his son may gorge on the whole tree, burn it for firewood and piss on the stump, and still be reckoned a blessing to his father. gender sons Jeanette Winterson
e834c22 I thought I might become someone else in time, grafted on to something better and stronger. And then I saw that the running away was a running towards. An effort to catch up with my fleet-footed self, living another life in a different way. Jeanette Winterson
b6e2050 There's a planet,' said Spike, 'made of water, entirely of water, where every solid thing is its watery equivalent. There are no seas because there is no land. There are no rivers because there are no banks. There is no thirst because there is no dry. 'The planet is like a bowl of water except that there is no bowl. It hangs in space as a drop of water hangs from a leaf, except that there is no leaf. It cannot exist, and yet it does. I tel.. Jeanette Winterson
fd5f297 Why do humans need answers? Partly I suppose because without one, almost any one, the question itself soon sounds silly. Jeanette Winterson
4891efa You were loved then and you are loved now. Isn't that enough? Jeanette Winterson
55d56f1 Being free is not being powerful or rich or well regarded or without obligations but being able to love. Jeanette Winterson
93f23b1 We gamble with the thought of winning. But it's the thought of what we might lose that excites us. Jeanette Winterson
c1eb745 There's no choice that doesn't mean a loss. loss Jeanette Winterson
3074d60 My usual confessional is a straight Macallan but not before 5 o'clock. Perhaps that's why I try and have my crises in the evening. Jeanette Winterson
429e5af Reading yourself as a fiction as well as a fact is the only way to keep the narrative open - the only way to stop the story from running away under its own momentum, often towards an ending no one wants. end fiction life reading stories Jeanette Winterson
c4dcafd History is a madman's museum. history museums objects Jeanette Winterson
12ac5da Humans have given away all their power to a "they". You aren't able to fight the system because without the system none of you can survive." Jeanette Winterson
4df7982 She is a maze where I got lost years ago, and now find the way out. She is the missing map. She is the place that I am. Jeanette Winterson
25a5c19 I walked out to brood on this life of ours, which seems from birth to death to be a steady loss, disguised by sudden gains and happiness, which persuade us of good fortune, when all the while the glass is emptying. Jeanette Winterson
37f9cf6 Why is it that human beings are allowed to grow up without the necessary apparatus to make sound ethical decisions? literature written-on-the-body Jeanette Winterson
5a5b0f9 Reading is where the wild things are. Jeanette Winterson
a23fdba I am always wondering about love. Jeanette Winterson
73b4364 There is so little life, and it is fraught with chance. We meet, we don't meet, we take the wrong turning, and still bump into each other. We conscientiously choose the 'right road' and it leads nowhere. Jeanette Winterson
b7c8a2a This is a quantum universe,' said Spike, 'neither random nor determined. It is potential at every second. All you can do is intervene. Jeanette Winterson