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8f04680 Daemon snatched the yellow packages from my hands. "Oh! Books! You have books!" I laughed as several people waiting in line looked over their shoulders. "Hand them over." He clutched them to his chest, making moony eyes. "My life is now complete." "My life would be complete if I could actually post a review on something other than the school library computers." I did that about twice a week since my latest laptop went to the big computer he.. opal Jennifer L. Armentrout
ab8f271 I've been waiting a long time to run tests on someone like you, " he said to Daemon, voice high-pitched. Daemon arched a brow. "Another fanboy. I have them everywhere." I muttered, "Only you would see that as a good thing." He shot me a grin." Jennifer L. Armentrout
beb0c28 I'm going to get changed," I said. "Need help?" "Wow. You're so chivalrous, Daemon." His smile widened, flashing deep dimples. "Well, the experience would be mutually beneficial. I promise." Jennifer L. Armentrout
2f389b9 It's not me I'm worried about. If they think you blew a satellite out of orbit, they could see you as a threat." "Of they could just think I'm that awesome." Jennifer L. Armentrout
6a3c6f9 I'll do anything for her. Jennifer L. Armentrout
cd08dc6 You've been awake a while?" When his smile spread, I shook my head. "So you just laid there and let me stare at you like a creeper?" "Pretty much, Kitten. I figured I'd let you get your fill, but then you kissed me and, well, I like to be a bit more involved in that." Jennifer L. Armentrout
b2dc8be If you fall and break something, I'm going to be irritated." Daemon grabbed my arm as I started to slip. "Sorry, not all of us can be as awesome---" I squealed as he slid an arm around my back and lifted be into his arms. Daemon zipped us up the driveway, wind and snow blowing at my face. He put me down, and I stumbled to the side, dizzy. "Could you give me a warning next time?" He grinned as he knocked on the door. "And miss that look on y.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
679aaa2 He paused, his smug grin turning wicked as his eyes met mine. "We could always have sex. I hear that uses up a lot of energy." obsidian Jennifer L. Armentrout
3581809 I love you Layla. Do you hear me? I've loved you since the first moment I heard your voice and I will continue to love you. No matter what. I love you. Jennifer L. Armentrout
5857aaf We had no idea what waited ahead of us, other than the big, fat unknown, and most likely a big, fat kick in the face. The gravity of that was killing me-killing I squared my shoulders. "Release the Kraken!" Several sets of eyes settled on me. "What?" I gave a lopsided shrug. "I've always wanted to yell that since I saw that movie. Seemed like the perfect moment." Jennifer L. Armentrout
7a870c2 At least I don't look like a Christmas tree." "You look like the star atop the tree." daemon katy heartwarming sweet compliment Jennifer L. Armentrout
3b2c696 I...I was just excited." "Yeah, I'd say you were," Dee said, grinning like an idiot. Daemon was staring at me like he's just won the lottery. "I kind of like this level of excitement. Makes me think of--" "Daemon!" both of us shouted. "What?" He grinned, tousling Dee's hair. "I was only suggesting--" "We know what you were suggesting." Jennifer L. Armentrout
bd17dfe He hadn't left, and apparently, Seth was a cuddler. Jennifer L. Armentrout
f79e7da You really shouldn't trust a soul in this game. Not when everyone has something to gain or lose. daemon-black luc Jennifer L. Armentrout
46d0767 What are we going to do kitten?" My toes curled at the deep octave of his voice. "I don't know." "I have a few ideas." I cracked a grin. "I'm sure you do." "Wanna hear about them? Although, I'm much better at the show part rather than the tell." "Somehow, I believe you." "If you didn't, I could always give you a teaser." He paused, and I could hear the smile in his voice. "You bookish people love teasers, don't you?" Jennifer L. Armentrout
911a8d6 My mouth opened as did the door behind us. Stomach dropping, I turned to see Mom standing there in all her fuzzy-bunny pajama glory. Her eyes went from me to Daemon, completely misinterpreting everything. The glee in her eyes made me want to vomit on Daemon's head. Jennifer L. Armentrout
b84886b Daemon was the pissy pink elephant in the room with a bad attitude. Jennifer L. Armentrout
5539d8b She was beautiful, and I was so, so desperately in love with her. Her chin jerked up, and she sucked in a breath, eyes widening. Okay, I may have actually thought that last bit at her. . A small smile split her lips. Jennifer L. Armentrout
f4c0859 I'm Dee Black. I'm the sister of the douchebag known as Daemon." She smiled brightly. "But you probably already know that." "That's he's a douchebag or that he's your brother?" Archer asked innocently. "The answer is yes to both." -- Jennifer L. Armentrout
c13219c You always blush when you lie." "I do not." I felt the flush spread down my neck. "If you keep lying, I think I will have to leave," he threatened halfheartedly. "I don't feel like my virtue is safe." "You're virtue?" I huffed. "Whatever." "I know how you get." His eyes closed." Jennifer L. Armentrout
2800ee8 No. Sorry. You have spent months being the biggest jerk to me. You don't get to decide to like me one day and think I will forget that. I want someone to care for me like my dad cared for my mom. And you aren't him. Jennifer L. Armentrout
bc1dfaa Daemon was standing in the doorway of my bedroom. Hair messy from sleep, flannel pajama bottoms rumpled. No shirt. Three feet plus of snow outside, and he was still half naked. Jennifer L. Armentrout
