Some stains never wash out.
Jodi Picoult |
It does not matter who forgives you, if you're the one who can't forget.
Jodi Picoult |
You can love a pet more than you love some people. [...] It doesn't matter what it is that leaves a hole inside you. It just matters that it's there.
Jodi Picoult |
The strange thing; her face, after she hit me. She was in greater pain than I. You could see it in her eyes - like she had been violated in some way that broke her own image.
Jodi Picoult |
It was not compassion that led to Daniel's change of heart, and it was not kindness. It was realizing that, against all odds, he had something in common with Jason Underhill. Like Daniel, Jason had learned the hard way that they we are never the people we think we are. We are the ones we pretend, with all our hearts, we can't become.
Jodi Picoult |
A lie, as you probably know, has a taste all its own. Blocky and bitter and never quite right.
Jodi Picoult |
You want to do something about it - take action, scream at them, tell them they're idiots - but you can't. Being on the fringe is the most disempowering feeling. You get so used to the world being a certain way, there seems to be no escape from it.
Jodi Picoult |
Well, I had the other problem," I told him. "I had the heart of the relationship, and no body to grow it in." "What happened then?" "What else," I said. "It broke."
Jodi Picoult |
You want to hear something really sad?' I whisper. 'You're my best friend.' 'You're right. That is really sad.' Oliver grins. 'That's not what I meant.' 'Are we still playing True Confessions?' he asks. 'Is that what we're doing?' He reaches toward me and rubs a strand of my hair between his fingers. 'I think you're beautiful,' Oliver says. 'Inside and out.' He leans forward from the tiniest bit and breathes in, closing his eyes, before he ..
Jodi Picoult |
I didn't cry when she got on the plane. She lived with me for four years, and when she walked away, I didn't feel much of anything at all
Jodi Picoult |
There are always sides. There is always a winner, and a loser. For everyone person who gets, there's someone who must give.
Jodi Picoult |
I kept hoping, silently, that you would want to save her like you hadn't been able to save yourself.
Jodi Picoult |
Loves a tidal wave...because it sucks you under and you drown.
Jodi Picoult |
Ein Schatz wird erst dadurch zu einem Schatz, dass du ihn so schwer findest, wenn du ihn am dringendsten brauchst.
Jodi Picoult |
I couldn't hear his voice over the hammer of my heart. And I told myself over and over I should have known that someone who could love so hard and so well could also hate, and hurt, as deeply.
Jodi Picoult |
I stopped trying to figure out American juries around the same time Adam Sandler movies started raking in millions at the box office--people just don't act predictably.
Jodi Picoult |
So you're not even going to try? You're just going to assume that the answer's no?
Jodi Picoult |
there are just some people you cannot find the good in. But who am I to decide if someone should be killed for murdering a child...instead of for murdering a drug addict during a deal that went bad...or even if we should be killing the inmate himself? I'm not smart enough to be able to say which life is worth more than the other. I don't know if anyone is.
Jodi Picoult |
You could have been Bethany Matthews, Delia Hopkins, Cleopatra - it wouldn't matter. And if you'd grown up with a thousand lemon trees in the middle of the desert, with a cactus instead of a Christmas tree and a pet armadillo, well then, I would have gone to law school at Arizona State, I guess. I would have defended illegal aliens crossing the border. But we still would have wound up together, Dee. No matter what kind of life I had, you'd ..
Jodi Picoult |
You cannot hate someone until you know what it might be like to love them.
Jodi Picoult |
He couldn't live a life worth saving, and he couldn't save a life worth living.
Jodi Picoult |
Life is what happened when all the 'what-ifs' didn't . . . .
Jodi Picoult |
Just because you leave someone doesn't mean you ever let them go. Even when you couldn't see me, you knew deep down I was still there.
Jodi Picoult |
Bila kau mencintai seseorang, kau ingin agar ia memiliki semua yang didambakannya
Jodi Picoult |
because in the past words have only driven them apart.
Jodi Picoult |
There was a time when I prayed to saints. What I liked about them were their humble beginnings: they were human, once, and so you knew that they just got it in a way Jesus never would. They understood what it meant to have your hopes dashed or your promises broken or you feelings hurt.
Jodi Picoult |
In the past, even Alex's promises hadn't prevented a reoccurence. She didn't have a choice. She wished he could see that as clearly as she did.
Jodi Picoult |
The problem," he said, "with being one of the best is that you still have to get better. But you're competing with yourself."
Jodi Picoult |
males conspicuously leaving their mark to let others know where they weren't welcome.
Jodi Picoult |
Having to face him at a competency hearing is like getting to hell and finding out that the only food available is raw liver-insult added to injury.
Jodi Picoult |
The best lies are the ones that are wrapped around a core of truth.
Jodi Picoult |
You can't blame someone if they honestly don't understand that their reality isn't the same as yours. Today, when I get to Hartwick
Jodi Picoult |
And I thought--not for the first time--that forgiving and forgetting aren't mutually exclusive.
Jodi Picoult |
As a prosecutor, you've got the burden of proof. As a defense lawyer, all you have to do is introduce a tiny doubt.
Jodi Picoult |
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it really fall? If a character sits in a book and no one reads it, is he truly alive? As
Jodi Picoult |
Who knew that when you cut a slit in the belly of the night sky, it bled color?
Jodi Picoult |
Just because you can't see the wound doesn't mean it isn't hurting.
Jodi Picoult |
It was possible, Trixie supposed, that everyone had two faces: Some of us did a better job of hiding it than others.
Jodi Picoult |
There are no fairy tales in the wild, no Cinderella stories. The lowly wolf that seems to rise to the top of the pack was really the alpha all along
Jodi Picoult |
How could she trust this man, so imprecise with his words, to take care of the burial? To say there had been a loss was ludicrous; one lost a shoe or a pair of keys. You did not suffer the death of a child and say there was a loss. There was a catastrophe. A devastation. A hell.
Jodi Picoult |
The bottom line," Seven explained last night, "is that we never fall for the people we're supposed to."
Jodi Picoult |
Your child is hurt. How quickly can you make it better? What if you can't?
Jodi Picoult |
As I watched her, I understood why a mother would starve herself to feed a baby; how there was always time and room for a child to curl close to her side; how she could be soft enough to serve as a pillow and strong enough to move heaven and earth.
Jodi Picoult |
But Edward doesn't even flinch; it's as if he's reading the text of me with some magic internal Rosetta stone that makes him understand what I say is not what I mean at all.
Jodi Picoult |