Our culture promotes individuality, while the Amish are deeply entrenched in community. To us, if someone stands out, it's no big deal because diversity is respected and expected. To the Amish, there's no room for deviation from the norm. It's important to fit in, because that similarity of identity is what defines the society. If you don't fit in, the consequences are psychological tragic, you stand alone when all you've ever known is bein..
Jodi Picoult |
Because that's what stories do. They help you escape, and they give you the chance to do things you never imagined you would or could. They let you feel heartbreak you've never had and experience adventures from the safety of your own room. They are dreams for those who are still awake. They
Jodi Picoult |
So don't judge me, unless you've fallen asleep on a couch with your ill child, thinking this night might be her last. Ask instead: would you do it? Would you give up your vengeance against someone you hate if it meant saving someone you love? Would you want your dreams to come true if it meant granting your enemy's dying wish?
Jodi Picoult |
In other words, what looks like cruel and heartless from one angle might, from another, actually be the only way to protect your family. -Lucas
Jodi Picoult |
The reason it's important to believe in something, he said, is because you can.
Jodi Picoult |
At seventeen, the smallest crises took on tremendous proportions; someone else's thoughts could take root in the loam of your own mind; having someone accept you was as vital as oxygen.
Jodi Picoult |
And in general, the residents of the town wondered why they all felt hollow just beneath the throat, the result of missing something they had never been able to name in the first place.
Jodi Picoult |
Until then she hadn't considered that there was a trade off, that she might not fit anymore in places where she'd been comfortable.
Jodi Picoult |
Parenthood was like awakening to find a soap bubble in the cup of your palm, and being told you had to carry it while you parachuted from a dizzying height, climbed a mountain range, battled on the front lines. All you wanted to do was tuck it away, safe from natural disasters and violence and prejudice and sarcasm, but that was not an option. You lived in daily fear of watching it burst, of breaking it yourself. Somehow you knew that if it..
Jodi Picoult |
What good is the legal process if people can decide their motives are bigger than the law?
Jodi Picoult |
A long time ago someone told me that a story will tell itself, when it's ready.
Jodi Picoult |
The future may unfold in indelible strokes, but it doesn't mean we have to read the same lines over and over.
Jodi Picoult |
It's no small feat, finishing a journey," I tell her. "But no one ever mentions that once you get there, you will have to turn around and head all the way home."
Jodi Picoult |
Is it better not knowing the ugly truth, and pretending it doesn't exist? Or is it better to confront it, even though the knowledge may be a weight you carry around forever?
Jodi Picoult |
There is a fire raging, and we have two choices: we can turn our backs, or we can try to fight it. Yes, talking about racism is hard to do, and yes, we stumble over the words - but we who are white need to have this discussion among ourselves. Because then, even more of us will overhear, and - I hope - the conversation will spread.
Jodi Picoult |
I wonder how much the general population of this country know that the legal system has far more to do with playing a good hand of poker than it does with justice.
Jodi Picoult |
All the world's a stage, but actors aren't the only ones who play roles. Even when you're not following a script, you might as well be. You don't behave the same way in front of everyone. You know what makes your friends laugh, and what makes your parents proud, and what makes your teachers respect you - and you have a different persona for each of them.
Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer |
But sometimes the key to happiness is just expecting a little bit less.
Jodi Picoult |
What if we did get so lucky that we're due for something terrible?
Jodi Picoult |
the way to pull a divided group together is to give them a common enemy.
Jodi Picoult |
To be fair, I am not the same man. The one who listened. The one who believed her.
Jodi Picoult |
but I used to think," Josef says quietly, "that there are some weeds that are just as beautiful as flowers." (pg 134)"
Jodi Picoult |
Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced. --JAMES BALDWIN
Jodi Picoult |
In our world," Darija said, throwing aside the chapter she was marking up, "there will be no semicolons."