624f83d Forever was something we all took for granted, but the problem with forever was that it really didn't exist. Jennifer L. Armentrout
cb0ae97 I've always avoided confrontation in the past, but this guy was flipping my bitch switch like nothing else. Jennifer L. Armentrout
45447df Shit. I'd felt her up, in my sleep. Jennifer L. Armentrout
b34a8a7 Dee's hand fluttered around her as she spoke. "I was outside, and it looked as if a light show was going on in your bedroom. Daemon said you were probably mas--" And Dee also knew no boundaries. "Ah, no, please don't finish that sentence." He lowered his hands, eyes narrowing at his sister. "Don't ever finish that sentence." Jennifer L. Armentrout
ca6716b I know what's happened," Apollo said after a few seconds. My brows furrowed. "What are you talking about?" He nodded at the board. My gaze dropped to the game and I nearly passed out. He'd spelled SEX and AIDEN with those stupid little squares." Jennifer L. Armentrout
c5a2a91 I forced myself to stop thinking about Daemon, about anything I didn't want to share with Archer, which was pretty much everything right now. So I thought about belly dancing foxes wearing grass skirts. Archer snorted. "You're weird." Jennifer L. Armentrout
37c63f7 With my name on her lips and with barely anything separating us, I felt the last of my control slipping. Whitish-red light radiated off of me, bathing Kat in the warm glow. There was nowhere that my hands didn't explore, and the way her body arched into the slightest touch, I was awed and consumed. Kissing her and drawing her deep inside me, I never wanted this to end. She was perfect to me. She was mine, and I wanted her more than I wanted.. onyx Jennifer L. Armentrout
a9ee9ef This was a bad idea," I whispered. "It was probably the smartest idea you've ever had." I rubbed my palms on my hips. "It's going to take a lot more than Thanksgiving dinner and a Christmas tree to get laid." "Damn. There goes my whole plan." Jennifer L. Armentrout
ade082f Was your mom a gardener?' I asked innocently. 'What?' Ren's mouth hung open slightly. 'Because a face like yours belongs planted on the ground. Jennifer L. Armentrout
d210866 Jeez, how old are you?" I total y knew how old he was, but I wanted to pick. Aiden cracked his neck. "I turn twenty-one in October." "Huh." I shook the bottle. "So have you always been so... mature?" His brows furrowed. "Mature?" "Yeah, you sound like a dad." I deepened my voice and tried to look stern. "'Don't look at me that way' or else." Aiden blinked slowly. "I don't sound like that and I didn't say 'or else.'" "But if you had, w.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
0495130 Don't be scared of Bambi" the demon said. "She's only curious and maybe a little bit hungry." The thing was named ? " Jennifer L. Armentrout
9d283c2 People with the purest souls are capable of the greatest evils. Jennifer L. Armentrout
b887e41 Just behave and don't do anything you'll regret in the morning." Her gaze drifted over my shoulder, and she mustered, "Wouldn't be much." "Mom!" Laughing, she gave me a light shove. "I'm old, not dead." Jennifer L. Armentrout
2fcf8d3 Okay. He had a point but it wasn't like I could tell him anything. I could see me now: Guess what? You ever watch Clash of the Titans or read any Greek fables? Well those gods are real and yeah, I'm sort of a descendant of them. Kind of like the stepchild no one wants to claim. Oh, and I hadn't even been around mortals until three years ago. Can we still be friends? Jennifer L. Armentrout
379c25f What the hell, man?" Dawson exploded, hands flying up. "I was on level sixty-nine of Candy Crush, you bastard. Do you know how hard that--?" Jennifer L. Armentrout
e46aec7 Daemon always looks hot!!! Stretching into the aisle, I went to drop the note back on Carissa's desk. Before it could leave my fingertips, it was snatched from my hand. Son of a donkey butt! My mouth dropped open and my cheeks burned. Twisting around in my seat, I glared at Daemon. He held the note close to his chest and grinned. "Passing notes is bad," he murmured." -- onyx Jennifer L. Armentrout
ed38524 Then he leaned forward and rested his cheek against mine. Hot tingles spread through me as his lips moved against my ear. "You should tell me to stop." I didn't say a word." alex Jennifer L. Armentrout
fc0fdc2 A smell of burned hair and cotton wafted into the air as I spun toward my desk. There was a low whine from the desk and then smoke billowed out of my closed laptop. I gaped. My precious, perfectly brand new laptop I cherished like one would a small child. Son of a mother... Friend or not, it was so on humour book-nerd laptop Jennifer L. Armentrout
636c003 One of my Instructors at the Covenant has a tattoo of it on his arm." His lips pursed. "Minister Telly has one on his arm, too." "How in the world do you know that?" We cut across the frost- covered lawn to one of the covered walkways connecting smaller buildings to the main one. "Have you been sneaking into his room and cuddling with him, too?" "Don't be jealous. You're my only cuddle bunny." seth Jennifer L. Armentrout
7e59fc1 Don't look at me like I've kicked a baby pegasus into the street. Jennifer L. Armentrout
8af6c58 How are you feeling?" I leaned away from him. "Gross." Aiden frowned. "Gross?" "I haven't brushed my teeth or washed my face in days. Don't come near me." He laughed. "Alex, come on." "Seriously, I'm gross." I put my hand over my mouth. Ignoring my protests, he leaned over and brushed my string hair back. "You're as beautiful as always, Alex." I stared at him. He must not get out much." funny humor alex sarcasm Jennifer L. Armentrout
ea47039 I've always found that the most beautiful people, truly beautiful inside and out, are the ones who are quietly unaware of their effect. Jennifer L. Armentrout