It was the fact that I didn't want to kill anyone. I wasn't put on this earth to murder my fellow man. I'd grown up with violence - can't you see that? I can't bear it.
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Bruno. 'In Berlin we had a big house with five floors if you counted the
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retractable roof, a pair of black, white and red
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The New House
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approached and sometimes they fell to the ground and sometimes they didn't even get up and had to be carried away instead. It's funny that I've never wondered about those people, Bruno thought. And it's funny that when you think of all the times the soldiers go over there - and he had
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because a man glances up at the sky at night does not make him an astronomer, you know.' Bruno
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But then I didn't know what I was giving up until it was already gone. No one ever does, do they?
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After all, the great joy of literature, as opposed to politics or religion, is that it embraces differing opinions, it encourages debate, it allows us to have heated conversations with our closest friends and dearest loved ones and through it all no one gets hurt, no one gets taken away from their homes and no one gets killed.
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It was a difficult time to be Irish, a difficult time to be twenty-one years of age and a difficult time to be a man who was attracted to other men. To be all three simultaneously required a level of subterfuge and guile that felt contrary to my nature. I had never considered myself to be a dishonest person, hating the idea that I was capable of such mendacity and deceit, but the more I examined the architecture of my life, the more I reali..
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Fences like this exist all over the world. We hope you never have to reach such a fence.
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Every man is afraid of women as far as I can see," said Julian, displaying an understanding of the universe far beyond his years. "That's true," she said. "But only because most men are not as smart as women and yet they continue to hold all the power, they fear a change of the world order."
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The suggestion, however, regarding my age - that I am perhaps not quite fifty years old - would flatter me immensely. For it is many years now since I have been able to say in all honesty that I have only seen half a century. This is simply the age, or at least the visual representation of an age, at which I have been stuck for a large proportion of my 256 years of life. I am an old man.
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Oh, I hate him,' she said, and I noticed a flush of colour come into her cheeks and the manner in which the fingers of her left hand dug into her palm, as if she wanted something to take away the pain. 'I absolutely detest him. Afterwards, I didn't feel very much at all for a week or two. I suppose I was in shock. But then the fury rose and it hasn't subsided since. Sometimes I find it difficult to control. I think it was around the time th..
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Still, I had resolved to sit and talk with him and that is what I would do. He neither offered permission nor withheld it regarding the curtains, so I stepped over to the window and pulled them apart, glancing down onto the New York streets below. The yellow cabs were driving up and down honking their horns and the view between the skyscrapers held me for a minute. I had never fallen in love with this city--even after almost seven years my ..
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Nao torne as coisas piores, pensando que doi mais do que voce realmente esta sentindo.
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Algumas coisas estao la, cuidando da propria vida, esperando para serem descobertas. Como a America. Outras coisas e melhor que deixemos em paz. Como um rato morto no fundo do armario.
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I'm asking you, if we're not Jews, what are we instead?' 'We're the opposite,
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E entao o comodo ficou escuro e de alguma maneira, apesar do caos que se seguiu, Bruno percebeu que ainda estava segurando a mao de Shmuel entre as suas e nada no mundo o teria convencido a solta-la.
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The novel was written by Anshel Bronstein, the boy who had lived in the flat below him as a child. Of course, he remembered, he had wanted to be a writer. It seemed that his ambition had come true.
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But they'd never once invited any of the striped pajama people to dinner.
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What you know about women," replied Maude, "could be written in large font on the back of a postage stamp and there'd still be room for the Lord's Prayer. For"
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Shmuel blinked and shook his head. It was quite extraordinary. If it wasn't for the fact that Bruno was nowhere near as skinny as the boys on his side of the fence, and not quite so pale either, it would have been difficult to tell them apart. It was almost (Shmuel thought) as if they were all exactly the same really.
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The only thing I'd tell Maude, if she was here, is that she runs the risk of sounding a little anti-man at times, don't you agree? All the husbands in her novels are stupid, insensitive, faithless individuals with murky pasts, empty heads, micro-penises and questionable morals. But I suppose she had a good imagination, as all writers must, and she was simply making things up.
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Those people ... well, they're not people at all,
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My mother was Evelin's Hartford," said Maude, as if this would mean something to one or the other of us. "So you know, she simply adored chairs."
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Do you watch Neighbors, Cyril?" "Well, I've seen it," I admitted. "Although I wouldn't go so far as to say I watch it."
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Con los arboles pasaba todo lo contrario que con las personas: estas, cuanto mayores eran, mas pequenas parecian volverse. Con los arboles, funcionaba al reves.
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Do you watch Neighbors, Cyril?" "Well, I've seen it," I admitted. "Although I wouldn't go so far as to say I watch it." "You should. It's magnificent. Shakespearean in its characterization."
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I've always considered myself to be the sturdy type. You know, the sort who can put up with any unpleasant situation if I have to.
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Is it too much to ask for decent transportation during one's lifetime?
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Bruno thought about this and frowned. He wasn't particularly bothered if Gretel was being sent away because she was a Hopeless Case and caused nothing but trouble for him. But it seemed a little unfair that they all had to go with her.
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But what about school?' said Bruno, interrupting her, a thing he knew he was not supposed to do but which he felt he would be forgiven for on this occasion. 'And what about Karl and Daniel and Martin? How will they know where I am when we want to do things together?
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The more you read, the more you write, the more the ideas will appear. They'll fall like confetti around your head and your only difficulty will be deciding which ones to catch and which to let fall to the floor.
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There's nothing more tedious than a grown man blaming his parents, birth or otherwise, for all the things that have gone wrong in his life.
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My mother was Eveline Hartford," said Maude, as if this would mean something to one or the other of us. "So as you know, she simply adored chairs."
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Long before we discovered that he had fathered two children by two different women, one in Drimoleague and one in Clonakilty, Father James Monroe stood on the altar of the Church of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, in the parish of Goleen, West Cork, and denounced my mother as a whore.
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Bruno: Me parece que no puedo dejarlo. Me parece que no quiero.
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the usual nonsense that people who know nothing about anything, like me, say when they don't want their own days to be ruined by worrying about others.
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