That's about when people realized that this wasn't some kind of show, an optical illusion or something to stand around and point at. They might not have understood what they were seeing, but whatever instinct humans possessed that triggered that flight response kicked in.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
No quiero saber sobre el amor. --Pero deberias, hija mia. Tienes que saber sobre el amor. Las cosas que la gente haria por amor. Todas las verdades se acaban reduciendo al amor ?verdad? De una forma u otra lo hacen. Sabes, hay una diferencia entre amor y necesidad. A veces, lo que sientes es inmediato y sin ton ni son --se sento un poco mas recta--. Dos personas se miran desde el otro lado de una habitacion o se rozan la piel. Sus almas rec..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Dee, creo que si me mira es porque esta tramando un plan para asesinarme y esconder mi cuerpo. --No es verdad. No te mira asi. Tiro el libro fuera de la cama y se puso de rodillas, colocandose las manos sobre el pecho. --Te mira como diciendo <>
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Cromwell raised a brow. "You can't even boil an egg, son." He paused. "Or toast bread without burning it." I couldn't help it, I laughed. "Nice." Hayden frowned at me. "I can toast bread." "You tried to shove a fork in the toaster to get your bread out- that was only a few years ago."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
had said. The DOD and Daedalus believe my mutation wore off. Good news, right? But he's desperate--more so than we realized. If we don't
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
clung to those faint images that seemed to blur and fade
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
He grabbed a towel off the shelf. After dampening it, he tossed it to me. "Clean yourself up." He sent a devilish grin my way. "I can't have my little Apol yon-in-training looking like a mess." My fingers clenched around the towel. "If you ever say something that stupid again, I wil smother you in your sleep." His golden brows rose. "Little Alex, are you suggesting that we sleep together?" Stunned by how he came to that conclusion, I low..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
She lowered her voice as if she were sharing a secret. "I think you do like Archer, and you just don't want to admit that you're in the beginning stages of a bromance to end all bromances."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I don't want you involved in any of that." "Because you care about me?" "Of course." I narrowed my eyes. "I don't want to worry about you getting hurt." He stepped in and his other hand settled just above my hip. "Because you want to be with me?" "Yes." That word was easy to speak. Rider smiled then and the right dimple appeared. "You want to be my girlfriend." I opened my mouth and then I laughed. It sounded strange after the seriousness o..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
In the last week, you've nearly showed up everywhere I've been. It's almost like you're following me." "What if I was?" I almost dropped the stake as my gaze flew to his face. His expression was unreadable and I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. "Really?" That's not creepy or anything." His sigh was so heavy I was surprised it didn't shake the buildings. "You shouldn't be out here." "What do you want from me?" I challenged. "I m..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I want this." To prove my point, I ran my hands down the tense muscles of his back and then lower, slipping my fingers under his loose pants. "Don't...don't you want this? It seems like you do." "God," he groaned, moving his mouth to my neck. "I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
You're...you're mentally unstable." "I wish I were. It would make things so much more fun. Sadly, I'm not. At least, not yet."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
First off, he called me a bundle of kick ass hotness, and that really did sound like a cool compliment.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Did you think that locking me up in the community was the best answer?" "We--" "Did you think you could stop me?" Power shot from me, smacking into the door behind Dawson, blowing it off the hinges and into the house. "I'll burn the world down to save her."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I just miss you so much." Caleb squeezed me tighter and he laughed. "I know, but we need to stop with this friendship bonding crap, Alex. First we're tortured by daimons together and now we've both been stabbed. That's taking the 'we do everything together' to an all-new high."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
The silver in his eyes burned. "I want to kill him." "Me too, but that's not really going to help things." He flashed me a wild smile. "But it would make us feel better." "Damn, you've gotten dark. Funny, but dark."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
What the hell is going on, Luc?" He arched a brow. "How about a thank-you first? Maybe? I mean, I did get your asses out of trouble, didn't I? I really would like a thank-you. Maybe a hug? I'm feeling kind of needy."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I don't know what you think we agreed on.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I love you, Nic." He dragged a thumb along her lip, careful not to hit the still healing part. "And if you don't love me anymore, I'm going to spend however long it takes making you fall in love with me again."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
He returned my smile with a half grin. "So what do you blog about? Knitting? Puzzles? Being lonely?"