Jodi Picoult |
Tutoring a four year old to get into an exclusive preschool made as much sense as hiring a swim coach for a guppy.
Jodi Picoult |
Recollections are in the eye of the beholder. No two held side by side can ever quite match.
Jodi Picoult |
Eli had learned long ago that you can stare right at something and not see what lies beneath the surface.
Jodi Picoult |
It is amazing how you can look in a mirror your whole life and think you are seeing yourself clearly. And then one day, you peel off a filmy gray layer of hypocrisy, and you realize you've never truly seen yourself at all. I
Jodi Picoult |
Losing Chloe had been like reading a wonderfulook only to realize that all the pages past a certain point were blank.
Jodi Picoult |
McAfee, I could try this case in my sleep and still win." "Guess that's your plan, then, since you're clearly dreaming."
Jodi Picoult |
Just because you choose to leave a place did not mean that you could escape taking it with you. A man and a woman who lived together long enough might swap traits, until they found parts of themselves in each other. Jettison a personality and you just might find it taking up residence in the heart of the person you loved most.
Jodi Picoult |
Love isn't what you expect it to be. You imagine being drunk on happiness, but the truth is, you worry all the time. Is she ill? Hurt? Might she meet someone else? There's a moment when you realize you've gotten everything you wished for. And right on its heels is the understanding that this means you have so much more to lose.
Jodi Picoult |
It's like a telescope. My dad, no matter what he's doing, zooms right in so he can't see anything except what's right there with him at that minute. My mom, she's always on wide angle.
Jodi Picoult |
These days it seemed like the words between them were there only to outline the silences.
Jodi Picoult |
The bond between a mother and a child weighed nothing on a scale; it took up no room in a test tube. But most of us would have a hard time saying it didn't exist.
Jodi Picoult |
It's a good life lesson, whether or. it you ever work with wolves, Edward.No matter what you do for someone- no matter if you feed him a bottle as a baby or curl up with him at night to keep him warm or go him food so he's not hungry- make one wrong move at the wrong moment, and you could become someone unrecognizable.
Jodi Picoult |
Why hadn't he realized this before? Everyone knew that if you divided reality by expectation, you got a happiness quotient. But when you inverted the equation-expectation divided by reality-you didn't get the opposite of happiness. What you got, Lewis realized, was hope. Pure logic: Assuming reality was constant, expectation had to be greater than reality to create optimism. On the other hand, a pessimist was someone with expectations lower..
Jodi Picoult |
Someone who was happy would have little need to hope for change. But, conversely, an optimistic person was that way because he wanted to believe in something better than his reality. He started wondering if there were exceptions to the rule: if happy people might be hopeful, if the unhappy might have given up any anticipation that things might get better.
Jodi Picoult |
good people are good people, religion has nothing to do with it
Jodi Picoult |
When a freedom is taken away from you...you recognize it as a privilege, not a right.
Jodi Picoult |
He wished he knew what to say to make her feel better, but the truth was, he didn't feel all that great himself and he didn't know if there were even any words in the English language to take away this kind of stunning shock, this understanding that the world isn't the place you thought it was.
Jodi Picoult |
I used to stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom to see what they were staring at. I wanted to know what made their heads turn, what it was about me that was so incredibly different. At first I couldn't tell. I mean, I was just me. Then one day, when I looked in the mirror, I understood. I looked into my own eyes and I hated myself, maybe as much as all of them did. That was the day I started to believe they might be right.
Jodi Picoult |
A heart with so many stress fractures would never be anything but broken.
Jodi Picoult |
Can I tell you something? Off the record?" Alex nodded. "Before I took this job, I used to work in Maine. And I had a case that wasn't just a case, if you know what I mean." Alex did. She found herself listening in his voice for a note she hadn't heard before-a low one that resonated with anguish, like a tuning fork that never stopped its vibration. "There was a woman there who meant everything to me, and she had a little boy who meant ever..
Jodi Picoult |