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I don't like when people apologize for something they had nothing to do with
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
squared my shoulders. "Release the Kraken!" Several sets of eyes settled on me. "What?" I gave a lopsided shrug. "I've always wanted to yell that since I saw that movie. Seemed like the perfect moment." Aiden laughed. "See! That's why I love him," I told the group. "He laughs at the stupid crap that comes out of my mouth." In response, Aiden leaned over and pressed his lips against my temple. "Keep talking about loving me," he murmured, "an..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Not the kind of love that was fueled by need and that destroyed cities and entire civilizations, but the kind that rebuilt them, that much I knew.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Agapi mou
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
For a moment, Rosie allowed herself to be dickmatized--you know, when you were either hypnotized by how attractive someone was or you were hypnotized by their dick, which therefore allowed you to look past unsavory traits about the person.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I'd always been a reader and I read a lot, usually sticking to books with some sort of romantic theme and a classic happily-ever-after. Lori used to make fun of me nonstop for it, claiming I had cheesy taste in books, but whatever. At least I didn't have pretentious taste in books like she did, and sometimes I just wanted to...I don't know, escape life. To delve headfirst into a world that dealt with real-life issues to open my eyes, or a w..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Thought she said to leave the door open." "It is. It's cracked. That's Open."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
something about royals and hot brothers. Five of them.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
No. I told you before, I don't even remember coming through the gate. I woke up in thecemetery, my poor wing snapped, my leg broken, beaten like an orphan kid in regency England. I was a pitiful wee creature." "Um, okay. "
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
You're okay," Kat breathed out as she broke free, limping around the side of the table. "I've been so worried." Archer pulled his long legs off the table and rose. A second later, he enveloped Kat in a hug. "I told you to stay where you were. But oh no, you didn't listen." He looked over her head at me. "I totally told her to stay." Luc scowled. "Why didn't I get a hug?"
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I kinda like the arm-grabbing thing," he replied, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Very dominant of you. Maybe I'm the submissive type in, you know, the-"
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Beth gave birth to a baby girl, so much so that the first thing I thought of was Nessie, and then I couldn't stop cackling for like fifteen minutes.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
It's not the same," I whispered. "It never has been. You have my heart... and I only want to share my heart with you."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I like you, Evie." His hand lifted with startling quickness and he picked up a piece of my hair. "Lots."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Seth tilted his head to the side as he stared at me. "What did you just say?" Taking another step back, I glanced at the door. Could I make a run for it? Seth could definitely catch me, but right now, he probably didn't want to. "Josie?" My heart stuttered at the raw quality of his voice. I wanted to deny that I'd uttered those words, but I couldn't. How could I when it was the truth, and it wasn't like I could take those words back. I coul..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
The only time I sat up from lying down was to get out of bed. Or get some chocolate. Or a book.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Leaning down, I kissed his cheek, and as I straightened, he turned wide amber eyes on me. "I see what you don't." I ran my hand up and down his arm. "You're not selfish, even if you have moments of acting like it. We all do. You're not evil, even if you were created by the greatest evil of them all. You've proven to me and yourself that you have free will, and you've made the right decisions time and time again." As I dragged my hand up his..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Okay, I won't call you Dev, Dev." "You just did," he said dryly. "How about I just call you Dickhead, then? That sounds about fitting." "You already did that." "Then that's perfect. I'll just--" Her phone suddenly rang from her pocket. She pulled it out and saw that it was Lance calling again. "Excuse me." She held up her hand, silencing Dev as she answered her phone. "Hello?" Dev stared at her--no, he gaped at her."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Are you for real?" She let out a short laugh, looking away. Why did so many good-looking guys have to be such douche canoes? "Man, you are something else." "That I am." "That wasn't a compliment." "You sure about that?" "Uh, yeah. I am." "Hmm." He sounded utterly dismissive. She had to force her hands to unclench. "I think you're the most uptight person I know." "You know nothing about me." "I know enough to know you need a hobby or a pasti..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Devlin shifted just the slightest, and the next breath Rosie took lodged in her throat. She felt him against her stomach, thick and hard, and unless he had something weird in the front of his pants, he was totally turned on. So was she. And they were both apparently freaks, because she'd just tried to shove him and he had just threatened her, but here they were, utterly aroused, and there was a really good chance she needed to find a therap..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Sebastian: Even if we end up at different colleges. We're not going to become strangers. That's never going to happen to us. We're always going to be friends. No matter what.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I was the beginning and he was the end, and together, we were everything.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Let's start over. Completely. You'll pretend that the mere idea of being attracted to me doesn't freak you out, and I'll pretend that you're not thinking about how I'd feel under your fingers. Hmm? Sound like a plan?
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Our heartbeats...they're the same.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |